沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-4 Reading is fun-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:90e19).zip

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ReadingReading isis funfun教学反思教学反思 本节课围绕 be going to 句型来表达自己或他人将要做的事情。 采用阅读教学中“整体阅读”的教学原则,即先从整体上把握文章 大意,整体感知;再逐句理解文章的细节,循环加深;最后整体推 进,深层理解。 让学生在提前了解了课文内容后,导入到学习本节课新单词的 环节。单词的学习采用了书的种类来呈现,包含了本节课要学到的 单词。教授重点句型 be going to 时,我用上一单元一般将来时态 句型:主语+will+动词原形来做对比,帮助学生理解 will=be going to,从而得出一般将来时态的两种表达方式。 整节课,学生都能积极参与到教学中,对课文内容能很好掌握, 新时态的表述也能熟练应用。但还是由许多地方没有达到预想的效 果,反思如下: 1. 这节课安排的教学内容较多,可以分为两个课时,课文阅读为一 课时,时态练习为一课时。 2. 因为时间安排不恰当,导致写句子练习没有进行。讲完一般将来 时态句型后,做一些相关练习是能有效帮助学生进一步理解的。 3. 本节课课文内容较长,可以省去复述课文环节,因为这一部分对 于学生来说有点难度。我可以把文中包含 be going to 的句子罗列 出来重点让学生学习。 Period 1 Oxford English Module 2 Work and play 4 Readiading isis fun Whahat isis fun? Swimming is fun. Playing ball games is fun. Singing is fun. Riding a bike is fun. Flying kites is fun. Reading is fun. . Whyhy isis r readiading fun? Reading can help us relax. Reading can make us knowledgeable. Reading can help us make friends. Reading can make life interesting. Readiading isis r reallyally fun. Questions: 1. What is Kitty going to do every day? 2. What is Alice going to do in the future? Questions: 1. What is Kitty going to do every day? Kitty is going to read a story every day. Alice is going to visit different places in China in the future. 2. What is Alice going to do in the future? What is she going to do every day? What is he going to do tomorrow? What is she going to do on her next birthday? What are they going to do in the park? What are they going to do on the beach/in the park? He is going to play with his hula hoop every day. He is going to fly a kite every day. He is going to walk the dog every day. He is going to ride a skateboard every day. They are going to clean the house every day. They are going to play beach volleyball every day. They are going to play football every day. They are going to make a snowman in winter. Reading is fun. I will _ every day. _ is fun. I will _. interesting healthy helpful difficult _ is _. I will _. yummy 1. Kitty and Alice are at the bookshop/in the library. 2. They are buying books/reading stories. 3. Alice is reading a storybook/a picture book. 4. Alice is going to visit different places in China/ 5. read a story every day. 6. 5. Kitty is going to buy a storybook/a picture book. 7. Kitty is going to visit different places in China/ 8. read a story every day. at the bookshop buying books a picture book visit different places in China a storybook read a story every day atat thethe bookshopbookshop. buyingbuying booksbooks. Alice is reading . She visitvisit differentdifferent placesplaces in in ChinaChina. Kitty a a storybookstorybook. She readread a a storystory everyevery dayday. 1.Read and retell “Listen and say” on Students Book page 24. 2.Make a new dialogue with your deskmate. 3.Finish Workbook pages 20 and 22. ReadingReading isis funfun教学设计教学设计 一、教材分析: 本节课呈现了 Kitty 和 Alice 在书店的对话,对话内容涉及阅 读计划和购书意愿。核心句型是 Im going to read a story every day. 二、学生分析: 五年级的学生通过几年的英语学习已经具备了一定的英语基础, 积累了一定的词汇和句型,可以进行简单的交流,有初步的英语阅 读能力和英语思维能力。本班孩子思维活跃,好表现,听说能力较 强,但读、写的能力较弱,因此,在本课的教学中对“读、写”有 较强的训练。针对两极分化较大的情况,在教学中对不同层次的学 生有不同程度的要求,让每个孩子都能享受学习的乐趣。 三、教学目标: 1.能听、说、读、写单词 storybook, buy 和 story;能正确运 用本课的重点句式:Im going to read a story every day. 2.能够在日常生活中用英语与他人谈论自己的阅读计划和购书 意愿。 3.通过本课的学习,使学生能够主动表达自己的意愿和打算, 培养爱读书的好习惯,并能积极参加读书周活动。 四、教学重难点: 本课时的教学重点是让学生能够听、说、读、写单词: storybook, buy 和 story;能正确运用本课的重点句式:Im going to read a story every day. 教学难点是让学生通过一系列的多媒体活动将所学运用到现实 生活中并能够在日常生活中用英语与他人谈论自己的阅读计划和购 书意愿。 五、教学过程: Pre-task preparations: 1. Free talk.用前一单元学过的句型引入本课话题。 2. 向学生介绍一本有趣的故事书,以此引入新授单词和句型的 学习。(Show a storybook) 3.what is fun?Why reading is fun? While-task procedures: 1. 整体呈现。Play the video. 2. 分段教学。Ask and answer 出示图片,提出问题,让学生 带着问题读课文。 Part one: 1) Where are Kitty and Alice? 2) What is Kitty going to buy? 3) What is Alice going to do? Part two: 1) Does Alice like the picture book? 2) What are the pictures about? 3) What is Kitty going to do? 3.Look and answer 4.Think and guess 5.Circle the correct answers. Choose six students to read the correct answers. 6. Read after the video, then show in pairs. 7.Look and recite Post-task activities: Group work. Do a survey. 1. Write and say (pair work) write on the book. 1) What is your favourite book? 2) What is the book about? 3) Why do you like it? 2. Guessing game. Make a paper about your favourite book. Then hand it up to the teacher. Choose one read and guess who is the owner of the paper.
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