沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 The five peas-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c2bf6).doc

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沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 4 Things we enjoy-12 The five peas-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:c2bf6).doc_第1页
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1、教学目标: 1、能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇,复习已学相关 时态及句型。 2、能简单讲述故事。 3、通过故事阅读,对自己的未来有所思考与规划。 教学重点: 词汇学习:see the world, one by one, look out of 句型复习:Five peas lived together in the pod. Well leave the pod and see the world. 教学难点: 在讲述或表演故事的过程中做到内容、 语言与情感的同步推 进。 教学方法和过程: Pre-task preparations 1、出示安徒生的照片,让学生说说他是谁。 T:Look

2、 at man. Whos he? S1:Hes Andersen. T:What stories did he? S2:He wrote“The emperors new clothes”,“The ugly duckling” T:Today well read his storyThe five peas”. 2、出示豆荚、豌豆以及豌豆花灯图片,根据图片提问。 T:What can you see in the picture? S1:I can see a big green pod and some peas. S2:I can see some small flowers. 学生大

3、声朗读单词:pod,pea,然后让学生描述豆荚和豌豆。 S3:I can see a green pod. There are some small peas in it. The peas are round. While-task procedures 1、播放完整故事的视频,让学生整体了解故事内容。提问, 请个别学生回答。 1)What is the story about?(Its about five peas.) 2)What did the fifth pea want to do?(He wanted to do something useful.) 3)What happen

4、ed to the fifth pea at last?(He grew into a plant.) 2、出示故事的前五幅图片,请学生仔细观察图片,回答问 题。 Picture1 1)What can you see in the picture?(I can see a pod and five peas.) 2)What colour is the pod?(The pod is green.) 3)Where do the peas live?(The five peas live in a pod.) Picture2 1)Who is in the picture?(A boy.)

5、 2)What does the boy do in the picture?(He puts the pod in his pocket.) Picture3 Where are the peas now?(They are in the boys hand.) Picture4 Look at he peas. What are they doing?(They are thinking about their future.) Picture5 What is the boy doing?(He is shooting the peas.) 3、教学图 1 至图 3 内容。 1)播放图

6、1 的录音,学生边听边逐句跟读,然后回答问 题。 T:What are the peas talking about in the pod? S1:One pea asked,”Will we live here forever?” S2:Another pea answered,”No.Well grow bigger and stronger.Then one day,well leavepod and see the world.” 帮助学生理解 bigger,stronger 和 see the world 的含义, 然后让学生和同桌齐读旁白部分,再分别扮演两颗豌豆进行对 话。 2)播

7、放图 2 和图 3 的录音,请学生逐句跟读。教师解释其 中生词和词组并重点朗读, 如: pick the pod,excited,takeout of,make good bullets。然后教师提问,学生回答。 T:Did the peas grow bigger and bigger? S1:Yes,they did. T:What did the boy do when he saw the pod? S2:He picked the pod. T:Were the peas happy or sad about S3:They were very excited,because the

8、y would see the world soon. T:The boy took the peas out of the pod and what did he say? S4:He said,”Youll make good bullets.” 3)让学生完成填空。 The peas grewbiggerandbigger. One day, a boypicked the pod.“Well soonsee the world!”said the peas. They were veryexcited. The boy took the peasoutof the pod.“Youll

9、makegood bullets,”said the boy. 教师在教室内来回巡视,如果学生有困难,及时给予帮助。 全班核对答案。 4、播放图 2 和图 3 的录音,请学生逐句跟读,尽量模仿录 音中人物的语音语调。教师对其中的单词、词组、句子等进行解 释并带领学生朗读,如:lazy,happy,anywhere,do something useful。然后请学生根据豌豆的话语,指出图中的豌豆分别是第 几颗。最后完成配对练习。再用 I will说说五颗豌豆的理想。 the first peafly to the sun the second peago out into the world t

10、he third anddo something useful the fourth peasgo and see the world the fifth peajust want to sleep 请学生根据以上关键词,读一读,演一演。 Post-task activities 1、完整播放图 1 至图 5 的故事录音,然后让学生分角色朗 读图 1 至图 5 的故事文本。 2、请学生说说,如果他是一颗豌豆,他的愿望是什么?然 后提问以留悬念:豌豆们的愿望会实现么? 板书设计: Unit 12 The five peas the first peafly to the sun the second peago out into the world the third anddo something useful the fourth peasgo and see the world the fifth peajust want to sleep


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