新人教版七年级下Unit 9 What does he look like.(Section A 1a-2c)教学设计(精品).docx

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新人教版七年级下Unit 9 What does he look like.(Section A 1a-2c)教学设计(精品).docx_第5页
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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 共 1 课时 Section A 初中英语 人教 2011 课标版评论( 0) 1 教学目标 1知识目标: 1)掌握及运用表达外貌特征的单词和词组: short hair, long hair, straight hair, curly hair, tall, short, be of medium height, thin, heavy, be of medium build. 2 ) 学习表达外貌特征的句子: - What does he/ she look like? - He/ She is/ has ? . 2 能力目标:能用短篇描述人物的外貌。 3

2、情感目标: 通过谈论外貌的方式,懂得不能以貌取人。评论( 0) 2 学情分析 教学内容分析: 本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书新目标英语 Go for it 七年级(下册)的第九单元( Unit 9 What does he look like? Section A (1a-2c))。本单元以描述人物外貌特征为中心话题, 以 What does he look like? He/She is/has+其他 .结构为框架 ,进行多角度的反复练习。这一话题与学生日常生活紧密相关,学生很熟悉,易于引发学生用英语进行表达和对话。本单元新的语言点是人物外貌特征的表达,包括头发,身高,体型等。本节课是

3、听说课,作为 Unit 9 的第一课时,是为本单元其他课时做语言铺垫,极为重要。本节课围绕着本单元“人物外貌特征”这一话题培养学生能够运用所学知识,用英语就某人外貌展开描述。在本课的教学过程中,为了缓解学生的紧张心理,在开始上课之前,以老师本身进行描 述“ Do you like me? Am I beautiful?”热身;然后学生根据已学知识以及预习的内容,对老师进行简单的描述,这一步既能检查学生的预习情况,又能激发学生的兴趣;利用图片分别对人物的头发,身高和体型进行分类学习,并且在小结之后利用学生本身的情况进行描述。通过开展这些小活动,不仅营造了轻松的听说课堂氛围,而且又能够让学生在参与

4、活动中积累词句,理清思路,为下一步的综合描述做好了充分的准备。在学习了多方面按描述人物外貌之后,让学生看图自由描述,让学生在欣赏中,积累其他同学的优美词句。在完成表达 后,与学生描述身边的同学,并让其他同学猜,在愉快的环境中完成任务。我欣赏,我快乐!让学生在report 中,把握 report 的结构,学会如何用短篇描述人物外貌。通过这一系列的教学环节,学生在老师的引导下积极投入到听说课堂,通过讨论、同伴互助欣赏、小组合作等活动,轻松、顺利地完成了本单元话题的听说任务,从而感受到了听说课的快乐。 学生情况分析 : 本届七年级学生作为该课授课对象,刚开始他们还是缺乏英语学习的兴趣,口语表达的水平

5、不高,部分学生还对开口说英语产生了焦虑。从入学开始,在老师的指导下,围绕现行教材七上以及 七下的八个单元的每单元的话题,进行大量的口语训练。虽然大部分学生已掌握了听说的技巧,但他们表达能力还有限,进入到初一下学期,笔者继续对听说课课进行优化和深化。本节课根据学生的学情,以小组合作的方式为学生的写作积累大量的写作素材,并设计真实的教学情景和任务来激发学生开口说英语的积极性,培养他们的合作能力,增强他们的自信心,训练学生的领悟能力和运用能力,以此提高学生自主表达的能力。评论( 0) 3 重点难点 教学重点:掌握谈论人物外貌特征的单词,短语和以及其在句子中的应用。 教学难点:设置任务,引导学生大胆发

6、言。 4 教学过程 4.1 第一学时教学活动评论( 0)活动 1【导入】 Lead in( 4 minutes) 1. Free talk. ( 30“) T: What is the weather like today? Who is on duty today? Do you prepare lessons before class? 2. Check answers of the exercise before class.(2minutes) 3.Lead in the class with the teacher herself.(1 minute) T: Do you like

7、me? Am I beautiful? What do I look like? Ss: You are tall. You are beautiful. 3. Present the studying aims.( 30“) =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = T: How to describe people s looks, let s learn Unit 9 What does he look like? First see the studying aim of this lesson. Read them,.(Show the PPT to Ss) (设计意图:教育心理学表明,学生

8、带着明确的学习目标和任务去学习,效果更佳。)评论( 0)活动 2【讲授】 Presentation(20minutes) 1.learn the new words about looks in the sentences about hair, height, build.(6 minutes) Show the students some pictures, then ask Ss some to speak out the phrases. Read together. T: How can we describe people s looks. We can describe them

