沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-5 Sport-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:05cb4).zip

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sport basketball play play football volleyball play tennis table Task MatchMatch thethe namename ofof sportssports withwith thethe correctcorrect pictures.pictures. tennis badminton running basketball volleyball swimming basketballrunning volleyball badmintontennisswimming club join tell about us tell club sport table tennis volleyball play football about us play basketball join Talking What sports do you like best? When do you usually play it? Joe: Look,Peter. Theres a football club in our school. Peter: I like playing football. Joe: I like playing football too. Lets join the club. Peter:Thats a good idea. 1.Theres a football club in our school. theres 某地有某物 in our school 在我们的学校 2.I like playing football. 喜欢干某事 like doing play与表示运动的名词连用时不加定冠词the 3.Lets=Let us 4.thats =that is Joe: Lets tell Alice about the football club. Peter: Does Alice like playing football? Joe: Yes, she does. Peter:Great! We can join the club together. 5.Lets tell Alice about the football club. tellabout告诉某人关于某事告诉某人关于某事 6.Does Alice like playing football? 以助动词开头的一般疑问句以助动词开头的一般疑问句 肯定回答:肯定回答:Yes,she does. 否定回答:否定回答:No,she doesnt. Peter and Joe meet Alice in the classroom. P&J:Hello,Alice. A:Hello,Peter.Hi, Joe. Joe:Theres a new football club in our school.Peter and I want to join the club.Would you like to come with us? 1.want to do想要干某事 would like to do想要干某事,语气更 委婉一些 2.Would you like to come with us? we主格 us 宾格 with是介词,后面跟宾格 A:Sure. I like playing football! P:How about Kitty?Does she like playing football? A:No, she doesnt. J:What does she like doing? A:She likes playing table tennis. P:Theres a table tennis club in our school too. She can join that club. 1.like doing喜欢干某事 2.how about=what about 怎么样? 3. What does she like doing? 她喜欢干什么? What does she like? 她喜欢什么? Role-play Use what sports do you like?/ when do you. / how often do you.and like/love/favourite.to make a dialogue with your partner. Translation What do you do in your free time? What sports do you like? Tennis, badminton, basketball, football and volleyball are my favourites. When do you play these sports? I dont play these sports. I just watch them on TV ! 你闲暇时做些什么?你闲暇时做些什么? 你喜欢什么运动?你喜欢什么运动? 你什么时候做这些运动?你什么时候做这些运动? 我自己不玩,只是在电视上看。我自己不玩,只是在电视上看。 .都是我喜爱的运动。都是我喜爱的运动。 Homework TalkTalk aboutabout youryour favouritefavourite sportsport andand makemake a a dialoguedialogue withwith youryour partner.partner. 1 / 9 主备教师:主备教师: 备备课课时时间间: 执教教师执教教师: 2016-20172016-2017 学年第学年第 2 2 学期学期 上课班级上课班级:_:_ 四四 _ _年级年级 3.43.4 班班 学科:英语学科:英语 课题:课题:UnitUnit 5 5 SportSport 教学目标:教学目标: 1. 能听说读写四会掌握单词: basketball, volleyball, club, sport, football, join. 2. 句型学习:I like playing, Lets join the club.并在具体情境中操练。 3. 渗透思想教育:热爱运动。 教学重点:教学重点: 1. 能听说读写四会掌握单词: basketball, volleyball, club, sport, football, join. 2. 句型学习:I like playing, Lets join the club.并在具体情境中操练。 了解字母组合 ll 在单词中的发音。 教学难点:教学难点: 在具体情境中操练句型:I like playing, Lets join the club. 课前准备:课前准备: Multimedia,cards. 课时安排:课时安排:共3 课时 教学过程教学过程(分课时备课) 2 / 9 教学活动预设计教学活动预设计设计意图设计意图二次修改方案二次修改方案 PeriodPeriod oneone Step 1:Pre-task Activities. 1. Greetings. 2. T:I like sport. I like swimming in summer.I like skating in winter .Do you like sport?What sport do you like? Today,Lets talk about “sport”.(BD) Step 2:While-task Activities. 1. Teach the new words. 1)(PPT)T:What is it? Its a ball.(Teach“ball”) New words:basketball,volleyball, football. 2)Pay attentionll. Small, tall, wall. Learn the sounds. 3)Read the new words. T: I have a good idea for you. Theres a new football club in our school. Teach:club.Teach:club. eg: basketball club,volleyball club, football club. Teach:Teach: joinjoin thethe 课前通过图 片、儿歌、 游戏等环节 导入,活跃 课堂气氛, 激发学生学 习英语兴趣。 (设计意图: 词不离句,句 不离词.) Enjoy a song about sport. 