沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 The ugly duckling-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f12d2).doc

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沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 The ugly duckling-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:f12d2).doc_第1页
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1、4BModule 4 Unit 12 the ugly duckling 教学设计 教学目标教学目标 1、能听说读写单词 duck,duckling,river,ugly,baby,swan。 2、学生通过参与 Read and match、Read and judge 等活动,能在图片的帮助 下,理解故事大意,体会人物心情。 3、通过学习故事,学生能够了解故事人物和背景,激发阅读兴趣。同时学生 也体会到了美不美不在外表,要自己的事情自己做,坚强的面对一切困难。 教学重点与难点教学重点与难点 重点:duck,duckling,river,ugly,baby,swan6 个单词的听说读写 难点:

2、体会故事中的人物心情,在小组中分角色表演故事。 教学方法与手段教学方法与手段 教学方法:任务型教学法,直观教学法,小组合作法 教学手段:CAI、图片等 使用教材构想使用教材构想 丑小鸭是学生比较熟悉和喜欢的一个故事,课堂伊始,我对故事的作者 做了简单的介绍。故事的学习采用的是先整体呈现,然后通过观察图片,设问等 多种形式学习文本,课中将采用师生、生生之间展开的讨论促进互动交流,训练 学生的表达能力和思维拓展能力。 教学流程教学流程 IWarm-up 1Greeting 2Free talk Ta:What do you do on Sunday? Ss: I play football. I

3、go to the park. I do my homework. Ts:I usually do housework,but sometimes I read books. Ta:Do you like reading books?Ss:Yes. Ta:What kinds of books do you like?Ss:I like picture books. Ts:I have a son.His name is Taotao.He likes reading books very much.His favourite book is the story books.He has ma

4、ny story books.Do you know what are they? Ss:The Little Match Girl The Emperors New Clothes Thumb Girl Ts:But his favourite story is the ugly duckling. Ta:Do you like the ugly duckling?Ss:Yes. Ta:Who wrote the ugly duckling?Ss:Anderson Do you know something aboutAnderson?Ss: Ts:Introduce Anderson He

5、s a writer.Hes famous.Hes from Denmark.He wrote many fairy stories. Today lets learn the ugly duckling together. IIPresentation 1.Using the pictures to learn the new words”duck, duckling,baby-babies,ugly”. 2.Watch the video of the story. 3. Work in pairsLook and number 4.Learn the story (1) (CAI)Wha

6、t can you see in the picture?Ss:I can see a Listen and completesunnywarm Learn:river (2)Read picture 1 to picture 6 silently,then answer the questions. Ta:How many babies does Mother Duck have?Ss:Four. (P5) Is Mother Duck happy? Why?Ss:Yes. The ducklings are small and yellow. What does Mother Duck s

7、ay?Ss:Oh,my lovely babies!I love you! (P6)Is Mother Duck happy? Why?Ss:No.The duckling is big and grey.He is ugly. What does Mother Duck say?Ss:Oh,my god!Why are you so ugly? (3) P7- P9 Listen to the tape Then read and match (Work in pairs) CAI present the pictures Ta:Do they like the ugly duckling?

8、Why? How does the ugly duckling feel? How do you feel now?Why?Ss: (4) P10- P12 Read them with your partners Then read and judge CAI present P12 Ta: What does the ugly duckling say?Ss:Im a beautiful swan. Learn new word:swan Ta:How does the ugly duckling feel?Ss: How do you feel now?Why? (5)Ts: If yo

9、u are an ugly duckling now. Please believe yourself and study hard. Youll become a beautiful swan in the future. IIIPractice 1.Listen to the tape and repeat 2.Read and choose IVConsolidation 1.Act out the story 2.I want to say VEvaluation Read and choose Its_and warm. Mother Duck is near the _. Ther

10、e arethree_eggs and a big egg.Mother Duck sits on the eggs. Three eggs open.The ducklings are small and_. The big egg opens. The duckling is _and grey. The three yellow ducklings play togther.They are _.The ugly duckling is _.He swims away. It is spring again.The ugly duckling becomes a _swan! VIHom

11、ework 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Recite the new words and retell the story. VIIBlackboard Design M4U12 The ugly duckling duckbaby(babies)ducklingswan 教学反思教学反思 这是一篇学生们非常熟悉的童话故事,教材图文并茂,言简意赅,很容易理 解和掌握。故事的学习采用的是先整体呈现,然后通过观察图片,设问等多种形 式学习文本,通过师生、生生之间展开的讨论促进互动交流,并训练了学生的表 达能力和思维拓展能力。课文在讲授过程中比较流畅和顺利,但在复述课文时参 与学习的学生不太多, 这说明学生在由简单的几句话形成比较完整的一个语篇过 渡中还是比较困难,需要不断地训练和引导。 bigyellowsunnysadriversmallbeautifulhappy


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