川教版五年级下册Unit 1 We Love Nature-Lesson 3 A Book about Animals-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:7001e).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 We Love Nature_Lesson 3 A Book about Animals_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:7001e)
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Lets sing a song Lesson3 A Book about Animals Where do the animals live? Where do the animals live? birdbirds A:Where do birds live? B: They live in the . forest A:Where do birds live? B:They live in the forest. f:rst B: They live in the . A: Where do giraffes live? grslnd grassland grass land+ (陆地) A: Where do sharks live? B: They live in the . sea sharks sea si: tigers mountai n B: They live in the mountains. A: Where do tigers live? mantn s The Five Sacred Mountains Mount Hua ( (华华山山) ) Mount Heng( (恒山恒山 ) ) Mount Song ( (嵩山嵩山) ) Mount Heng( (衡山衡山) ) Mount Tai ( (泰山泰山) ) Guangwu Mountain Gussing game. f r stoe m unt inoa s ea gr ssl ndaa sea grassland mountains forest A:Where do live? B:They live in the 1432 6 7 5 -Where do _ live? -They live in the_. _ live in the_. Tigers live in the mountains. Sharks live in the sea. Bears live in the forest. Giraffes live in the grassland. . This is a book about animals. Do some exercises _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (I)Look and write forest grassland mountain sea (II)Fill in the blacks 1.Where sharks live? 2.Bears in the forest. 3.Giraffes live in the . 4.Tigers live the mountains. 5.Sharks live in the . 6.I like very much. I know live in the . do live grassland in sea dirty smelly poisonous (有毒的) We have only one earth, love earth! love our home! summary 1. New words: 森林 大海 草地 大山 2、 Patterns: (动物)生活在哪里? 它们生活在 forestsea mountain grassland Where do . live? They live in the . Homework for today. 1、Make a book about animals with your partner.(和你的搭档一起做一本关于动物的书。) 2、Tell the people around you to protect the earth.(告诉你身边的人保护环境) T H A N K S THANKS! 请 在 此 输 入 您 的 副 标 题 planting trees recyclingresources classifyingrubbish pick up trash Thelittlethingswecando Dontleavethelightsonwhenthere isnobodyintheclassroom.(教室里 没有人时,别让灯开着) Trytouseenergy-savinglamps(尽 量使用节能灯) Cutoffthepowersupplywhenthetv isntused.(电视不使用时切断电源) lesson3 A Book about Animals教学设计 一、教学内容 1、学习单词:a book about animals , have a look , giraffe , shark , camel , river , mountain , forest, desert , the earth , sea , grassland . 2、能口头运 用“Where do they live ?” “Bears live in the forest . Fish live in the rivers and lakes . Tigers live in the mountains . Giraffes live in the grassland . Sharks live in the sea . Camels live in the desert .” 二、学情分析: 本课的教学对象是小学三年级始学英语的五年级学生。 这一 年级 的学生接触英语学习已两年了, 对英语有着强烈的好奇心和学习热情, 这一年龄阶段的孩子爱玩爱动,注意力集中的时间一长,因此,教师 应在课堂 上设计生动活泼、形式多样的活动吸引孩子们的注意力。 三、教学目标 (一)知识与技能 1、会读单词:a book about animals , have a look , giraffe , shark , camel , river , mountain , forest, desert , the earth , sea , grassland . 2、能口头运用“Where do they live ?” “Bears live in the forest . Fish live in the rivers and lakes . Tigers live in the mountains . Giraffes live in the grassland . Sharks live in the sea . Camels live in the desert .” 3、 培养学生听、 说, 并运用英语交际的能力和合作学习的能力。 (二)过程与方法 1、教师指导学生通过多种形式读单词,掌握本课新学单词。 2、教师引导、点拨,学生用英语描述自己生活在哪里,一些动 物生活在哪里。 3、学生听录音,感悟英语的准确发音;教师引导学生在小组合 作练习中巩固 本课知识。 4、 利用优课, 投影展示 bears , fish , tigers , giraffes , sharks , camels 的生活环境。 (三)情感、态度、价值观 1、让学生体会学习英语的乐趣,从而培养学生的 乐学精神。 2、使学生在鼓励中点燃思维的火花,在和谐的情感交流中,对 完 成学习任务有一定的信心。 四、教学重、难点 1、重点:掌握单词:a book about animals , have a look , giraffe , shark , camel , river , mountain , forest, desert , the earth , sea , grassland . 2、难点:能口头运用“Where do they live ?” “Bears live in the forest . Fish live in the rivers and lakes . Tigers live in the mountains . Giraffes live in the grassland . Sharks live in the sea . Camels live in the desert .” 五、教学过程 Step1:Warm up Greeting with the students. I m Mr.Tang . Today I ll have a English class for you. Ok? How are you ? Do you like fish?Do you like bears / tigers /giraffes / sharks / camels ? T: Ive got a new book about animals. 并引导学生回答“我有 一 本关于动物的新书” 。(板书: a new book about animals) Step2: Presentation 1、Present: a book about animals , have a look , giraffe , shark , camel , river , mountain , forest, desert , the earth , sea , grassland . 2、Read the words. (1)、Look at the pictures and learn the new words. (2)、Spell and write the words, then fellow the teacher. (3)、 Take the preemptive opportunities to read words. (4)、The teacher say English ,the students say Chinese. (5) 、Read loudly and quietly Step3:Learn the sentences Learn the sentences 1、What are you doing ? Im reading a book about animals . 2、May I have a look ? Sure . Here you are . 3、 “Where do they live ?”“Bears live in the forest . Fish live in the rivers and lakes . Tigers live in the mountains . Giraffes live in the grassland . Sharks live in the sea . Camels live in the desert .” 4、投影展 示 bears , fish , tigers , giraffes , sharks , camels 的生活环境。 Step4: Practice the sentences. 1、Listen and point. Listen to the text and point the words 2、Tell the sentences that the students found. Step5: Homework. 读课文,找出动物生活的环境。 Step6: Writing on the blackboard 1、 a book about animals , have a look , giraffe , shark , camel , river , mountain , forest, desert , the earth , sea , grassland . 2、 “Where do they live ?” “Bears live in the forest . Fish live in the rivers and lakes . Tigers live in the mountains . Giraffes live in the grassland . Sharks live in the sea . Camels live in the desert .”
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