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1、川教版新路径英语四年级下册Unit 4 Lesson 3 When is your birthday?第一课时教学设计 永乐小学校 黄丽君 一、教学目标 (一)教育目标:通过询问生日增进同学间的了解和友谊,并学会关心父母和朋友。(二)知识目标:1、能够听懂、会说和整体认读7-12月的英文表达,并能在对应的中英文之间快速反应。2、能够积极运用本课所学句型“When is your/his/hers birthday”,及其回答“Its in”,形成一定的日常交际能力。3、积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(三)发展目标:1能用学过的各种问句在同学间展开调查,完成教材中P53的调查表。2了解西方节

2、日。(四)情感目标: 鼓励学生大胆开口说英语。二、教学重难点:1、7-12月的英文表达的认读,能在中英文之间快速转换。2、能够运用本课所学表达法 “When is your/his/hers birthday”,“How about yours?”等询问他人生日,完成小调查,并能将其运用于真实的实际生活中。3、能够综合应用所学句型进行有关生日话题的简单交流。三、教学准备: 日历;黑板;本课单词图片卡。四、教学过程:Step 1 GreetingsStep2 Leading-inT: Boys and girls, please listen to me carefully and answer

3、 my questions. Are you clear?Question1: How many days are there in a week?Question2: How many seasons are there in a year?Question3: How many months are there in a year? What are they?They are January , February, March, April, May, June, _, _, _, _, _, and _.Step 3 Presentation1. Learn the new words

4、 and know about the new structure:(1) (Take out a calendar) T: Look, whats it? What month is it?Ps: Its 八月。T: Youre right. Its August. August. Please read after me.Ps: August.T:My favourite month is August. Because my birthday is in August. Do you understand? Ps: Yes.T: Please ask me:“When is your b

5、irthday? Miss Huang”Ps: When is your birthday? Miss Huang?T: Its in August. My birthday is in August.Whose birthday is in August ,too?(2) The same way to learn the other words.2. Practise the new words.(1). Read the new words one by one after the tape.(2).Use the key structure to practise: One asks

6、and one answers.(3).One speaks Chinese , the other speaks English . And then exchange.(4).Play a guessing game.3. Lets do exercise to consolidate the new words.a. Partys Day is in _.b.Christmas Day is in_.c.Womens Day is in_. d.New Years Day is in_. e.Mid-autumn Festival is in_.f.April Fools Day is

7、in_.g.Childrens Day is in_.h.TeachersDay is in_.i.Halloween Day is in_.j.National Day is in_.k.May Day is in_.l.The missing months are_and_.4. Learn the new structureT: Kids, now please open your books and turn to page 52. Look at the picture and answer my questions. OK?Ps:OK.T: How many children ar

8、e there can you see?Ps: Two.T: What are they talking about? What does the first boy ask?Ps: When is your birthday?T: And the second boy how to answer?Ps: Its in May.T: Good.Can you tell me what the dialogue does mean?5.Practise the new structure.(1).According the four pictures to practise in groups.

9、(2). Work in pairs and act it out. -When is your birthday? -Its in Step 4 Consolidation and extensionT: Boys and girls, if I want to know your birthday, I should askPs: When is your birthday?T: Youre right. Then if I want to know her birthday. What should I ask?Ps: When is her birthday?T:And his bir

10、thday?Ps: When is his birthday?T: You are so clever. You can ask your friends and your partners with these new structures.Step 5 Make a summary.T: What did we learn today, boys and girls?Ps: Step 6 HomeworkMake a survey with the learned knowledge.五、板书设计 Lesson 3 When is your birthday? -When is your/

11、her/his (s ) birthday? -Its in July/August/September/October/November/December.六、教学反思本课是学习川教版新路径英语四年级下册Unit 4 Lesson 3 When is your birthday?的第一课时内容,所教内容是7-12月的单词和怎样询问别人生日的句型。由于这课的单词很难掌握,于是在上课前,我详细了解了我们班学生生日的所在月份。在教学过程中,我充分利用他们的生日教授新单词和新句型,这样不仅大大降低了学习新知识的难度,同时还提高了学生的积极性。现就这堂课的反思如下: 本节课首先学习了7-12月的单词,单词比较长,通过预设的一个问题引入对单词的学习,学生很有成就感,同时通过做游戏也激发了学生的兴趣,还通过询问别人的生日加深对单词的理解和把握。接着结合学生的实际情况引出了句型,降低了学习难度,使学生较准确地把握了句型的意义,而且易于掌握。但是在拓展后教师应及时对学生进行多关心父母、亲人和朋友等思想教育。


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