川教版五年级下册Unit 3 A Birthday Party-Lesson 2 Buying a Present-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:b08f2).zip

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What is Tingting going to do? She is going to give a prensent to Rose. present = gift present money Tingting can buy a present with money. buy Lesson 2 Buying a Present 1.Who are they? . They are Tingting and a shop assistant . Look and answer: 2. Where are they? They are in the shop. 3. What can you see? 4. What do you want? Listen and answer: 2. What is the gift? 1. What does Tingting want? 1. Good afternoon, girl! 2. I want a gift for my friend. A gift for _.her friend Listen and read: Can I help you? 3. How about this one? 4. It looks like a small piano. Listen and read: 5. Its a music box. Do you like it? looks like Is it a piano? music boxpiano Its a music box . It looks like a piano . Its a/an_. It looks like a/an_. panda schoolbagrabbit cake 4. It looks like a small piano. 5. Its a music box. Do you like it? 3. How about this one? Listen and repeat: Guess: Does Tingting like it? Yes, she does. Listen and answer: 3. How much is the music box ? 7. Its twenty yuan. 6. Yes. How much is it? 8. Oh, its too expensive.too expensive Why? ¥9000 ¥20 too expensive How much is it? ¥58 ¥200 The _ is too expensive. pink dress How much is _? Its _/_yuan. the blue dress the pink dress 58 200 How much .? 7. Its twenty yuan. 6. Yes. How much is it? 8. Oh, its too expensive. Any discount ? discount What does Tingting want? ¥200 ¥150 Any discount? too expensive ¥210 ¥180 Any discount? too expensive Listen and repeat: 7. Its twenty yuan. 6. Yes. How much is it? 8. Oh, its too expensive. Any discount ? 9. How about 16 yuan. 10. Ok, Ill take it. 11. Thank you. Heres the money. Listen and repeat: Read the text 1. Read in groups. 2. Read in role with partners. (work in four) Show Time Read with book. Practice :1. Lets write (T) or (F). ( ) 1.Tingting wants to buy a piano. ( ) 2.Tingting wants to buy a gift for her mum. ( ) 3.The music box looks like a piano. ( ) 4.The music box is 20 yuan at last. music box friend 16 F F T F 最后最后 Roses birthday is coming. Tingting wants to buy a present to Rose. Now, Tingting is in the _ . The shop assistant says:_? Tingting says:_. Tingting likes the _.It lookes like _. _is the music box? Its 20 yuan. Oh its _. Tingting asks :_? At last , the music box is _yuan. So Tingting says: OK._. Then Tingting gives money to the shop assistant:_. shop Can I hepl you Yes,I want a gift for my friend. music box a small piano How much too expensive Any discount 16 Ill take it Here s the money 20 too expensive any discount 16 friend ( looks like a piano) Ill take it. Heres the money. Summery music box Mothers Day is coming. We are going to buy presents to mothers. Now ,in the shop. A-shop assistant(售货员)(售货员) B-customer(顾客顾客) 2. Make a dialogue: 2. Make a dialogue: Mothers Day A: Can I help you ? B: I want _. How much is it ? A: Its _ yuan . B: Oh, Its_. _? A: How about _? B: OK. Ill take it. Heres the money. A: Thank you . ¥100 ¥30 ¥80 ¥200 Buy: Buy a present for your parents on their birthdays. Make: Make a new dialogue about shopping. Homework Thank you ! ¥19¥200 The_ is too expensive. white cap How much .? Lets write (T) or (F). ( ) 1.Tingting wants to buy a piano. ( ) 2.Tingting wants to buy a gift for her mum. ( ) 3.The music box looks like a piano. ( ) 4.The music box is 20 yuan. 