(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第一册Unit 1 Teenage LifePeriod 2 Reading and Thinking 教案.docx

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1、1 / 4 Unit 1 Teenage Life Period 2 Reading and Thinking 教材分析教材分析 该板块以“比较不同地方的学校生活”(Compare school life in different places)为活动主 题,引导学生探讨和比较中外高中新生的生活,了解同龄人的生活状态和情感世界,尤其是 在成长过程中克服困难、努力进取的心路历程。语篇的主题是“新生的挑战”(The Freshman Challenge)。文章以第一人称的口吻描述了美国学生 Adam 进入高中后所面临的三个挑战: 如何选择课程、如何加入心仪的校橄榄球队、如何适应高中学习生活。文章层

2、次分明、结构 清晰,内容符合高中学生的认知需求,能让学生产生共鸣。 教学目标教学目标 1. 能正确理解使用下列词汇:challenge, title, topic, confused, fluent, graduate, recommend, advance, literature, extra, obviously, quit, responsible, responsibility, solution, schedule, editor 2. 阅读自述体文本,理解其文体特征及语言特点,获取有效信息。 3. 能够利用语篇标题、图片、关键词、主题句等获得语篇大意。 4. 了解中外青少年在学习生

3、活、课外活动和成长中可能面临的身心问题。 5. 能够通过对比和比较审视自己的高中学习和生活,树立良好的心态,正确面对学习和生 活中的困难和挫折。 6. 学习和了解中外青少年学习生活的异同,开阔文化视野。 教学重难点教学重难点 【教学重点】 强化训练学生运用略读策略快速获取文本的主要信息, 帮助学生分析语篇的组织结构, 引导 学生比较和思考中外高中生活的异同。 2 / 4 【教学难点】 掌握运用略读快速获取文本信息的阅读策略。 教学过程教学过程 Task Compare school life in different places Step 1 Warming-up Watch the sho

4、rt video about the differences between the high schools in America and China. 设计意图:用视频直观而直接地介绍本课话题,引起学生兴趣的同时,为下面的阅读活动准 备铺垫。 Step 2 Pre-reading 1. Work onActivity 1. Discuss the following questions in groups: (1) What do you want to know about school life in other countries? (2) What would you tell a

5、 teenager from another country about school life in China? 2. Students look at the picture and the title of the passage, then predict the content of the passage. 设计意图:引导学生通过观察插图和标题推测文章大意,引起学生阅读兴趣。 Step 3 While-reading 1. Work onActivity 2. Students read the text quickly to find the main idea of each

6、 paragraph. 2. Teacher introduces the reading strategy of skimming. Then check the answers ofActivity 2. 3. Students draw a mind map according to the main idea of each paragraph and the structure of the whole passage. Then answer the following questions: (1) Which paragraph is the main part? (2) Whi

7、ch paragraph are the supporting parts? 3 / 4 4. Work onActivity 3. Read the text again and answer the questions. 5. Work onActivity 4. Complete the outline according to the text. 设计意图:通过四个阅读理解活动,引起学生的阅读兴趣,并激活学生的相关内容图式。不 同类型的活动设计既帮助学生强化文章细节的理解, 又能帮助学生梳理语篇结构, 培养学生 抓住关键词的能力。 Step 4 Post-reading 1. Work

8、 in groups. Discuss the first question ofActivity 4. 2. Work in groups. Discuss the second question of Activity 4. Then note down your results in the form. Course Club Challenge Feeling Solution 3. Students compare their school life with Adams. 4. Work on Activity 5. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the new words from the Para.1 Challenge Para.2 How to choose courses Para.3 How to choose extra-curricular activities Para.4 How to study 4 / 4 text. Step 5Assignment Write an email to Adam. Compare your school life in China with his. Give him some suggestions on learning Chinese.


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