川教版五年级下册Unit 2 Four Seasons-Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:21178).doc

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1、Lesson 6SeasonsandCulture 教学内容教学内容: (TeachingTeachingContentsContents) 1.1. L Letets s talk.talk. 2.2. M Makeake anan EasterEaster egg.egg. 教学目标教学目标: (TeachingTeachingObjectivesObjectives) 1.1. 理解课文内容,基本会读。理解课文内容,基本会读。 2.2. 能了解西方的文化:复活节能了解西方的文化:复活节, ,小组合作做复活节彩蛋。小组合作做复活节彩蛋。 教学重点教学重点: (ImportantImport

2、ant pointspoints) 课文里面的生单词课文里面的生单词 教学难点教学难点: (DifficultDifficultpointspoints) 课文的句子教学课文的句子教学 教法教法: (TeachingTeaching MethodsMethods) 直观形象导入法、活动教学法、交际法直观形象导入法、活动教学法、交际法 学法学法: (StudyingStudying MethodsMethods) 合作学习法、小组练习法、操练法合作学习法、小组练习法、操练法 教学时数:教学时数:1 1 课时课时 教具、学具准备:教具、学具准备: 课本、熟鸡蛋、颜料(水彩笔课本、熟鸡蛋、颜料(水彩

3、笔) 、画笔、画笔 教学过程教学过程: (TeachingTeachingProcessProcess) S Steptep 1:Greetings1:Greetings S Steptep 2:Warming2:Warming upup SingSing anan EnglishEnglish song-song-ThisThis isis thethe wayway thethe bunnybunny hopshops S Steptep 3:Leading3:Leading inin T T :Boys:Boys andand girls,girls, wewe knowknow tha

4、tthat inin thethe songsong thethe bunnybunny cancan dodo manymany thingsthings atat Easter.Easter. DoDo youyou knowknow whatwhat isis Easter?Easter? NowNow letlets s watchwatch a a shortshort videovideo aboutabout EasterEaster andand trytry toto getget thethe information.information. T:T: FromFrom t

5、hethe videovideo , , wewe knowknow EasterEaster isis a a veryvery oldold festival.festival. S Steptep 3:Let3:Lets s talktalk T:T: ToTo learnlearn moremore aboutabout Easter.Easter. PleasePlease turnturn toto pagepage thirty.thirty. ListenListen toto thethe texttext andand thenthen answeranswer mymy

6、questionsquestions. . AreAre youyou clear?clear? Ss:Ss: Yes.Yes. Q Q1:1:WhatWhat diddid EasterEaster useuse toto celebrate?celebrate? Q2:WhatQ2:What areare thethe symbolssymbols ofof Easter?Easter? S Steptep 4:4: LetLets s practisepractise . . 1.1. R Readead thethe texttext byby themselves.themselve

7、s. 2.2. FinishFinish thethe truetrue oror falsefalse questions.questions. 3.3. ReadRead thethe texttext together.together. 4.4. RepeatRepeat thethe texttext accordingaccording toto thethe keykey words.words. S Steptep 5:Let5:Lets s make.make. T:T: DoDo youyou wantwant toto makemake anan EasterEaster

8、 eggegg andand givegive itit toto youryour friends?friends? Ss:Ss: Yes.Yes. S Steptep 6:6: Homework.Homework. SendSend EasterEaster eggseggs toto youryour friends.friends. 板书设计:板书设计:LessonLesson 6 6 SeasonsSeasons andand CultureCulture E Easterasteroldoldfestivalfestival celebratecelebratespringspringnewnewlifelife eggseggschickschickssymbolssymbols childrenchildrengogo toto schoolschool banksbanksshopsshopsclosedclosed EasterEaster eggseggscardscards usuallyusuallychocolatechocolate


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