沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 2 My favourite things-5 Sport-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:711e0).zip

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SportSport -Join-Join thethe sportsport clubclub 5 Module 2 My favourite things Oxford English I like playing table tennis. It makes me happy and healthy. Name: Echo Age:33 years old Sport:playing table tennis It makes me happy and healthy. My name is Echo. Im 33 years old. I like playing table tennis. It makes me happy and healthy. Yes,he does. No,he doesnt. Joe: Look,Peter.Theres a new football club in our school. Peter: I like playing football. Joe:I like playing football too. Lets join the club. Peter: Thats a good idea! Joe: Lets tell Alice about the football club. Peter: Does Alice like playing football? Joe: Yes, she does. Peter: Great! We can join the club together. No, she doesnt. u bus ugly umbrella / basket ball dancing club taekwondo club table tennis club basketball club No, she doesnt. They can join the football club. No, she doesnt. They can join the football club. Name: Echo Age:33 years old Sport:playing table tennis Club:table tennis club It makes me happy and healthy. My name is Echo. Im 33 years old. I like playing table tennis. I can join the table tennis club. It makes me happy and healthy. Who are they? Does_ like _? Yes,he/she does. No,he/she doesnt. ? ? Join the clubs Does. like playing.? -Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. .can join the.club. It makes him/her.(happy/strong/healthy/.) clubs basketball club football club table tennis club swimming club running club dancing club taekwondo club volleyball club _,_,and_like_. They can join the_club. It makes them_. 1 课 时 教 学 设 计 首 页 授课时间: 2015 年 月 日 课 题 Unit5 Sport 课 型New 第几 课时 1st 课 时 教 学 目 标 1. 听说读写词组 sport, play basketball, play football, play volleyball 2. 在 guessing game 的过程中,通过图片的辅助,感知词义巩固所学词汇, 尝试运用。 3.了解每个人都有不同的兴趣爱好,体育锻炼可以使我们的身体更加强健。 学习起 点预测 学生对体育运动比较感兴趣。本单元出现的词汇或词组并不难。关键 是 like doing 的用法可能会存在问题。 学情 分析 学习困 难预测 扩充其他体育运动的词汇 like doing 句式的转换可能存在一定的问题。 教学 重点 与 难点 词汇 sport, basketball, football, volleyball 的听说读写四会掌握 basketball 和 volleyball 的读音与拼写。 教具 与 学具 准备 PPT 单词卡片 实物教具 第 页(总 页) 2 课 时 教 学 流 程 教 师 行 为学 生 行 为 课堂变化及处理课堂变化及处理 主要环节的效果主要环节的效果 Pre-taskPre-task preparationspreparations 1 通过多媒体展示教师或者其他人在做运 动的照片,介绍教师自己或别人丰富的业 余生活,然后鼓励学生说说平时喜欢做什 么运动。 T: I like sport. Look at these pictures. I like swimming in summer. I can swim very fast. I like skating in winter. I cant skate well, but I love skating. Its fun. Do you like sport? What sport do you like? 如果学生说不出某些运动的英文,教师可 以把这项运动的英文写在黑板上作为拓展 词汇。 2.播放一首运动的儿歌或歌曲录音,请学 生轻轻跟唱或跟读。 While-taskWhile-task proceduresprocedures 1.通过多媒体展示著名足球、篮球和排球 明星的照片。通过介绍这些明星引入词汇 play football, play basketball 和 play volleyball. T: Look at these people! Do you know them? (point at one person) Whos he? S1: Hes T: Yes. Hes a famous football player. (show the flashcard for play football)He can play football very well. (write play football on the blackboard.)用同样的方式引入其他词组, 然后请学生跟读。 3.请同桌根据对话模板进行问答练习。 S1: Do you like playing football? S2: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. I like playing volleyball. Do you like playing volleyball? S1: Yes, I like playing volleyball. 4.给每个学生发一张调查表格,学生调查 了解自己的两个好朋友分别喜欢什么运动, 在相应的表格里打钩 S1: I like swimming. S2: I like running. S3: I like skating. 2.学生跟读单词 football, basketball, volleyball,感 受字母组合 ll 在单词中的发 音。然后出示 Learn the sound 的语音单词卡片 ll(small, tall, wall),学生 在跟读单词,再次感受字母组 合 ll 在单词中的发音。 T: ll/l/, small, small Ss: ll/l/, small, small T: ll/l/, tall, tall Ss: ll/l/, tall, tall 然后播放 Learn the sound 的 儿歌录音。请学生模仿录音朗 读儿歌,鼓励学生模仿录音中 的语音语调。 S1: Do you like playing basketball? 3 SportName:_Name:_ play football play basketball play volleyball Post-taskPost-task activitiesactivities 1.猜谜游戏。一个学生做动作表示他喜欢 某项运动,另一个学生猜是什么运动。 2.逐一介绍自己喜欢的运动并编一首儿歌。 请学生模仿教师的儿歌,根据自己喜欢的 运动编一首儿歌。 T: Do you like playing ball games? I love playing ball games. I like playing football. Its fun. I like playing basketball too! Its exciting! What do you like doing? What do you like doing? I like playing football. I like playing basketball. Football and basketball, They are so much fun! S2: No, I dont. I like playing basketball. 请部分学生根据上一活动的调 查结果向全班同学介绍他们的 好朋友喜欢什么运动。 S1: (S2 name)likes playing football.(S3 name) likes playing table tennis. S1: (mime kicking a football) What do I like? S2: Do you like playing football? S1:Yes, I like playing football. S1: (mime swimming) What do I like? S2: Do you like swimming? S1: Yes, I like swimming. 第 页(总 页) 4 课时教学设计尾页 板 书 设 计 Unit5 Sport play football play basketball play volleyball 课堂达标检测作业设计 达标检测:达标检测:请将单词与所对应的图片连 线 play football play basketball play volleyball 作业:作业: 1. 抄写四个单词各两行,背写会。 2. 总结归纳以前学过的运动类词汇。 教学后记学生作业情况总结与改进举措 第 页(总 页)
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