(新教材)人教版(2019)高中英语必修第二册Unit3 The internet单元考点分层训练(含答案).doc

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1、Unit3 The internet 单元考点分层训练单元考点分层训练 【核心词汇短语】【核心词汇短语】 【access】 (1)单句语法填空 Medicine should not be kept where it is _ (access) to children. You need a password to get access _ the computer system. Youve illegally _ (access) confidential files. 答案:accessibletoaccessed (2)单句写作 在贝尔法斯特校园的学生有使用极好的体育设施的机会。 St

2、udents at the Belfast campus _ excellent sports facilities. 这张卡和密码能让你获取这个网站上的所有信息。 The card and the passwords allow you _ all the information of the web. 答案:have access toto access 【benefit】 (1)单句语法填空 I hope youre not doing that _ my benefit. We are sure to benefit _ the new timetable. He couldnt se

3、e the benefit _ arguing any longer. 答案:forfromof (2)单句写作 你们需要为社区谋利益的人。 You need people working for the _ the community. 病人休息几天会有好处。 The patient will _ a few days rest. 答案:benefit ofbenefit by 【blog】 (1)单句语法填空 I need it for my _ (blog), my other writing, for keeping in touch with family and friends.

4、While most _ (blog) comment on news reported elsewhere, some do their own reporting. 答案:bloggingbloggers (2)单句写作 他们异常渴望刷新微博,如果他们错过了最新消息,他们会感到不安。 They are so urge to refresh the _, they panic when they miss the latest news. 我读了一份你参与撰写的报告或我读了你写的博客。 I read a report that you contributed to or I _ that y

5、ou wrote. 答案:microblogread a blog 【chat】 (1)单句语法填空 I enjoy a chat _ a friend. She had had a womantowoman _ with Mrs Hardie. She went straight over and tried to chat him _. Whatever you want to chat _, well do it tonight. 答案:withchatupabout (2)单句写作 上午,我用瑞典话和拉尔斯聊了一会。 I had _ Lars in the morning and sp

6、oke Swedish. 答案:a chat with 【convenient】 (1)单句语法填空 If it is _ (convenience) for you, Ill meet you at the entrance of the music hall at 7:00 that evening. The family thought it was more convenient _ (eat) in the kitchen. The box_ (convenient) folds flat when not in use. 答案:convenientto eatconvenientl

7、y (2)单句写作 如果您方便,我们 8:30 在校门外见面吧。 If it is _ you, lets meet at 8:30 outside the school gate. 请在你方便时给我回复。 Please send me an answer _. 答案:convenient forat your convenience 【discount】 (1)单句语法填空 She bought lots of clothes _ a discount. Can you give me some discount _ this set of silk pajamas? All CDs wer

8、e discounted 23% _ the marked price. 答案:atonoff (2)单句写作 如果你买十本以上,他们通常给你打折。 They usually _ if you buy more than ten copies. 答案:give you a discount 【embarrassed】 (1)单句语法填空 I was very_ (embarrass) to hear people speak so highly of me. He found it _ (embarrass) to be honest. To my_ (embarrass), I couldn

9、t remember her name. 答案:embarrassedembarrassingembarrassment (2)单句写作 当被问到年龄时,她感到局促不安。 She was _ about her age. 答案:embarrassed at being asked 【familiar】 (1)单句语法填空 Are you familiar _ the computer software they use? Your name is familiar _ me. Her _ (familiar) with Japanese surprised me. 答案:withtofamil

10、iarity (2)单句写作 任何关注这个案件的人都熟悉它的细节。 The details _ anyone who has followed the case. 答案:are familiar to 【go 短语】 (1)单句语法填空 I dont ever want to go _ anything like that again. I was searching for a pair of grey gloves to go _ my new gown. Why are they so happy when stocks go _, and sad when stocks go _. 答

11、案:throughwithup; down (2)单句写作 他们在战争年代里历尽千辛万苦。 They _ many hardships during the war. 答案:went through 【identity】 (1)单句语法填空 Their _ (identity) were kept secret. He was too far away to be able to _ (identity) In many cases, the clothes people wear identify them _ belonging to a particular social class.

12、答案:identitiesidentifyas (2)单句写作 警方正努力调查杀人凶手的身份。 The police are trying to discover _ the killer. 答案:the identity of 【in 短语】 (1)单句语法填空 When we say someone is_ good shape, we mean they are physically sound. I get out of breath when I run because Im _ of shape. 答案:inout (2)单句写作 既然你身体状况良好,也许可以开始一项新的运动,比如

13、攀岩。 Now that youre _, you might take up a new activity, such as rock climbing. 答案:in (good) shape 【inspire】 (1)单句语法填空 The actors inspired the kids _ their enthusiasm. She was one of the most _ (inspire) people Ive ever met. The writer drew _ (inspire) from her childhood experiences. 答案:withinspiring

14、inspiration (2)单句写作 我受到激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。 I was _ than ever before. 答案:inspired to work harder 【keep 短语】 (1)单句语法填空 Try to keep in mind _ this is a serious matter. Ive been working twelve hours a day, but I shall not be able to keep _ up. 答案:thatit (2)单句写作 在要求涨工资之前,切记公司最近的财务状况不佳。 Before you ask for a

