沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 1 Changes and differences-Revision 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:6041c).zip

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Period 2 Oxford English Module 2 Work and play 4 Readiading isis fun 1. Where are Kitty and Alice? They are at the bookshop. 2. Whats at the bookshop? There are many storybooks at the bookshop. 3. What is Kitty going to do? Kitty is going to buy a storybook. 4. What is Alice going to do ? Ailce is going to look at the picture books over there. 5. Why does Alice like this picture book? Because its fun. There are many beautiful pictures in it. 6. What is Alice going to do in the future? Alice is going to visit these places in the future. 7. What is kitty going to do every day? Kitty is going to read a story every day. dictionary We can look up words in a dictionary. 我们可以用字典查找单 词 magazine We can know all kinds of knowledge about life through a magazine. 我们可以通过杂志了解关于 生活的各种知识。 我们可以通过报纸了解世界。 newspaper We can understand the world through newspapers. picture book magazine storybook newspaper dictionary 1. Children like to read it very much because there are many interesting stories in it. They usually read it before bedtime. It is a _. 2. If I dont know the new words, I can look them up in the _. 3. There are many beautiful pictures and photos in the _. 4. All the news is in the _. 5. There are many articles, stories, photographs in it. It is a _. storybook dictionary picture book newspaper magazine Whats on the .floor? There is/are . on the. floor. Mrs LiMr Li KittyKen S1:Where is .? S2:. is on the. floor. S1:Why? S2:Because . is going to . Whats your favourite book? What is it about? Why do you like it? S1s name S2s name S3s name 我读读读多读读 ,因读 知读 就是力量。 1. You should write a survey about your classmates favourite books. 2. You should finish the dialogue lesson exercises. Unit 4 Reading is fun 【第一课时第一课时】 教学内容教学内容: :能够正确应用本课的句型,谈论关于购书意愿的情景对话。 教学目标教学目标: : 知识目标:知识目标:(1)能够听说读写与本单元有关的单词和词组。 (2) 能够正确使用本课的句型,谈论关于购书意愿的情景对话。 能力目标:能力目标:(1)能介绍自己和别人喜欢的书籍。 (2)通过本单元的学习, 引导学生多说,多观察。培养学生探究意识和 自主学习能力。 情感目标:情感目标:培养学生们爱读书的好习惯,并能积极参加读书周活动。 重点难点重点难点: : 重点:重点:词汇:storybook, buy, story, over there 句型:Im going to read a story every day. 难点:难点:be going to 与 be going to do 的区别 教学准备教学准备: : 教师:录音机、磁带、单词卡片 、图片等。 教学过程:教学过程: ProceduresContentsMethodsPurpose二次备课二次备课 I.Pre-task preparatio n: Warming up 1.和学生随意对话,可以用前一个单 元学过的句型。 T: What will you do at the weekend? S: Ill go to the park. 2.拿出一些儿童故事书和绘本,向学 生介绍,以此引入生词和新句型的学 习。 T: Here are my sons picture books. He likes reading them very much. Im going to buy more picture books for him. 通过复习旧知识, 引入新知识。 II.While- task procedure: 熟练掌握 本课词汇 以及新句 型 1.先完整播放 Listen and say 的动画, 再分段教学。出示 Listen and say 的 第一张图片, 就图片让学生提出问 题,引入第一段对话的内容。 T: Where are Kitty and Alice? T: Are there many books in the bookshop? T: What are they talking about? Lets find out. 播放第一段对话的视频, 并出示以下问题, 学生听录音后回 答问题。 1)What is Kitty going to buy? 2) What is Alice going to do? 出示第二张图片,就图片与学生问答, 引入第二段对话的内容。引导学生 提出问题: 1)What book is in Alices/Kittys hand? 2)What are they talking about now? 3)Does Alice like the picture ? 4)What are the pictures about? 5)What is Kitty going to do ? 2.出示 27 页的问题,让学生以小组 为单位,分别扮演 Kitty 和 Alice, 根 据课文中的对话, 猜测 Kitty 和 Alice 最细化的书籍分别是什么、以 及大致的内容和喜欢的原因,然后根 据Write and say 中的问题,向对 方作介绍。 3.学生将自己喜欢的书籍、其大致内 容以及喜欢的原因写在一张小纸条上, 但不要写姓名。写完交给老师,教师 请一名学生从中一张纸条, 仿照 Write and say 中的句式,向全班同学 做汇报,并寻找纸条的主人。然后, 纸条的主人站出来,从剩下的纸条中 抽取一张,进行同样的活动。可允许 学生用中文表达书的名字。 锻炼学生自己提出 问题解决问题的能 力。 通过学生自主操练 让学生理解所学句 子的意思。 运用游戏,增加学 生的知识和兴趣。 III.Post- task activity: Class Introducti on: 1.学生两人一组,根据 Write and say 栏目的问题续写 Listen and say 对话, 然后进行角色扮演,表演完整的对话。 2.学生四人一组,小组内做问卷调查, 完成以下表格,并就表格内容与小组 成员交流。 通过变换角色,让 学生分清人称的变 化,并巩固所学。 温故而知新。 Homework 基础:听读,指读 Page24 的知识内容。 提高:运用已有的语言积累,能描述自己喜欢的书籍。 On Board Unit 4 Reading is fun 词汇: storybook, buy, story, over there 日常用语:Im going to read a story every day. Looking back
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