(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit1 Teenage Life Language pointsppt课件.pptx

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1、 1.Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. 青年时期养成的好习惯会终身受益。 主干部分为:. 因此formed at youth可以删去(定状同任一种), 放在名词habits的后面,跟其有关系,为后置定 语,因habits和form为被动关系,因此用非谓语 done做后定。 非谓语做后置定语的一些例子 1. The book_(write)for teaching English as a foreigh language came out in the 16th century. 2.The language_(speak

2、) in German is charming. 3.Life in winter is hard for people_(live) in the countryside. 4.There are only a few dollars_(leave). 5.I dont like the shop_(locate)in the street. 6.I have many letters_(write). 1.Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. form cn.形式,表格 vt/vi形成,建立,塑造 The United N

3、ations was formed in 1945. We can form a good habit of garbage sorting. 1.Good habits formed at youth make all the difference. 有影响,起作用 make a /all the /no difference+to(介词) 2.volunteer cn.志愿者 vt/vi自愿做某事 volunteer to do sth Many students volunteered to help voluntary adj.志愿的,自愿 的 do voluntary work Sh

4、e is a voluntary worker at the hosptial. 3.debate vt/vi/cn/un辩论 under debate 在辩论中 there is a heated/hot debate about/on/over sth对某问题 展开了激烈的讨论。 There.about the Passenger Regulation whether passengers can use louderspeakers or not at Shanghai Metro. 4.prefer(preferred)vt更喜欢 prefer sth prefer doing sth

5、 prefer to do sth prefer sb/sth to do sth prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B prefer to do A rather than do B prefer that+虚拟语气(should)+v preference n.偏爱,偏爱的人/物 preference for sth对。偏爱 preferred adj.首选的,有优先权的 5.predict vt.预测 prediction n.预测 predict that/wh-从句 专家预测在不久的将来大多数人会住在城市里。 Experts predict

6、that most people will live in cities in the near future. 很难预料何时我们的公路上才会出现大量的无 人驾驶汽车。 Its hard to predict when driverless cars will be everywhere on our roads. Its predicted that据预测 据预测,川普会连任美国总统。 Its predicted that Trump is going to win re-election. 6.content adj.满足的 be content with对。知足 be content t

7、o do sth乐得做某事 un.满足,内容 cn.所含之物,目录 vt.使满足 7.happen vi 发生,碰巧 sth happens某事发生 sth happens to sb某事发生在 某人身上 正如约翰曾说过的,计划赶不上变化。 As John once said, life is what happens to you while you are busy making other plans. 7.happen vi 发生,碰巧 sb happens to do sth某人碰巧做某事 It happens that.碰巧。 他来的时候碰巧我出去。 It happens that

8、 I was out when he came. 8.dog-whistle range狗哨范围之内 range cn.一系列。山脉 a range of un.范围,界限,距离 College students come from a wide range of social,cultural and economic backgrounds. 大学生们有着不同的社会,文化和经济背景。 Most of the students are in the 16-19 age range. 大部分学生的年龄在16-19岁之间。 The price is beyond our range, so we

9、 declined. 价格超出了我们能承受的范围,所以我们拒绝了。 Dont miss the opportunity to see whales at close range. 不要错过近距离观看鲸鱼的机会。 in/within range(of)在。的范围内 out of range(of) /beyond range超出。的范围 vi.从。到。不等/处于某个范围内 The show had a large audience, ranging form children to grandparents. 这个节目观众很多,从小孩子到爷爷奶奶那一辈的都有。 The price ranges

10、between 25 and 400. 价格在25到400美元之间。 v.漫步,四处移动=wander The polar bear range all the way across the Arctic. 北极熊的活动范围遍及整个北极。 9. mean vt.意思是,意味着 mean sth意思是。,意味着。 mean doing sth意味着做某事 mean that意味着。 vt。意欲,打算 mean sth意欲。 mean to do sth打算做某事 be meant for为。而预备的 be meant to do sth旨在做某事。 be meant to be.被普遍认为是 这

11、椅子是专门为儿童预备的。 The chairs are meant for children. 这个活动旨在培养孩子的阅读能力。 The activity is meant to cultivate childrens reading ability. 大家都说这家饭店很棒。 The restaurant is meant to be excellent. adj.吝啬的,小气的,刻薄的。 10.One reason is that teenagers are too young. It is quite natural for a teenager at that age to feel h

12、e or she likes somebody. We think its possible for teenagers to date and study at the same time. 主语+系动词+表语从句,that只起连接作用,不能省略。 主语+系动词+表语,it是形式主语,to feel.为非谓语做主 语。 主+谓+宾语从句(that),只起连接作用 在宾语从句里,为主系表结构,it形式主语,to date.为主语 10.It is quite natural for a teenager at that age to feel he or she likes somebody.

