川教版五年级下册Unit 2 Four Seasons-Lesson 2 Seasons and Months-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e192f).doc

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川教版五年级下册Unit 2 Four Seasons-Lesson 2 Seasons and Months-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:e192f).doc_第1页
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1、LessonLesson 2 2 SeasonsSeasons andand MonthsMonths 一.教材分析: Lesson 2 Seasons and Months 是四川教育出版社出版的英语五年级下 册第二单元的第二课,课文内容是关于描述各个季节的特征以及气象划分,如本 课的新词汇:plants grow, wind blows,leaves fall,harvest, snow,季节和 月份已经四年级上册和下册学过。该教学题材贴近学生的生活,有利于学生语言 的积累和语言运用能力的发展,体现了英语课程标准的理念。但是这篇课文出现 的新单词多,句子也多,涉及的某些单词较为难发音。本篇

2、教案为第一课时教学 设计。作为第一课时,主要整体呈现单词教学,能认读、拼写文中的新短语、新 单词;初步掌握对季节、季节代表的颜色、该季节相关的月份提问:What season is it? - Its .When is 季节名-Its from . to .What colour is spring ?-Its green because plants grow. 二.学生情况分析: 五年级的孩子已开始形成一定的逻辑思维能力,听音习惯良好,阅读理解能 力进一步提高,课堂虽不很活跃,但是表现力佳,能够大胆尝试新的语言,积极 主动参与学习活动。由于是五年级下学期,已经学习英语两年半,所以学生的词

3、汇量和句型量都有一定的积累,对英语学习的兴趣依然浓厚,学习热情比较高。 三.教学目标分析: 1、认知目标: 1)使学生使学生能拼读、理解本课的新短语和新单词:plants grow, wind blows,leaves fall,harvest, snow,做到发音准确、语调自然、理解词义。 2)让学生能理解、应用新句型:“What season is it?”“Its . ” “When issummer?” -“Its from June to August.”“What colour is spring?” -“Its green because plants grow.”并能用所学句型

4、描述季节 特征。 2、能力目标: 通过“互动型”的教学途径,培养英语交际能力,提高学生的语言能力和学习 能力,让学生得到自我发展和个性发展。 3、情意目标: 1) 提高学生学习英语的兴趣;结合学习内容,培养学生的表现力,养成学生爱 思考的良好习惯。 2)通过学习让学生了解不同的季节特征和以气候怎么来划分一年四季。 四教学重点: 1、能 听 懂 , 并 正 确 朗 读 本 课 单 词 : plants grow, wind blows,leaves fall,harvest, snow 2、能听懂,并能用所学句型谈论季节及其特征:What season is it?- Its . When is

5、.?-Its from . to . What colour is .?-Its .because . 五.教学难点: 学生能正确朗读月份单词、季节特征短语。 六.教学方法: 在本次课堂教学中, 会使用到 5 种教学方法: 歌曲导入法、 讲授法、 合作学习法、 情景教学法和任务型教学法。 七.教学过程: Step 1 导:Lets listen about four seasons. 1.Warm up. Good morning,class.My name is Wang Yan.You can call me Miss Wang.Listen a song about four seaso

6、ns. 2.Listen toSeasons Song. There are four seasons in a year.What are they? (-Winter,spring,summer,autumn.) Follow me,spring,spring,春季,spring,summer,summer,夏季,summer, autumn,autumn,秋季,autumn,winter,winter,冬季,winter. Today,we learn Lesson 2 Seasons and Months (出示板书),季节和月份。 Spring is from March to Ma

7、y.春季是从 3 月到五月。Summer is from June to August.夏季是从 6 月到 8 月。Autumn is from September to November.秋季是 从 9 月到 11 月。Winter is from December to February.冬季是从 12 月到 2 月。 Step 2 探:Lets learn the new phrases and words. 1.Teaching the worlds according to the phonetic symbol . (1)There are many plants.They are

8、 growing.有很多植物,它们正在成 长。(用自然拼音法教短语 pants grow) (2)Look,yellow leaves!看,黄色的树叶!leaves,leaves,树叶,leaves, fall,fall,掉落,fall.(用同种方式教 wind blows) (3)Oh,They are harvesting.他们正在收获果实。harvest,harvest,收获, 收割,harvest. (4)Its snowing.下雪了。snow,snow,下雪、雪,snow. 2.Read the words in group.Which group is better?The be

9、st group will get 3 scores.The other group will get 1 scores. 3.Read together.Plants grow,plants grow,植物生长,plants grow. Step 3 拨:Talk about seasons and months. 1.Show the picture about summer,ask the pupils “What season is it?”. 它是什么季节?-“Its summer.” (抽 2 名学生答问,引导学生们应用 “Its .”句型回答问题“它是什么季节?”) 2.Then

10、 ask them: “When is summer ?夏季是什么时候? Its from.to.”- “ ItsfromJunetoAugust.”( 引 导 同 学 们 用 from.to.,重点强调六月 June 和八月 August 的发音。) 3.Show the picture about spring,ask the children:“What season is it?” -“Its spring.”(引导学生用“Its 季节名.”)“What colour is spring?(一边提问,一边向左一次指着 PPT 上每个单词解释句意,春季是什么 颜色?) -Its gree

11、n.(引导学生应用“Its 颜色.”句型。再提问“Why is Spring green?请联想我们今天学过的词汇。 因为., Because.” - “Because plants grow.” (教读 2 组新句型)Read after me.(然后,师问生答,接着 2 人一组互问互答。) Step 4 练:Make upa new conversation.(autumn,June,August,leaves fall) 1.There is a picture about yellow leaves.这儿有 1 副关于黄色树叶的 图片。Please make up a new conv

12、ersation with the words we have learned. 请从 3 组句型中选择 1 组,用我们已经学过的单词和句型编成一段新的对话。 2.Select some pupils to show their conversations.Who can try?Who want to try? ( Whatseasonis it?-Itsautumn . Whatcolouris autumn?-Itsyellow because leaves fall. Whenisautumn?-ItsfromSeptembertoNovember.) Step 5 延:Choose and fill in the blanks with the words and phrases.Then check the answers.让同学们完成选词填空题,并核对答案。测试学生对本文词 汇和句型的掌握情况。Who have finished? Please show us your answer. 八.板书设计: Lesson 2 Seasons and Months Whatseasonis it?-Its(季节名). Whenis(季节名)?-Itsfrom(起始月)to(终止月). Whatcolouris (季节名)?-Its(颜色) because (季节特征).


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