9、 from their? Ss: Hair, height, build . T: Well , let s first learn “ Hair” . S1: Short hair. S2: Long hair. S3: Straight hair. S4: curly hair. T: What does she look like ? Ss: She has long hair. She has curly hair. T:What does she look like?(Point a student, another student answers.) S5: She has str

10、aight hair. (设计意图:通过分类学习头发,身高和体型,不仅激发了学生们的学习兴趣,而且可以让学生使用本单元重点句型简单谈论人物的外貌变化,使他们迅速投入到课堂学习活动中。) 2.Summary(1 minute) T: Do you know how to describe people s looks ? Ss: Yes. T: Very good . We can describe from ? S1:Height . S2: Hair ? . T: Yes , hair . S3: Short hair, long hair, curly hair, straight hai

11、r, black hair. T: Here we need to add “ has” . (设计意图:通过小结的形式总结前面学到的关于头发,身高,体型的句型,让学生们尽可能全面掌握描述人物外貌特征的三个方面以及其不同的句型,为后面的对话做好铺垫。同时可以让学生发现自己没有掌握的地方,查漏补缺。) 3.Pair work: -What does he look like ? - She/He is/ has? (5 minutes) 操作过程:首先出示一张韩红的照片,让一个学生回答 What does Han Hong look like?,之后让学生根据已学的知识自由回答,并解析关于头发的

12、形容词的排列顺序。并且出现另外三个外貌各不相同的明星,学生们两个合作练习对话。之后邀请四对学生表演对话。 T: What does Han Hong look like? S1: She is short. S2: She is a little heavy. S3: She has short hair. S4: She has straight hair. S5: She has yellow hair. T: Clever ! We can also say: She is short and a little heavy. She has short straight yellow h

13、air.关于=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 头发的形容词的排列顺序是:长短 +形状 +颜色 +头发 . T: There are another 3 famous stars here ! Please work with your partner to practice the conversations. 1 minute for you. Then I will ask some students to act them out. 4.Group work:探究还有那些方面可以描述人物外貌特征。 (1minute) 结论:眼睛,鼻子,嘴巴,眼镜,衣服等方面。 (设计意图:通过 pair

14、 work 这个环节,让同学熟练掌握运用 -What does he look like ? - She/He is/ has?句型表达人物的外貌特征,为后面的短篇描述积累素材。同时能够再次激起学生的兴趣及表达欲望,将课堂推向一个高潮。) 5. Describe two stars by themselves(3 minutes) ( 1) Describe another two stars according to the key words.根据关键词,描述另外两个明星。 T: What does Liu Qian look like? Describe him from these f

15、ive aspects. S1:? T: Good! What does Liu Yifei look like? S2:? . 6.Guessing game.(4minutes) T: I will describe a person to you. And you guess who she is. She is a member of our class. She is a little tall and a little heavy. She has long hair. She wears a pair of glasses. She is in the classroom now

16、. S1: Is she our math teacher? T: No, she isn t. S2: Is she Summer? T: .Yes, she is. T: Now, it s your turn to describe your friend. Please choose a friend in our class, them describe him or her. Let the other students guess. 1 minute for you to prepare. S1: ? S2:? S3:? (设计意图:此部分有两个环节。第一环节通过老师描述,学生来

17、猜这个活动,来做一个示范;第二环节学生依据示范的内容选择自己要描述的对象,并进行充分的准备,然后上台描述让其他同学猜。同时能够再次激起学生的兴趣及表达欲望,将课堂推向一个新的 高潮。)评论( 0)活动 3【活动】 Consolidate(13minutes) 1.Finish 1a. ( 1minute) T: Open your books to page 49,finish 1a. T:Check answers. 2.Listen to 1b.( 2minutes) T: Among these people, who is Amy s friend? Let s listen and

18、fill in the blanks. T: Amy s friend is ? S1:? 3.Listen to 2b, fill in the chart. ( 3minutes) T:What do David, Sally and Peter look like? Let s listen and fill in the chart. T: Time is up. Let s check answers. Read them together like this: David is heavy and tall. He has curly hair. Sally? (设计意图:在进行了

19、 一系列的活动练习,并渗透透了描述人物外貌的技巧之后,让学生利用表格,把表格信息变成句子,给学生提供实践的机会。) =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 4 Do a survey(3 minutes) T: I want to know what your teachers look like . let s do a survey and fill in the blanks. I will ask some students to make a report in 3 minutes. (设计意图:学生填写表格,自我准备,大声读出,自我欣赏,体会到写作带来的成功与乐趣,并进行自我检查,发现存在的小问题,及时改正。) 5 Make a report(4 minutes) T: I will make a report for you first. This is the information of my class. Hello, everyone! There are ten t eachers


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