出示课文复述填空。出示课文复述填空。 Roses birthday is coming. Tingting wants to buy a present to Rose. Now, Tingting is in the _ . The shop assistant says:_? Tingting says:_. Tingting likes the _.It lookes like _. _is the music box? Its 20 yuan. Oh its _. Tingting asks :_? At last , the music box is _yuan. So Tingting says: OK._. Then Tingting gives money to the shop assistant:_ g o s w i m m i n g 教 材 分 析 Unit3 A Birthday Party Lesson2 Buying a Present 属于川教版新路径英语五年级下册。 本单元是以生日派对为主题,本课则以上一课为电话邀约参加生日派对为前提下, 开展了购买生日礼物的话题。因此 Lesson2 Buying a Present 在本单元中有着 承上启下的作用,也为学生在以后学习有关购物的交际用语中奠定了一定的基础。 学 情 分 析 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生,此年级的学生已经学习英语两年多, 在英语课堂上也慢慢养成了听、说、读、写的习惯。通过两年多的学习, 孩子们已经学习和积累了一些单词和简短句,所以能听懂老师的指令, 而且对于一些日常交际用语也能进行简单交流。学生对英语学习的兴趣较高, 学习热情较浓,课堂上比较活跃,能够大胆尝试,能比较积极主动参与学习活动。 教 学 重 难 点 教学重点: 1.理解 present= gift, looks like, expensive & too expensive, discount。 2.理解功能句:How much is it? 并能初步询问及回答物品价格。 3、对话内容的识读、理解和模仿表演有关购物的交际用语。 教学难点: 1、课文对话的模仿,并有感情地朗读。 2、一部分学生能用重点句型来创编新的有关购物的对话。 教 学 目 标 1、知识与技能: (1)能读本课文本内单词 money & piano,理解 present= gift, looks like, expensive & too expensive, discount 以及重点句型“Can I help you? Yes. I want a/an _” (2)能正确地理解文本内容,并能流利地朗读课文 lets talk 部分。 (3)一部分学生能运用本文重点句型来创编类似的情景对话。 2、过程与方法: 本次教学内容主要通过发现提出问题思考问题解决问题的思路, 让学生理解文本内容,以此拓展到对自己情况的介绍, 从而培养学生将所学运用于日常交际,提高其听、读、说的综合语言能力。 3、情感与态度: (1)鼓励学生大胆发言,大声模仿对话。 (2)引导学生积极运用所学英语进行表达和交流,将所学内容与生活 紧密结合起来,让学生感受到英语学习源于我们的生活。 教师 PPT 点读机教学 准 备 学生复习数字 预习 (勾画出不会的词句) 教学过程教学过程 教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Lead-in 1. Greeting. 2. Roses birthday is coming. Guess, what is Ting ting going to do ? 3. Look and read:present= gift & money Do you like money?Why? 引导学生:君子爱财,取之有 道的正确金钱观。 Tingting can buy a present with 1.Greeting. 3. Guess: S: She is going to give a present to Rose. 4.Read: present= gift Read: money Ss discuss the question 帮助学生理解 文本的前情。 同时,对文本 中出现的新词 汇进行适当处 理为下文深入 学习作作铺垫。 money. 4. Topic: Lesson 2 Buying a Present Look and answer:学生观察 文本 4 幅图 1. Who are they? 2. Where are they? 3. What can you see? 4、What do you want Listen and answer ( twice) 1. What does Tingting want? 2. The gift looks like a _. Look and answer: 1. They are Tingting and shop assistant. 2. They are in the shop . 3. I can see _. Listen and answer: 1. Tingting wants a gift . 2.The gift looks like a piano . 整体呈现文本, 通过问题任务, 采用听、看的 方式引导学生 初步感知文本 部分信息。 Step 2 New- teaching Pic 1出示图 1:Listen and read: 1. What can you hear?(Listen the sentences one by one.) 2. Read after it. 3. A gift for _. Look and say: ( role play ) A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a/an _ . A: Here you are. Listen and read: 1. Good afternoon, girl 2. Read after it. 3. A gift for her friend. Look and say: A: Can I help you? B: Yes. I want a/an _ . A: Here you are. B: Thank you. 