沪教版(三起)四年级下册Module 3 My colourful life-Revision 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:b04b1).zip

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Sport 5 Module 2 My favourite things Oxford English Period 3 Listen and enjoy Read aloud(大声读出来)(大声读出来) sport club tell about us join football basketball volleyball table tennis footfootballball playplay basketbasketballballplayplay volleyvolleyballballplayplay tabletable t te ennnni is s playplay Read aloud(大声读出来)(大声读出来) 1. Do you like sport? 2. What sport do you like? 3. What sport does your friend like? 4. Does like playing ? Free talk 2.2. DoDo theythey wantwant toto joinjoin thethe footballfootball club?club? 1.1. DoDo PeterPeter andand JoeJoe likelike playingplaying football?football? Read and answer 3.3. DoDoeses AliceAlice likelike playingplaying football?football? 4.4. DoDoeses AliceAlice wantwant toto joinjoin thethe footballfootball club?club? Say and act Read and answer Peter and Joe meet Alice in the classroom. Peter & Joe: Hello, Alice. Alice: Hello, Peter. Hi, Joe. Joe: Theres a new football club in our school. Peter and I want to join the club. Would you like to come with us? Alice: Sure. I like playing football. Lets learn Theres a new football club in our school. There is 表示表示“某地有某物某地有某物” Theres a table tennis club in our school too. Peter and I want to join the club. Lets learn want to join 想要加入想要加入 I want to _. He wants _. They want to _. sing play football to play table tennis want to +动词原形动词原形 想要想要 Lets learn Would you like to come with us? - What would you like? - Id like some candy. (4A) would like+ 名词名词 想要想要 - Would you like some juice? - Sure. Look and say Joe: Would you like to come with us? Alice: Sure. play table tennis play badmintongo to the zoo come to my birthday party / No, thanks. 和和一起一起 Would you like to ? Look and say play table tennis come to my birthday party go to the zoo -Would you like to play table tennis? - Sure. -Would you like to come to my birthday party? - Sure. -Would you like to go to the zoo? - No, thanks. would like to +动词原形动词原形 愿意愿意,想要想要 PeterPeter & & Joe:Joe: Hello,Hello, Alice.Alice. Alice:Alice: Hello,Hello, Peter.Peter. Hi,Hi, Joe.Joe. Joe:Joe: TheresTheres a a newnew footballfootball clubclub in in ourour school.school. PeterPeter andand I I wantwant toto joinjoin thethe clubclub. . WouldWould youyou likelike toto comecome withwith us?us? Alice:Alice: SureSure. . I I likelike playingplaying football.football. Say and act PeterPeter andand JoeJoe meetmeet AliceAlice in in thethe classroom.classroom. Read and answer 1. Where do Peter and Joe meet Alice? 2. Does Alice want to join the football club? They meet Alice in the classroom. Yes, she does. Peter and Joe meet Alice in the classroom. Peter & Joe: Hello, Alice. Alice: Hello, Peter. Hi, Joe. Joe: Theres a new football club in our school. Peter and I want to join the club. Would you like to come with us? Alice: Sure. I like playing football. Peter: How about Kitty? Does she like playing football? Alice: No, she doesnt. Joe: What does she like doing? Alice: She likes playing table tennis. Peter: Theres a table tennis club in our school too. She can join that club. Say and act Peter: How about Kitty? Does she like playing football? Alice: No, she doesnt. Joe: What does she like doing? Alice: She likes playing table tennis. Peter: Theres a table tennis club in our school too. She can join that club. Read and answer 3. Does Kitty like playing football? 5. What club can Kitty join? 4. What does Kitty like doing? Say and act I like (doing). Its my favourite sport. I want to join the _ club. My friend _ (name) likes _ _ He wants to join the _ club. We like sport. It makes us strong, healthy and happy. Introduction We like sport Practice CompleteComplete WorkbookWorkbook 4B4B pagespages 2929 andand 30.30. 课时教学设计首页模板(集体备课) 授课时间:2018 年 4 月 10 日 学科英语班级四一备课时间4.84.9 单元名称 Unit5 Sport 课题名称 About club 学科核心素养 与课标分析 核心素养:将知识学习与技能发展融入主题、语境、语篇和语用 之中,促进文化理解和思维品质的行程,引导学生学会学习。 课标分析:能根据录音模仿说话;能做简单的角色表演;能在具 体的语境中理解一般现在事态,尤其是动词的第三人称单数形式。 教材分析 Say and act 环节呈现了 Peter,Joe 和 Alice 在教室里谈论参加体育运动 小组的场景,是对 Listen and say 环节做的场景延伸和语言拓展。 学情分析 Port 话题是学生日常生活的一部分,容易调动学生“说”的兴趣,club 又贴近学校生活,在熟悉的话题下学习,词汇的语用功能大大发挥。 教学目标 学生掌握日常用语Would you like to come with us? Sure. How about Kitty? 通过 Say and act 的阅读及对话表演活动,熟练运用本单 元的核心词汇,如 paly football, play basketball, play basketball, football club, table tennis club, join 等,句型 I like . Does she like ? What does she like doing? 以及回答,并理解日常用语 的使用的语境。 教学 重难点 重点:Would you like to come with us? Sure. 难点: Would you like to ?及回答在具体语境中的正确运 用。 主要 教学活动 Sing a song Review words Free talk Read and answer Listen and read Ask and answer Think and write 教学资源 PPT 组长签字 课课时时教教学学过过程程 学生活 动教师导 学 Listen and sing the songSports song Look and read the words loudy. Listen and answer the questions. Read the dialogue at page 22, then answer the questions. want to +动词原形 would like to +动词原形 Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Find the sentences from the dialogue. Act the dialogue. Think and write the information. I.Warm-up 1. Sing a song 2. Review words sport, join, club. us, tell, about, football, basketball, volleyball, table tennis,playfootball/basketball/volleyb all/table tennis 3. Free talk Do you like sport? What sport do you like? What sport does your friend like doing? Does your like (doing)? II. Presentation 1. Read and answer. 2. Listen to the dialogue at page 24. 3. Read, learn and answer. - Where do peter and Joe meet Alice? - Does Alice want to join the football club? - Does Kitty like playing football? - What does Kitty like doing? - What club can Kitty join? 4. Read the dialogue. 5. Act the dialogue. III. Think and write. 当堂检测 一、一、Think and write. We like sport I like _. Its my favourite sport. I want to join the _ club. My friend _(name) likes _. He / She wants to join the _ club. We like sport. It makes us strong, healthy and happy. 二、二、Read and write. 1. -_ (do ) Jill like playing sport? -Yes, she _ ( do ). 2. -_ (do ) Kitty like playing volleyball? -No, she _( do ). 3. Mike _ ( like ) running in the morning. 4. Would you like _( play ) with us? 5. Peter and Joe want _ ( join ) the football club. 课课时时教教学学设设计计尾尾页页 补充设计补充设计 Unit5 Sport -Would you like to come with us? - Sure. / No , thanks. 作业设计 必做 1. Listen and read the dialogue fluently. 2.2.Complete Workbook 4B pages 29 and 30. 选做 Talk about your parents favourite sport. 教学反 思 本课时是对上一课时的对话的延伸,学生对 club 一词已 经有了正确的理解,并能够合理使用。可以在教师的引导下完成相 关的练习,对文本的掌握也很清晰。但是动词的单三是难点,个别 学生在具体的使用练习中,依然存在错误。需要在今后的练习中, 逐步感知和运用。 小店区教育局教研室研制
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