川教版五年级下册Unit 2 Four Seasons-Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:d0cae).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 Four Seasons_Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:d0cae)
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Unit 2 Four seasons Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture Class: Name: 一、选择填空 ( )1.-When is spring? -_. AFrom March to May. BFrom June to August. CFrom September to November. ( )2.-What color is spring? -_ A. Its green. B. Its yellow. C. Its red. ( )3.-Its cold. -_ AI needs a hat. B. I need gloves. C. He need a cap ( )4.-What _they need? A. does B. do C. is ( )5. He _ a camera. Aneeds B. need C. needing ( )6. I they need a boat. A. am B. think C. is ( )7.What you wear? A: is B: do C: does ( ) 8.He a red coat. A: wear B: wears C: does 二、读一读 A 栏中的句子,在 B 栏中找出合适的答语,并把 B 栏中的字母编号 填入题前括号内。 A B ( )9. What season is it? A、She lives in Zigong. ( )10. Whats your favorite subject? B、Music. ( )11. What day is today? C、 Its Sunday. ( )12. What are they going to do? D 、Its spring. ( )13. Where does she live? E、Theyre going to play football 三 选词填空,将正确答案的序号填在相应的横线上。 14. She _ a television. 15. Lingling _ eggs to me last night. 16. I _ she has a piece of paper. 17. They need _ Easter egg. 四、阅读短文,判断正()误() Marys shoes were old and broken. Mum wanted to buy her a new pair. They went to a shoe shop last Sunday. Mary wanted a white pair. But Mum wanted a red pair. The white shoes were nice but heavy. The red shoes were light but small. So they bought a green pair. They were nice and light. They were 15 yuan. They were cheap. Mary liked them very much. ( ) 18. Marys shoes were new but broken. ( ) 19. Mary wanted a white pair. ( ) 20. The white shoes were light but small. ( ) 21. The green shoes were nice and light. ( ) 22. They went to a shoe shop last weekend. gave an needs think Unit 2 Four Seasons Lesson 3 Seasons and Culture ( the First Class)导学案导学案 ( from Work in pairs to Listen, make and say) 【学习目标】 1.Knowledge Objects (1). 让学生掌握并如何使用以下句子 “What do I/you/we/they need?” “What does he/she need?” “I/You/We/They need” and “He/She needs”. (2). 让学生掌握一些单词短语:Easter egg, boat, give a card to, think, a piece of paper.paintbrush. 2.Ability Objects (1). To develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking. (2). To train the Ss ability of work in pairs.。 【重点、难点】 Key Points:Easter egg,boat, give a card to, think, a piece of paper,paint, paintbrushes Target sentences: I/You/We/They need He/She needs Difficulties: How to use these sentences in daily life and make their own dialogues. 【自学指导】 回答问题: T: What season is it? S: Its spring. T: How is the weather? S: It s sunny. T: Oh,its hot! What do I need? S: I need .(.some water). 一、【自主学习】 一 翻译下列词组: 1. 春 _ _ 2. 夏 _ 3. 秋 _ 4. 冬 5. 穿戴_ 6. 植物生长_ 7. 帽子_ 8. 连衣裙_ 9.下雪_ 10.一辆新车_ 11.一个鸡蛋 _ 12. 一月_ 13. 九月_ 14. a ruler 15.a pen 16. a kite 二、【合作探究】 (一) 看课本 p41, 看图片中大家需要什么。然后列出其他物品。 (二) 听读说训练: 1. 看一看,读一读,完成 Work in pairs。 2. 朗读 Work in pairs, 勾画出所需要的物品: an egg, a ruler, a camera, a big kite, a new car.a nice hat. 3. 练习上面图片中的对话,然后使用 Work in pairs,中的信息编写对话。 (三)表演练习: 1.朗读 Work in pairs。 2. 学生可以小组练习,以自己书桌上的实物练习某人需要什么。 (四)语言学习 1. What do they need? 意为:_. 如: I think I / You/ We / They need. I think he / she needs. 2)need 作动词,“需要”。如:_. 我需要一把直尺。 3) think 作动词,意为“认为”。 think of /think about 意为: 2. give a card to 意思是: 1)give sth to sb = give sb sth 给某人某物。 3. a piece of paper .意为: a piece of 一张、一片、一块 两张纸:2 pieces of paper. 4.used to do sth 过去常常做某事,表示过去做过的事现在已经不做,只用于过去时态。 练一练: My mother used_(tell)us story when we were young. ( ) He used to _short and _ short hair when he was young. A. have; be B. be; have C. be; be D. have; have 5. 复习一般现在时第三人称单数的基本用法。 综合练习: ( ) 1.What you wear? A. is B. do C. does ( )2.