- Change homes.ppt--点击预览
- 影像1.wmv
- 影像2.wmv
- 教案11947.doc--点击预览
- 歌曲.mp3
- 练习单.docx--点击预览
the forest is home. Whose home? the sea the lake Thelakeiswildgeeseshome. awildgoose north south theneverysouthnorthplacebecause Inautumn,thebirdsfly_theywanttostayinawarm_. Whenitiswarminthe_inspring,theyflyback_.Theychange homestwice_year.Itiscalled“birdmigration(迁徙)”. south place then because every magren north 1 Teaching Plan for Change homes 5B Module 1 Changes and differences Unit 2 Our new Teachers: 教学设计教学设计 教学目标:教学目标: 1在进一步巩固本单元核心词汇的基础上,学习与操练 wild goose, geese, change homes, north, south, enough 等相关词汇; 2能运用 Why do wild geese change homes?提出大雁迁徙的原因,并能作出简单回答; 3能够根据大雁迁徙的路线图复述文章内容,并能够根据阅读内容绘制其它动物的迁徙路线图,并复述。 Topic: Change homes StepContentsMethodsPurpose Pre-task preparation Look and discuss.Discuss: what animals home is the forest/ sea/ farm/ lake? 由第一课时引入今天 的话题,并讨论不同 动物不同的生活场所。 1. To teach:a wild goose / wild geese 1-1 Read wild geese. 1-2 Look at the circle and read wild goose. 通过“家”的概念, 引出文章主角,对比 单词的单复数形式, 教授单词的发音。 2. To teach: change homes2-1 Look at the video and think: What are the wild geese doing? 2-2 Read: change homes. 2-3 It means: move homes. 借助录像的形式,形 象地进行展示,引导 学生体验词义。 While-task procedure 3. To teach: fly south/ north 3-1 Read and find: How often do wild geese change homes? 3-2 Ask and answer. In spring, where do they fly? north-fly north In autumn, where do they fly? south-fly south 3-3 Read together. 3-4 Show the map of China, fill in the blanks and tell us the details of wild geese changing 第一遍整体阅读,寻 找答案。通过图解与 地图的相继呈现,逐 步引导学生感知 north 和 south 的含 义,并在理解的基础 上,完成语段的填空。 2 homes. 4. Try to look and repeat.5-1 Listen and answer: Why do wild geese fly north in spring? 5-2 Try to repeat according to the picture of the routes. Why do wild geese move around so much? 5-3 Here is just one route of wild geese changing homes? Can you look and repeat. 第二次整体呈现段落, 引导学生在聆听片段 中,截取自己需要的 信息。并能够根据图 示的提示,进行复述, 培养学生语言的运用 能力。 1. Match and read.Match the top sentences and supporting sentences logically. 在习得知识的基础上, 理清中心句与每句话 的逻辑关系. 2. Look and say.2-1 Show the picture of the swan. 2-2 How the swans change their homes? 2-3 Fill in the blanks. 通过举一反三的形式, 借助图示,表述天鹅 迁移的路线,熟悉段 落整体表达的句型。 Post-task activities 3. Try to finish the routes of other animals. 3-1 Watch and think. _ change homes. 3-2 Group work. Read and draw. 3-3 Share the work. 向学生提供三种其他 动物的迁徙内容,通 过阅读,画出动物迁 移路线,并能够根据 路线进行概括与表述, 培养语用能力。 4. Sum up.The animals change homes for living. 归类、得出结论,总 结整节课,教会学生 归纳总结的能力。 Assignment1. Read the text and draw the route of wild geese changing homes. 2. Share the routes of bears, fishes and ants changing homes, and try to finish the report. 注重读、说的教学任 务,适当布置提升能 力和知识面的作业。 3 板 书 设 计 Change homes Wild geese in spring in autumn fly north fly south Fish change homes Some fish change homes. They begin their lives in a river. They swim from rivers to the sea. After several years, they need to lay eggs in the fresh water. So in spring or autumn, they swim back to the rivers when they grow up. Ants change homes Ants also change homes. Why do ants change homes? The rain is coming. They must move to a higher place. Sometimes they have a big family and they need more food and space. If they have enemies near their home, they will change homes. 00.