15、 raise in salary, _ that the company isnt doing well financially right now. 我会牢记你的建议。 Ill _. 答案:keep/bear in mindkeep/bear your advice in mind 【particular】 (1)单句语法填空 Are you looking for anything _ particular? Traffic is bad, _ (particular) in the city centre. 答案:inparticularly (2)单句写作 不要太讲究吃穿,应该多注意学

16、习和工作。 Dont be too _ what you eat and wear; pay more attention to your study and work. 答案:particular about 【press】 (1)单句语法填空 He pressed his face _ the window. They agreed to press _ the conference to deal with the problem. They are pressing us _ (make) a quick decision. 答案:againstforto make (2)单句写作 他

17、把一枚硬币塞进她手里,然后继续向前走。 He _ her hand and moved on. 不要勉强自己做不喜欢的事情。 Dont let yourself _ something you dont like. 答案:pressed a coin intobe pressed into doing 【stream】 (1)单句语法填空 Tears streamed _ his face. Ive had a steady stream _ visitors. 答案:down/fromof (2)单句写作 在首尔,即便是乘地铁上下班的人都能在手机上播放流媒体电影,哪怕是在 地下很深的地方。

18、In Seoul, even subway straphangers can _ on their phones, deep beneath the ground. 答案:stream movies 【stuck】 (1)单句语法填空 If he gets stuck _ a word, he can make the computer prompt him. I am stuck _ the naughty boy for the whole day. We used glue to _ (stuck) the broken pieces together. 答案:onwithstick (

19、2)单句写作 我想帮你,但我也进退两难。 Id like to help you but I am _. 答案:caught/stuck between a rock and a hard place 【upset】 (1)单句语法填空 Walking towards the scene, Tennyson became very upset _ what had happened to the couple. She was upset _ her application for the position was refused. 答案:aboutthat (2)单句写作 尽管他迟到打乱了我

20、们的安排,最终我们还是设法弥补了。 Although his being late _,we managed to make up for it eventually. 海鲜总是令我肠胃不适。 Seafood always _. 答案:upset our arrangementsupsets my stomach 【核心句型】【核心句型】 【find 宾补结构】 指出下列句子中宾语补足语的词性 I find him a_genius._ I found the movie interesting._ We found everything there in_good_order._ I fou

21、nd the dog running through our garden._ I found the vase broken._ 答案:名词形容词介词短语现在分词过去分词 【it depends】 (1)单句语法填空 It depends _ the specific circumstances. _ depends on how much time I have today. You can depend on _ that she will come in time. Theyre depending on him _ (finish) the job by Friday. 答案:onI

22、titto finish (2)单句写作 但你能在这所房子里待多久呢? 我不知道,这要看情况。 But how long can you stay in the house? I dont know. _. 答案:It (all) depends/That depends 【more than】 单句写作 比我们预期的人要多得多。 There are many more people _. 这家公司对质量比对产量更关心。 This company is more concerned with quality _. 与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。 He is more_. 答案:than we e

23、xpectedthan with quantitylucky than clever 【there ben./pron.v.ing/v.ed】 单句语法填空 Last night, there were millions of people _ (watch) the opening ceremony live on TV. Today there are more airplanes _ (carry) more people than ever before in the skies. Theres a note _ (pin) to the door saying when the sh

24、op will open again. 答案:watchingcarryingpinned 【动名词短语作主语】 (1)单句语法填空 Seeing _ (be) easier than doing. It is worthwhile _ (consult) your tutor about it. _ (she) missing the train caused her to stay in the city for another day. 答案:isconsultingHer (2)单句写作 在网络上寻求建议对你的学习是没有帮助的。 _ on the Internet is not hel

25、pful for your study. 答案:Asking for advice 【so.that.】 (1)单句语法填空 He feels so bored _ he sleeps all day. He has _ many books that I cant count them. So fast _ he run that he is far ahead of others. 答案:thatsodoes (2)单句写作 这本书非常有趣,我们都喜欢看。 This is so_ that we all enjoy reading it. 答案:interesting a book 【no

26、w that】 单句写作 既然每个人都到了,我们现在开始开会。 _ everyone is here, lets begin the meeting. 由于他未能及时准备好,我们没有等他就走了。 _ he has not been ready in time, we went without him. 既然你对此这么有把握,他会相信你的。 _ you are so sure of it, hell believe you. 我购买这房子,只是因为它面积大。 I bought the house simply _ it was large. 有东西掉进去了,因为我听见扑通一声。 Somethin

27、g fell in, _ I heard a splash. 答案:Now thatAsSincebecausefor 【the+比较级,the+比较级】 (1)单句语法填空 The more you share, the _ you get. The _ (difficult) the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them. The more you practise, the_ (well) you can understand. 答案:moremore difficultbetter (2)单句写作 我们越能享受已有的东西,我们就越快乐。 _ we can enjoy what we have, _ we are. 答案:The more; the happier


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