陕旅版五年级下册英语Unit 6 My Holiday-Part A-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:901a0).zip

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Unit 6 My Holiday PartPart A A Objectives: Be able to read! 1 Be able to listen! 2 Be able to communicate! 3 Be able to understand! 4 Warm-up 1 Warm-up 2 1.What are you going to do this evening? 2. What is your father going to do tomorrow morning? 3. What is your grandma going to do next Sunday? 4. What is your friend going to do next week? Warm-up 3 Warm-up 3 Lets Learn! Lets Learn! travel enjoy your visit Lets Learn! place of interest the Palace Museum Lets Learn! the Great Wall the West Lake Lets Talk! Lets Talk! Kitty: May Day is coming. Where will you go on the holiday? Alice:I will go to Beijing with my parents. Lets Talk! Kitty: Great! You can visit many places of interest there, the Palace Museum, the Great Wall,. Alice: What is the Palace Museum like? Lets Talk! Kitty: Its large. There are many big houses in it. All the houses are red and yellow. It is really wonderful. Alice: Really? I will enjoy my visit there. Lets Practice! Lets Talk! Talk with your partner using the sentences above! Lets Talk! 1.What_youdoonSunday. A.areB.doC.did 2.Thechildrenoftenplay_footballafter school. A.theB.aC. 3.SarahandTomoften_TVinthe evening. A.watchesB.seeC.watch Lets Talk! 4.Ilike_ A.WednesdayB.Wednesdays C.onWednesday 5.Iwanttoplay_you AforBatCwith 6.-Ilikeplayingcomputergames. What_you? -Metoo AaboutBandCor Answers: 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 请课后认真朗读单词课文,在记 忆的基础上运用词句进行对话! 1 / 5 Unit6 My Holiday 第第 2 课时教学设计课时教学设计 【内容来源内容来源】陕旅教育出版社五年级下册 Unit6 【主主 题题】Lets talk, Look and complete 【课课 时时】第 2 课时 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1. 能听懂 Lets talk 部分中与旅行相关的词汇。 2. 能运用 May Day is coming. Where will you go on the holiday? I will go to . with . We can visit many places of interest there. I will enjoy my visit there.谈论将 来某一假期的旅行计划。 3. 能运用 Whatis the . like? It is . There are many . in it.谈论名胜的特点。 4. 能听、说、熟读对话,语音语调准确自然。 二、教学准备二、教学准备 1. 教师准备: (1 ) Lets learn 部分的单词卡片。 (2) Lets talk 部分的人物头饰。 (3) Lets talk 部分的教学挂图以及本课时的课件。 (4) Lets talk 部分的教学音频。 三、教学方法建议三、教学方法建议 课程导入课程导入(Leading In) (1)课前复习 教师可仍以情景教学模式带领学谊起复习上节课所学的词汇,说一说在去 旅游途中都参观了哪些景点,然后大家尽情享受在旅游中。教师注意观察并找 出反应最快的学生,适当给予精神或物质奖励。 (2)新课导入 1. 师生会话,引导学生复习之前所学月份的单词: T: How many months are there in a year? Ss: There are twelve months in a year. T: What are they? Do you know? Ss: Yes! They are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December. 2 / 5 T: So whats the date today? Ss: Its . 课程展示活动和过程的设计建议课程展示活动和过程的设计建议(presentation) (1)新课展示 Part A: Lets talk 1. 进行到本单元时,应该接近五一假期。教师可以承接上一环节学生对日 期的回答就即将到来的五一小长假展开会话,引出本节课的新授内容: T: May Day is coming. Are you going to travel? Ss: Yes. / No. What about you, Mr. / Miss .? T: Im going to travel on the holiday. I will go to Hangzhou with my parents. We can visit many places of interest there. The West Lake is wonderful. 