沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-5 At the weekend-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-公开课-(编号:237ec).zip

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Oxford English 上教版牛津英上教版牛津英语 五年五年语 下册下册 Module 2 Work and play 5 At th he weekend d 1.1.DoDo youyou likelike weekends?weekends? 2.2.WhatWhat dodo youyou dodo atat thethe weekend?weekend? usually always often sometimes never My y weekend d I like weekends.They are wonderful. At the weekend, I usually go to the park and fly a kite there. Then I go to the supermarket and buy some food to eat. Sometimes I do my homework and go to the library. I can read books there. I enjoy my weekends very much. WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? 1 1. . HowHow manymany peoplepeople areare therethere in in thethe dialogue?dialogue? ThereThere areare sixsix peoplepeople in in thethe dialogue.dialogue. TheyThey areare talkingtalking aboutabout whatwhat theythey areare goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend.weekend. 2. . WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? WhatWhat is is PeterPeter goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? HeHe is is goinggoing toto playplay football.football. WhatWhat is is JoeJoe goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? HeHe is is goinggoing toto watchwatch TVTV withwith hishis grandparents.grandparents. WhatWhat is is JillJill goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? SheShe is is goinggoing toto seesee a a filmfilm withwith herher parents.parents. WhatWhat is is KittyKitty goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? SheShe is is goinggoing toto rowrow a a boatboat andand flyfly a a kitekite in in thethe park.park. WhatWhat is is AliceAlice goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekend?weekend? SheShe is is goinggoing toto rowrow a a boatboat andand flyfly a a kitekite withwith Kitty.Kitty. play football see a film with her parents row a boat and fly a kite with Kitty Joe Kitty Alice play hide-and-seek play on the seesaw play on the swing go sailing go surfing go camping read newspapers wash clothes water flowers catch dragonflies wash dishes feed birds clean the table do push-ups What_you_tomorrow? I _ tomorrow. are going to do am going to feed birds 牛津小学英语 5BUnit 8 At the weekend 教学设计 一、 教学目标: 1.认知目标 (1)能听、说、读、写单词和词组: weekends, watch TV, go camping,play on the swings, play hide-and-seek,at the weekends。Water flowers,wash clothes. (2)能听、说、读单词和词组: catch dragonflies, go sailing , go surfing. (3)听、说、读、写句型: What are you going to do this weekend? What is he/she going to do this weekend? Im going to He/She is going to (4)能熟练地朗读课文,并能表演对话。 2能力目标:学生能运用所学的句型 What are you going to do this weekend? What is he/she going to do this weekend? Im going to He/She is going to谈论周末活动,训练学生的会话能力,了解同学和家人的周末活动。 3.情感目标 (1)通过活动、游戏等使学生能产生学习英语的兴趣,积极参与交流,树立学好英语的 信心。 (2)通过学习本课,使学生能丰富自己的业余生活,快乐地度周末。 三、 教学重难点 根据新课程标准的要求,学生的实际英语水平以及英语教学的目的和任务,我将本 课的教学重点设置新句型 What are you going to do this weekend? What is he/she going to do this weekend? Im going to He/She is going to难点为利用新 句型在实际生活中的交际运用。的语言教学环境,充分调动学生的主动性 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 我设计了“英文小能手”也就是学生就学过的句型和话题来找朋友进行对话,事先 指定值日生,在老师的指导下,课前组织学生个体、群体听说训练,充分体现了“听 说领先”的原则。 Step 2 presentation 这是我设计的本节课的重点,也是亮点。根据本课的教学内容,让学生熟悉有关活 动类的单词和动词短语是开展本课对话教学的前提。在单词、词组的呈现时,我知道 学生有视觉和学习新知识的疲劳状态,所以我利用多媒体教学,有 dragonfly 等单词 的精美图片让学生有新鲜感,乐于学习。 在教学完活动类的单词、词组后,我设计了一个小游戏“Do and guess”,以小组 为单位,在学生之间展开竞争,强化学生对所学单词和词组的认读和记忆,同时在竞 争中激发了学生的求知欲,带动了课堂气氛。 语言要在情境中学,在情境中教。 因此,在教学本课的重点句型 What are you going to do this weekend? What is he/she going to do this weekend? Im going to He/She is going to时,我利用自己编排图片,来引导学生进入情境, 循序渐进,有层次坡度的来进行句型和课文的学习。 Step 3 Comprehension 通过交换情景,把学生带回课文进行整体感悟,针对小学生模仿能力强和记忆能力 强等特点,播放动画让学生听对话并跟读,本课人物较多,我利用连线形式让学生做 练习,人物和周末活动相对应的连线,来巩固内容,理解课文,然后分角色朗读课文, 加深对教材的理解,运用全班朗读(整体感知),个人朗读(独立探索),多人朗读 (加深交流)的操练模式,从控制性操练向自主操练转化,层层递进地深入透彻地理 解教材。 Step 4 Evaluation 在学生听说读都得到锻炼的基础上,我在这个环节设计了“调查小能手”的练习, 加强学生写的训练,同时也体现了学生的主体作用。 我的教学就此结束了吗?不,课堂教学只是一个部分,那所学知识的延伸何在呢?我 想应该在实际的生活中。因此,我加以延伸,鼓励学生在课后应用所句型,进行调查, 相互交流,使“生活处处是课堂”,这也是我布置给学生的家庭作业。
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