13、 feel vt/vi认为,觉得 feel +宾语(that)从句 feel +it(形式宾语)+宾语(n/adj)+to do sth(真宾语) 杰瑞觉得数学很有趣。 Jerry feels that math is interesting. 杰瑞觉得学习数学很有趣。/学习数学是他的任务。 Jerry feels it interesting to study math. Jerry feels it his duty to study math. 系动词,摸起来,感受到+adj vt.意识到,感觉到 feel sb/sth+do sth/doing sth/done(宾语+宾补) 我感觉到

14、房子震动。 I feel the house shake/shaking. 他感觉汗水正顺着脸颊流下来。 He feels the sweat running down his face. 他感觉去掉了一块大心事。 He felt a great weight taken off his mind. feel like sth摸起来像,感觉像,想要某物 feel like doing sth想要做某事 这条裙子摸起来像丝绸。 The dress feels like silk. 我感觉像个傻瓜。 I feel like a fool. 我想出去野餐。 I feel like going out

15、 for a picnic. feel n.感觉,气氛 11. Id like to, but Im not sure which one sure adj.确定的,有把握的 be sure about/of sth确信某事 肯定句be sure that从句 否定句 be sure wh-从句 adj.一定会,准会 be sure to do sth一定会做某事 for sure肯定地,毫无疑问地 make sure弄清楚查明 make sure of sth/make sure that从句 12. draw vt拖,拉,拔出,取钱,抽出,推断出,画 画,吸引,引起 draw a conc

16、lusion from sth从某事中得出结论 draw ones attention吸引某人的注意 draw in火车进站 draw near/closer接近,靠近 13. direction n.方向,指挥,用法说明,指示 in the direction of朝。方向 under ones direction在某人的指导下 follow ones directions遵循某人的指示 direct adj.直接的,直率的 a direct flight to London直达伦敦地航班 adv.直接地=directly,直达地 She goes direct to the manager

17、. She flew direct to Paris. vt.给,指路,指挥,导演,指导,负责,命令 directly adv.直接地,一会 连词,一。就。 我一进门就闻到烟味。 Directly I walked in the door I smelt smoke. director n.导演,指挥 14. Im wondering which one I should choose. wonder vt想知道+wh-从句 I wonder whether/if从句不知是否 vi对。感到讶异,惊讶 wonder at sth/about .n.惊异,奇迹,奇事,奇才 Its a wonder

18、 that.这真令人惊奇。 (Its) no woner that不足为奇 15. declare vt.宣布,声明,声称 declare war on国家 对。宣战 declare that从句 declare sth/sb(to be)sth 已宣布这个地区成为国家公园。 The area has been declared a national park. declaration n.声明,宣告,宣言 Declaration of Independence.独立宣言 16. absorb vt吸收,吸引,掌握,使专心 absorbed adj.专心致志的 be absorbed in专心

19、 _(absorb)in painting, he always forgets eating. When_(absorb)in. He is sitting at the table, _(absorb) in reading. The girl_(absorb) in reading is my sister. 17. keen adj.渴望的 be keen on sth/on doing sth be keen to do sth adj.强烈的 a keen reader一个酷爱读书的人 have a keen interest in 对。有强烈兴趣 be keen on sth对。

20、喜欢 adj.灵敏的 have a keen eye for sth对。有慧眼 18.head n.头。顶端,首长,头脑,数量头数 vi.朝。出发,动身 head to去某地 head for表目的,朝。方向走 我们还是回家吧 We had better head for home. 我们去巴黎。 We head to Paris. 19.earn vt赚得,赢得 earn ones living谋生 earnings n.薪水 20.eager adj.渴望的 be eager to do sth be eager for sth eagerly adv热心地,急切地 eagerness n

21、.热切,渴望 21.prepare vt.使做好准备 prepare. for.为。准备。,使。为。做好 准备 为客人准备了一间客房。 A room is prepared for the guest. 教育的作用是让我们对生活有所准备。 The function of education is to prepare us for life. vt/vi有准备 prepare for sth/prepare oneself for sth/to do sth 这些课程有助于学生为大学课程做准备。 The lectures help students prepare for college ma

22、th. 部队准备开赴战场。 The troops prepared themselves to go into battle. prepared adj.准备好的 be/get prepared for sth/to do sth 我要为大学或将来发生的其他事情做好准备。 Ill be well prepared for university or whatever else comes in the future. 22.strength n.体力,力量,优点 strength of will意志力 stengths and weaknesses优点和缺点 strengthen vt.加强 23.reveal vt.揭露,泄露 24.character n.性格,特色,品性,人物,汉字


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