川教版四下Unit 3 Visiting a Zoo-Lesson 1 Where Are You Going -ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:b27da).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Visiting a Zoo_Lesson 1 Where Are You Going _ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_县级优课_(编号:b27da)
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    • 教案b27da.doc--点击预览


flyfly a a kitekite playplay footballfootball playplay basketballbasketball swimswim playplay pingping pongpong cinemacinema Read and Say Find what you see. 找出你所看见的找出你所看见的 play ping pong How cold ! swim How nice ! fly a kite play football play basketball cinema Look, Listen and Say 商店商店 超市超市 超市超市 市场市场超级的超级的 医院医院 看电影看电影 see a film shop supermarket hospital place noun verb 你打算去哪里?你打算去哪里? 我打算去电影院(看电影)。我打算去电影院(看电影)。 我打算去超市。我打算去超市。 Im going to +thethe+ place noun . 我打算去我打算去(某地)某地) 你打算去哪里你打算去哪里 ? Im going to the cinema. Im going to the supermarket. Where are you going ? place noun 我打算去我打算去电影院(看电影)。电影院(看电影)。 我打算去我打算去超市。超市。 我们打算去电影院(看电影)。我们打算去电影院(看电影)。 你们打算去哪里?你们打算去哪里? 我们打算去医院。我们打算去医院。 We are going to +thethe+ place noun 我们打算去我们打算去(某地)某地) 你们打算去哪里你们打算去哪里 ? We are going to the cinema. We are going to the hospital. Where are you going ? place noun 我打算去我打算去电影院(看电影)。电影院(看电影)。 我打算去我打算去医院。医院。 我打算放风筝。我打算放风筝。 我们打算打篮球。我们打算打篮球。 你打算去哪里你打算去哪里 ? Im going to +verb We are going to+ verb. 我打算(做某事)我打算(做某事) 我们打算(做某事)我们打算(做某事) Im going to fly a kite. We are going to play basketball. 你们打算去哪里你们打算去哪里 ? Where are you going ? Where are you going ? 我打算我打算放风筝。放风筝。 我们打算我们打算打篮球。打篮球。 verb verb Lets talk A:Where are you going? B:Im going to+ the + place noun C&D:We are going to+ the + place noun Im going to + verb We are going to + verb. Work in groups. 小组对话小组对话 Exercises ( )1.当想知道对方要去哪儿,你会问_ A.Whereareyou?B.Whereareyougoing? ( )2.当你想说“我打算去超市。”,你会说_ A.Imgoingtothesupermarket.B.Igotothesupermarket. ( )3.-Whereareyougoing?-_ A.Youflyakite.B.Imgoingtoflyakite. ( )4 .Wearegoingto_. A.playfootballB.theplayfootball ( )5 .Imgoingto_. A.theparkB.park Choosethecorrectanswerforeachquestion.选出正确的答案。 B A B A A 三个地点类单词:三个地点类单词: shopshop商店商店 hospitalhospital医院医院supermarketsupermarket超市超市 一个动词词组一个动词词组 : seesee a a filmfilm 看电影看电影 询问他人打算去哪里询问他人打算去哪里 : Where are you going? 我打算去(某地)我打算去(某地):Im going to +the + place noun. 我们打算去(某地):我们打算去(某地): We are going to the + place noun. 我我打算(做某事):打算(做某事):Im going to + verb. 我们打算(做某事)我们打算(做某事): We are going to + verb. 二二. 句型句型: 一一. 单词单词: SumSum upup Homework: 1.Memorize the words and practice sentences. 2. Pre-read 记忆单词练习句子。记忆单词练习句子。 预习课文。预习课文。 Thank you 教材分析教材分析: Lesson 1 Where are you going? 第四册第三单元中的第一课。本课的主要功能是让学生 掌握询问他人未来打算的表达法“Where are you going ?” 以及描述自己未来打算的表达法 “Im going to ” , “We are going to ”.。 同时学习三个地点类名词:shop, supermarket ,hospital 和一个动词词组:see a film 。通过创设情景,巩固学生对功能句型的掌握,也 进一步培养孩子们用英语交流的意识,兴趣和能力。 学习目标学习目标: 1.能听,会说,能读本课的单词、短语:shop, supermarket ,hospital 和 see a film 2.能用所学句型询问别人的打算和描述自己的打算:Where are you going ? Im going to , “We are going to ”. 学习重难点:学习重难点: 1.本课短语的正确发音及应用。 2. 能较熟练的掌握询问别人的打算和描述自己的打算的表达法:Where are you going ? Im going to , “We are going to ”.并能用于日常交往 学习准备学习准备:课件、检测题卡、点读机 学案部分导案部分 备注 Step1. warm up Listen to the song Fishes,Fishes,Where are you ? Step2. Lead in Watch the flash and circle What they see Step 3: New words At first let them look at the words in their books, listen and read after the recording. Show a picture of “shop” on the PPT, ask “ Where is it ?” Lead them to answer Step1.listen to the song. Step2. Watch the flash and recall what to see. Step3. According to the teachers hints say the same points and differentia :”Its a shop.” And Listen to the recording of “shop “. And ask them to memorize the word ,then choose one kid to spell it. Like this learn the words or phrase of “hospital “,“supermarket”, “see a film” Last ,let kids read the new words and find the same points or differentia. Shop, supermarket and hospital are place nouns. “see a film “ is a verb. Step 4. sentence pattern Show a picture and prompt “Where is it ? Where does the girl want to go ?” Show the sentence “Where are you going ?” Lead them to understand .Let them try to answer “ Im going to the cinema .” Then show another picture and let them try to say “ Where are you going ? Im going to the supermarket” Show the pictures that they have learnt, let them sump up the sentence pattern ”Where are you going ? Im going to the add “place noun”. Like this learn : We are going to the add “place noun”. Im /We are going to add “verb” . Step 4 According to the teachers hints and the picture, try to understand “Where are you going? Im going to the cinema.” . Then try to sump up the sentence pattern Talk about “Where are you going” in groups. Next let them talk about “Where are you going? “to practice the sentence patterns. At last ,finish the exercises and check the answers. Step 5 Sum up According to the teachers hints ,let them say the main points of learning. Step 5 Homework After class , memorize the new words and phrases. Practice the sentence patterns with friends. Step 5. According to the teachers hints , say the main points of learning. 教学反思: 1. 留给学生思考的时间少了一点,总结句型结构的时候提示可以少一点让他们自 己讨论,看是否能自己总结出来。 2. 运用句型的时候,情景设置成他们更喜欢的儿童节,而不是五一节。 3. 孩子们没放开,气氛不够活跃。
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