3 / 9 e.g.: join the basketball club, join the volleyball club, join the football club. Practice:Practice: LetsLets e.g.: Lets join the basketball club, Lets join the volleyball club, Lets join the football club. (BD: football basketball,volleyball) 2. Teach the word pattern. play basketball, play volleyball, play football A.PPT: Look at the shadow. Guessing game: play _ B.S1 does the actions. Ss guess. C. Learn the sentence: I like playing_. 3. Make a rhyme. I like playing football, Football,football,football, Lets join the football club. I like playing _. Lets join the club. 4. Learn the text. Watch the video. Answer the questions. Peter/Joe/Alice likes 在单词、句 型教授环节 中,循序渐 进、层层深 入,引导学 生自主学习, 效果良好。 对比和 play the piano/violin 的教学。 4 / 9 playing. Read the text. Step 3: Post-task activities. (Practice) Does . like playing.? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. (Choose) 1) I like _ football. A. playing B. play C. plays 2) Lets _ the club. A. joining B. join C. joins 3) -Does Alice like playing football? - _. A. Yes, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does. C. No, she does. PeriodPeriod 2 2 Step 1:Pre-task Activities. 1. Greetings. 2. Play a game. T: (show a table tennis ball) I like playing table tennis. (设计意图: 通过头脑风 暴的两个游 戏,激发学 生学习兴趣 的同时,调 动了学生的 眼、嘴、手、 补充:开 火车读单词。 5 / 9 What about you? S1: I like playing S2: Step 2:While-task Activities. 1. Lead in. T: (PPT) Who is he? Ss: Hes Yao Ming. T: Does he like playing basketball? Ss: Yes, he does. T: Does he like playing volleyball? Ss: No ,he doesnt. 2. Drill practice. 3 .A guessing game. (设计意图:学习语言的目的为了交际。为了让学生能 够学以致用,我将本节课的语言知识与学生的实际生活 机密结合,这些场景是学生生活中的真实情景。学生对 这些场面感到亲切。 ) 4.Learn the text 1)(PPT: Alice ) T: Who is she? Ss: Alice. T: Does Alice like playing football?(BD) Listen and answer. 脑等多种感 官的积极参 与。加深了 对单词的认 知与识记能 力。 ) 在学习课文 之前,给学 生有关课文 内容的问题, 让他们带着 问题有目的 的去听:一 是可以帮助 学生理解课 文内容;二 是提高听力 的实效性, 培养学生良 好的听力习 惯。 从“写”的 要求出发, 以编对话的 形式拓展所 学语言,全 面培养学生 听说读写能 6 / 9 2) The students listen and answer. 3) Read the text. 4) Role play. Step 3: Post-task activities. 1. Chant. 2. Game. 3. Writing. PeriodPeriod 3 3 Step 1:Pre-task Activities. 1. Free talk. T: Who likes playing? 2. Say a rhyme. What do you like doing? What do you like doing? We like playing table tennis. We like playing table tennis. Its so fun! 3. Listen and say. T: Do Peter and Joe like playing football? S1: Yes, they do. 力,并真正 发挥语言的 交际作用。 ) 分小组表 演对话或创编 对话,针对不 同水平的学生 提出不同要求。 自由对话 后可以做个小 调查,In our class,_ students like _. 7 / 9 T: Do they want to join the football club? S1: Yes, they do. T: Does Alice like playing football? S1: Yes, she does. T: Does Alice want to join the football club? S1: We dont know. Step 2:While-task Activities. 1. Say and act. 1) Wheres Alice? Shes in the classroom. 2) Does Alice want to join the football club? Yes, she does. 3) Does Kitty like playing football? No, she doesnt. 4) What does Kitty like doing? She likes playing table tennis. 2. Learn the sentences. T: Would you like to go to the park with me? Ss: Sure. T: How about your sister? Ss: Let me ask her. 小学英语的 任务是培养 学生学习英 语的兴趣。 当课程进行 一半后,利 用小调查操 练句型。这 样的设计既 让学生感知 英语学习的 趣味性,有 可以复习以 前学习的英 语知识。 8 / 9 3. Act out the dialogue. 4. Think and write. Step 3: Post-task activities. 1. Do a survey. motherfathergrandfathergrandmother play football play basketball play table tennis play volleyball swim run 2. Ask and answer. S1: Does your mother like playing football? S2:No,she doesnt. S1: Does your father like playing football? S2:Yes, he does. 补充类似 表格,换成同 学名字,在小 组进行调查, 这个表格留作 家庭作业。 板书设计:板书设计: UnitUnit 5 5 SportSport 9 / 9 Does Alice likelike playinging football? No,she doesnt. Does your father likelike playinging football? Yes, hedoes. 作业设计作业设计: : 1.1. CopyCopy thethe keykey wordswords andand thethe sentences.sentences. 2.2. ListenListen andand readread . . 3 3、RetellRetell thethe dialogue.dialogue. 教学反思教学反思: :
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