沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Great storybooks-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:40024).docx

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1、1 Module 4 Things we enjoy Unit 10 Great storybooks 单元教学内容与目标单元教学内容与目标 教教学学内内容容 功功 能能 介绍介绍 介绍经典故事或名著。 语语 言言 知知 识识 句型复习和句型复习和 日常用语日常用语 Andersen wrote the stories. Children around the world enjoy reading his stories. Lets see. Your turn. 词词汇汇blow off,take off 语语音音句子的语调。 语语 言言 技技 能能 听听 能听懂介绍童书的名称和作者等信息

2、的短文。 说说 能用合适的句型介绍一本自己喜欢的书或一个故事。 读读 读懂介绍著名童书的小短文。 读懂寓言故事风和太阳,理解故事寓意。 写写 能结合语境写出正确的句子并介绍自己喜欢的一本书。 教教学学目目标标 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词组,复习已学相关核心词汇。 能简单介绍自己喜欢的经典故事或名著。 了解句子语调的基本知识,能用正确的语调朗读句子。 了解著名童书的相关背景,培养阅读的兴趣。 教学重点教学重点: 词汇学习:blow off,take off 句型复习:Andersen wrote the stories. Children around the world enjoy re

3、ading his stories. 语音学习:了解陈述句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句的语调。 教学教学难点难点: 经典故事或名著中人名、书名等的发音。 2 分课时教学目标分课时教学目标 一、任务预设一、任务预设 学生能够简单描述自己喜欢的书,包括书的名称、作者姓名、书的大意等,制作一幅读 书周的海报。 二、二、课时课时分分配配 课时课时教教 学学 内内 容容 及及 目目 标标 第一课时第一课时 教学重点教学重点 句型复习:Andersen wrote the stories Children around the world enjoy reading his stories. 教学栏目教学栏目

4、Listen and say,Look and learn 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过Listen and say的短文阅读,帮助学生了解三本童书及其作者。 2. 通过Look and learn了解三本童书。 第二课时第二课时 教学重点教学重点 词汇学习:blow off,take off 句型复习:Ill blow off his clothes. 日常用语:Lets see. Your turn. 教学栏目教学栏目Read a story 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过阅读伊索寓言故事风和太阳,学习相关语言知识, 感受诗歌语言的韵律和美。 2. 通过完成后续练习,引发学生,思考并理解故事

5、的寓意。 第三课时第三课时 教学重点教学重点 语音学习:句子的语调。 句型复习:The story is about an ungly duckling. Andersen wrote the stories. 教学栏目教学栏目Do a survey,Learn the sounds,Think and write 教学目标教学目标 1. 通过Do a survey的活动,帮助学生操练和巩固语言知识。 2. 通过Think and write的写作练习, 帮助学生巩固和综合运用语言知 识。 3. 通过Learn the sounds的教学活动,帮助学生了解句子的语调。 4. 通过单元任务(Ta

6、sk), 帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识 和技能,制作一幅读书周的海报。 3 第二课时第二课时 Pre-task preparations 1. 复习上一课时的教学内容,让学生介绍一下作者及其作品,按照学生的学力可以丰富 学生对作者和童书的介绍。 T:Please introduce one of the writers. S1:I want to tell you something about the writer Aesop. Aesop was a Greek writer. He wrote Aesop s Fables. In this book,there are man

7、y fables about animals. There are some well-known fables like“The fox and the grapes”and“The wind and the sun”. Each fable teaches us a lesson. 2. 通过学生的介绍,教师引入本课时的主题内容。 T:Today were going to learn a story from Aesops Fables,“The wind and the sun”. Do you know anything about this story? 在没有接触文本内容前,让学

8、生根据已有知识,介绍一下对本故事的认识。 S1:The wind and the sun had a race. S2:The wind and the sun wanted to see who was stronger. S3:The sun won the race. While-task procedures l. 播放多媒体视频或录音。播放前提出问题, 让学生带着问题听故事。 T:Now lets watch the story. After you watch the story,please answer these questions. 1)Which book is the

9、story from? (Aesops Fables.) 2)Who are in the story? (Mr Sun,Mr Wind and a man.) 3)What did Mr Sun and Mr Wind do? (They had a race.) 4)What did the man do when Mr Wind blew? (He put on his scarf.) 5)What did the man do when Mr Sun shone? (He took off his coat.) 6)Who was stronger,Mr Wind or Mr Sun?

10、 (Mr Sun.) 学生观看完或听完故事后,尝试回答以上问题。 2. 根据学生的回答,在黑板上呈现故事概要,学生理解故事大意。板书如下: 4 尝试让学生根据板书概述故事的大意,可以通过小组或个人的方式完成。 S1: One day,Mr Wind and Mr Sun had a race. They wanted to see who was stronger. They saw a man. Mr Wind blew strongly. The man felt cold, so he put on his scarf. Mr Sun shone on the man. The man

11、felt hot and took off his coat. So Mr Sun won the race. He was stronger. 3. 把学生分成四人一组准备表演课本剧。 在表演前先让学生在组内决定个人承担的角色。 T:Now lets act out the story. First,tell me how many characters there are in the story. S1:Four. T:Who are they? S2:Theyre the man,Mr Wind,Mr Sun and the narrator. T:Yes,please take ro

12、les in your group. 4. 再次播放课文录音或视频,学生根据个人的角色,学习模仿,关注不同角色的语音和 语词。通过两到三次模仿,学生试着将自己扮演的角色的台词背出,然后以小组为 单位进行排演,学生也可以自制简单的道具。 Post-task activities 1. 以小组为单位,进行课本剧表演,其他学生作为观众,观看课本剧表演。也可以让学 生边看边打星,最后评出最佳表演奖、最佳语音奖等。 2. 表演结束后可以让学生说说这个寓言的寓意,学生如果不能用英语表述,可以用中文 表述,教师提供英语表述。 T:What do you learn from the story? S1:Being powerful does not mean you are strong. T:Sometimes kindness also makes us strong,right? 家庭作业: 1Listen to and read Students Book pages 64 and 65. 2Retell the story on Students Bookpages 64 and 65. 3Finish Workbook pages 57 and 59. 板书设计: Unit 10Great storybooks第二课时


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