通过听音,复 述引导学生理 解图 1,同时 通过角色朗读 理解文本角色 的语言功能 和特点。 B: Thank you. Listen and read: 1. What can you hear?(Listen the sentences one by one.) 2. Read after it. Understand: looks like 1. It looks like a piano. Its a music box. 2. More pics: It looks like a/an_. Its a/an_. Listen and repeat: Listen and read: 1. How about this one?. 2. Read after it. Understand & read: 1. It looks like a piano. Its a music box. 2. It looks like a/an panda / rabbit. Its a/an cake/ schoolbag. Listen and repeat: 学生理解: Look like 并通过操练运 用。 Pic 2 Pic 3 Guess: Does Tingting like it? 呈现文本第三和第四图, 让学生在小组内自学。并 以问题为引导。师组内辅 导。 1. How much is it? 2. 勾出不认识句子或词汇, 想办解决。 3. 师整体处理疑难。 Guess: Does Tingting like it? 学生小组内自学,并解 答问题。 1. Its 16 /20yuan. 2. 学生小组内讨论新词汇。 Understand & read: expensive & too expensive 让学生小组内 自学,培养学 生小组和同伴 合作能力,以 及自学能力。 4. Read after it. Understand expensive & too expensive 1) The _ is too expensive. 2) The_ is too expensive. Understand discount ¥200 ¥150 ¥210 ¥180 Listen and repeat: 1) The pink dress is too expensive. 2) The white cap is too expensive. Understand & read: discount Listen and repeat: Listen and read: 1. What can you hear?(Listen the sentences one by one.) 2. Read after it. Listen and read: 1. How about 16 yuan. 2. Read after it. 通过跟读,齐 读加强学生认 读并正音。 Pic 4 The text Listen the text and repeat: Read the text 1. Read in groups. 2. Read in role with partners. 3. Show time. Listen the text and repeat: Read the text 1. Read in groups. 2. Read in role with partner. 3. Show time. Step 3 Practice Lets write (T) or (F). ( ) 1.Tingting wants to buy a piano. ( ) 2.Tingting wants to buy a Lets write (T) or (F). 学生读句子并判断 根据文本内容 判断正误。检 查学生对文本 信息的理解 gift for her mum. ( ) 3.The music box looks like a piano. ( ) 4.The music box is 20 yuan. 程度。 Step 4 Summa ry &Home work 出示课文复述填空。出示课文复述填空。 Roses birthday is coming. Tingting wants to buy a present to Rose. Now, Tingting is in the _ . The shop assistant says:_? Tingting says:_. Tingting likes the _.It lookes like _. _is the music box? Its 20 yuan. 学生根据小短文的引领,学生根据小短文的引领, 复述课文。复述课文。 通过复述,带 领学生回顾课 文,初步实现 语言产出。 Oh its _. Tingting asks :_? At last , the music box is _yuan. So Tingting says: OK._. Then Tingting gives money to the shop assistant:_ Tingting present friendmusic box (looks like a piano) 20 too expensive any discount 16 Ill take it. Heres the money. Homework Make a dialogue: Mothers Day is coming, you can buy a present for your mum. Summary Tingting present friendmusic box (looks like a piano) 20 too expensive any discount 16 Ill take it. Heres the money. Homework Ss Make a dialogue. 以思维导图的 方式再次引导 学生完整理解、 巩固文本内容 及语言结构 脉络。 引导学生仿照 文本,创编对 话,实现一定 A: Can I help you ? B: I want _. How much is it ? A: Its _ yuan . B:Oh, Its_. _? A: How about _? B: OK. Ill take it. B: Heres the money. A:Thank you. A: Thank you . 语言产出,培 养学生语用 能力。 板书设计 Lesson2 Buying a Present G1 G2 G3 money piano too expensive any discount present =gift
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