-What _they need? A. does B. do C. is ( )3.He _ a camera. A. needs B. need C. needing ( )4.I they need a boat. A. am B. think C. is ( ) 5.He give a new pen his sister. A. to B. for C. / ( )6.我认为他们需要一辆公共汽车,你可以说 A.I think they are need a bus. B.I think he needs a bus. 【课后作业】 1.读书今天所学内容,完成第一节课的练习题。 2. 以家里的实际物体为例,展示今天所学内容给父母听。 3. 课后每组做一个复活节彩蛋,下节课展示给大家看。 【教学反思教学反思】 Unit 2 Four Seasons I. Teaching contents: Unit 2 Four Seasons Lesson 3.Seasons and Culture (from Work in pairs to Listen, make and say ) II. Teaching aims: 1.Knowledge Objects (1). To make the Ss grasp how to use the sentence “What do I/you/we/they need?” “What does he/she need?” “I/You/We/They need” and “He/She needs”. (2). To master the new words:Easter egg, boat, give a card to, think, a piece of paper.paintbrush. 2.Ability Objects (1). To develop the Ss abilities of listening and speaking. (2). To train the Ss ability of work in pairs. III. Key Points and Difficulties Key Points:Easter egg,boat, give a card to, think, a piece of paper,paint, paintbrushes Target sentences: I/You/We/They need He/She needs Difficulties: How to use these sentences in daily life and make their own dialogues. IV. Teaching Aids Pictures, ppt, real objects, tape recorder, blackboard, eggs. V. Teaching Procedures Step I. Warm up. 1. Greetings to students. 2. Lead the Ss revise the words: season Plants grow, spring,hot,egg, ruler, camera, car,kite,hat) Unit 2 from Lesson 1 to Lesson 2 .and talk about the weather is hot, I need some water. T: What season is it? S: Its spring. T: How is the weather? S: It s sunny. T: Oh,its hot! What do I need? S: I need .(.some water). Step II. 1. Creat a situation and lead in the new sentence pattern “ What do I need? ” and “ You need a ruler.” 2. Show pictures to practice the sentence pattern guided by” I” “We” and “They”. 3. Creat a situation to practice the sentence guided by “He” and “She”. Step III. Work in pairs Work in pairs and practice.(Pay attention to the change of the verbs.), and then ask Ss to show the dialogues. Step IV. New lesson: 1. Present the new words: paint, paintbrushes Easter egg, boat, give a card to, think, a piece of paper.paintbrush. using real objects and pictures. 2. Practice the new words and the sentence pattern through the games T: What does he do ? S: I think he is a painter T: What does he need ? S: I think he needs a paintbrush. 3. And then,show ppt to learn paint, paintbrushes Easter egg, boat, give a card to, think, a piece of paper.paintbrush. Step V. Lets read and act .I think I / You/ We/ They need a boat I think he / she needs a boat ,too 1. Ask Ss to read them together,and act by using real objects and pictures. 2. Practice the new words and the sentence pattern through the games. StepVI. Practice listening 1. let the Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken English, listen to recorder 3times, and ask Ss read them together. 2. Learn how to make the Easter eggs. 3. Ask one St to make an Easter egg, Step VII Summary. New words and expressions: 1. a boat: 小船 2. a paintbrush: 画笔、画刷 3. give a card to: 给.卡片 4. an Easter egg: 复活节彩蛋 5. a piece of paper : 一张纸 The key sentences: What do they need ? 他们需要什么? They need a big kite. 他们需要一个大风筝。 What do you need ? 你(你们)需要什么? I /we need a camera. 我(我们)需要一个相机。 What does she/he need ?她(他)需要什 She /he needs a car. 她(他)需要一辆车 Step VIII. Do Exercises Step IX Homework 1.Read the lesson we have learned today. and finish the first class exercises. 2.Show the lesson we have learned today to their parents at home . 3. Make an Easter egg after school and the next class show the Easter egg. and preview the next lesson as usual. . Blackboard Design Lesson 6 Seasons and Culture I /We/ You /They need She/ He needs VII. Teaching reflection.
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