沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 3 Things we do-9 Reusing things-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:42785).doc

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沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 3 Things we do-9 Reusing things-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:42785).doc_第1页
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1、Unit9 reusing things 二、教学目标 TeachingTeachingAimsAims AimsAims onon knowledge(knowledge(知识目标知识目标) ): 1. 能熟练掌握核心单词及词组:reuse, can, envelope, pen holder, vase ,throw away . 2. 能熟练掌握核心句型,并能在生活情景中运用: We can reuse many old things. Then itll be a vase. AimsAims onon ability(ability(能力目标能力目标):): 1. 能听懂有关谈论旧物

2、再利用的建议的对话。 2. 能综合运用所学语言提出旧物再利用的建议。 AimsAims onon emotion(emotion(情感目标情感目标) ): 1.对所学内容能主动联系生活实际,积极培养环保意识,重复利用旧物,争做环 保小先锋。 2.通过小组交流、展示等活动,培养学生的小组合作精神。 三、学习者分析 我执教的对象是六年级的学生,他们富有好奇心,善于模仿,乐于参加活动,心 理障碍少,能大胆开口。 在学习本课内容之前,学生已经学会了很多的词汇,有了一 定的英语学习基础,并能用一些简单的词和句型描述物体特征。对于本课课文,需要 进一步熟读。 四、教学重难点分析及解决措施 本课的话题可以激

3、发学生的动手能力,让学生们在做中感受英语带来的乐趣。本课难 点在于较完整地表达旧物再利用的过程,并用 Itll be说说可以做成的作品。基于牛 津教材六年级 unit9 内容和学生的知识基础,我进行了内容的整合,学习新单词和句 型。让学生在一定的故事情境中综合运用新旧知识。要求学生读懂课文,根据自己的 情况,仿照课文,说一说如何再利用旧物。在教学过程中我力求应用新技术,激发学 生思维,感知体验,使所学知识融会贯通,并渗透一定的教育情感意义。 本课教学 最为关键的问题是真实的问题情境,英语的灵活掌握很大程度上需要在交流中进行, 所以注重在生活实际中的应用,让学生表达自己真实的愿望。最终听说读写得

4、到充分 练习。 五、教学设计五、教学设计 教学环节教学内容环节目标作用及分析 Pre-task preparation : T:First, lets listen and enjoy then answer the two questions. Question1:what can we use waste paper to make?(They used the waste paper to make a toy plane.) Question2:what can we use paper cup and string to make? Are you clear? Ok, listen

5、.(They used the paper cup and string to make a toy phone.) 通过 Listen and enjoy 的儿歌, 带领学生进入英 语课堂让学生感受语言 的韵律, 导入旧物再利用 的话题。 讲解“re”前缀是“有一 次,再一次”的意思,并 列举一些带“re”前缀的 词 : reuserewrite retell While-task procedure Step1Show the video look and learn T:So use something again. It means “reuse”. What else can we

6、reuse? look. T:What other things can we reuse? S:We can reuse bottles/water/paper T:How can we reuse paper? I think we can reuse paper to make a toy plane. Yes or no? We can reuse water to flush the toilet. Yes or no? OK make a dialog in pairs. 通过视频直观感受旧物 变废为宝。 激发学生的好 奇心,和学习兴趣。 学习 新句型 We can reuse 以

7、 及 延 伸Wecan reuseto make a 让 学生作对话 A:What can we reuse? B:We can reuse A:How can we reuse B:We can reuseto make a Step2 ask and answer T:Now Alice and her mother are talking about reusing things. listen the tape Then answer my questions. a. How many people are there in the dialogue? (Two) b. Who are

8、 they?(They are Alice and her Mum.) c. Whats Alice going to do? (Shes going to throw away some bottles and cans.) d. What does Mum say to Alice? (She says “We should keep them.”) e. What does Mum do then?(She clean the small can and put rubbers and crayons in it.) T:Thats a good idea! Look , I also

9、have a can. What can I reuse this can? Look . 播放录音, 让学生回答问 题。 学习词组 throw away, keep them 以及单词 can Step3 T: I can put my pens, pencils and rulers in it. Its the right size. Itll bea pen holder. follow me “pen holder” S:pen holder T:look Whats this? S:Its a bottle. T:I can put some flowers in this bot

10、tle. Then Itll be a vase. Follow me “vase” S:vase T:Who can make some sentences like this? I can_. Itll be a _. S1:I can use some string to tie some small bottles together. Then Itll be a wind-bell. S2:I can use some string to tie two paper cup together. Then Itll be toy plane. 创 设 语 境 操 练 Itll be句型

11、。 提供语境解释 Its the right size. 的含义。学习词组 pen holder 以及单词 vase Step4 T:Do you want to know How can Alice and her mother reuse the cans and the bottle? S:Yes. T:OK,listen and read then judge. 1 1TheyThey willwill putput rubbersrubbers andand crayonscrayons inin thethe smallsmall can.can. 2TheyThey willwi

12、ll putput pencilspencils andand rulersrulers inin thethe bottle.bottle. 3TheyThey willwill makemake thethe bigbig cancan intointo a a penpen holder.holder. Post-task activities Step 1Show the video of Listen and say通过视频增强对课文的 理解 Step 2 filling the blanks Alice: Mum, can I _ these bottles and cans? M

13、rs. Wang: No. We should _ them. Alice: Why, Mum? Mrs. Wang: because we can _ them. Let me _ you. Mrs. Wang: Look, Alice. We can clean this small bottle and put your rubbers and crayons in it. Alice : Thats a _ . Mrs. Wang: We can put some _ in this _. Alice: Then itll be a_! Mrs. Wang: Thats right.

14、We can reuse other _ too. Do you have any ideas, Alice? Alice: Yes. Look at this big _. I can put my pens, pencils and rulers in it. Itstheright_.Itllbea 巩固所学单词和句型。 nice_. Mrs. Wang: Good idea, Alice! T:Oh,very good. You are so cool. You are so cute. Now so much for Alice and her mothers dialog. We can learn from this dialog that We shouldprotecttheenvironmentagainst pollution. Step3read and say T:lets work in groups and complete the table. ThingsHow to reuse it? Asmall can Abottle Abig can 小组合作, 提高团队意识 和阅读能力。 培养学生环 保意识,重复利用旧物, 争做环保小先锋。


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