同前画回答 Yes 的同学继续会话: T: Where will you go on the holiday, S1?(引导学生尝试说一说) T&S1: I will go to. 板书、领读、讲解功能句: Where will you go on the holiday? I will go to Hangzhou with my parents. We can visit many places of interest there. 教学小贴士教学小贴士 教师教授一般将来时态的意义及结构:主语+助动词+动词原形+其他。will do 结构与 be going to 结构一样都表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或将会出现 的情况。如: I will visit the West Lake. (陈述句) Where will you go on the holiday? (特殊疑问句,并提醒学生注意一般将来时 的特殊疑问句要将助动词 will 提到主语之前) 2. 讲解疑难点 (1) May Day (名词)“五一劳动节” 。May Day 是专有名词,每个单词的首字 母都要大写。 (2) holiday (名词)“假期” 。如:summer holiday “暑假” ;winter holiday“寒假” 。 3 / 5 (3) May Day is coming. 这是一个用现在进行时表示一般将来意义的句子,其意义在于表达五一节 就要来临,有兴奋、开心之意,含一定的感情色彩。如: The bus is coming.公共汽车快来了。 这里用此时态是为了提醒大家注意车要来了。 3. 对话理解 (1) 教师出示本部分的教学挂图,引导学生观察图片: T: What can you see in the picture? Ss: I can see the Palace Museum. T: What is the Palace Museum like?(引导学生回答) Ss: It is large. (2) 板书并新授句型 What is . like? 这是一个在询问某物的特点的句型,如: What is your school like? It is large and very beautiful. 这里的 like 和以前所学的 like 含义不同,以前所学是动词“喜欢”的意思, 常用搭配为:like to do/like doing “喜欢做某事” 。如: I like to dance. / I like dancing. 而这里的 like 是介词“像”如: He looks like his father 教师讲授单词 large (形容词) “巨大的、宏作的” 。如: This is a large building. 4. 教师播放 Lets talk 部分的录音或课件,让学生认真听录音,整体感知对 话内容。教师也可以自己设计一些问题引导学生结合挂图及听力内容理解对话。 问题可参考如下: (1) Where will Alice go on May Day? (2) Who will go to Beijing with Alice? (3) What can Alice visit in Beijing? (4) What is the Palace Museum like? 4 / 5 (5) Will Alice enjoy her visit in Beijing? (2)巩固活动 1. 教师播放录音,引导学生模仿录音中人物的语音语调跟读 Lets talk 部分 的对话。 2. 学生齐读对话,教师注意纠正错误的语音语调。 3. 将学生分成两大组,分角色齐读对话。 操练活动的设计与实施建议操练活动的设计与实施建议(Practice Activities) (1)角色扮演 1. 教师拿出所准备的头饰,先自己扮演 Kitty,由学生扮演 Alice,分角色 对话。在对话过程中,教师可注意加入一定的表情动作,尽量夸张地模仿 Kitty 的声音,为对话加人趣味性,引起学生的表演欲望。 2. 学生两人一组排练对话,教师可在小组间进行巡视指导。 3. 鼓励学生加人更多的句子创编对话,并请部分小组上台表演。 (2) 游戏:滚雪球 1. 教师在黑板上与出句子,如:Where will you go on the holiday? I will go to Beijing with my parents. What is the Palace Museum like? 等等。 2. 请第一位学生说第一个单词 Where,第二位学生接着说 Where will,第 三位学生说 Where will you,以此类推,最后雪球越滚越大,直到把黑板上所有 的句子都说完整。为了增加游戏的趣味性,建议教师规定:如果谁说错了,那 么游戏就要从第一个学生处重新开始。 温馨提示:教师也可以把 Beijing 和 the Palace Museum 更换为其他名称。 (3) Part C Look and complete 1. 教师可先通过问答引导学生复习出行的方式 on foot, by ship / train / .: T: How do you come to school? S1: I come to school by bus. T: What about you, S2? S2:I come to school by bus. T: Can you go to Beijing by bus? S2: Yes. / No. T: How can we go to Beijing, boys and girls? 5 / 5 弓|导学生通过讨论得出结论: Ss: By plane / train / car / bus. T: Can we go to London by plane / train / car / bus?(引导学生回答) Ss: We can go to London by plane. But we can t go there by train, by car or by bus. 2. 学生仔细观察本部分的两幅图,并说一说图中的地点及交通工具名称。 3. 学生自主填写,完成对话。 4. 教师随机抽取几组学生进行问答,核对答案。 参考答案:1. Beijing, by train 2. London, by plane 【板书设计板书设计】
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