沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 1 Changes and differences-3 Our school in the future-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:70784).doc

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沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 1 Changes and differences-3 Our school in the future-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:70784).doc_第1页
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沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 1 Changes and differences-3 Our school in the future-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:70784).doc_第2页
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沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 1 Changes and differences-3 Our school in the future-教案、教学设计-公开课-(配套课件编号:70784).doc_第3页
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1、教案首页教案首页 课题 M1U3 Our school in the future 教师 科目英语课型新授课时3时间3.10 教学 目标 1. 能听说认读词汇:carry, online, head, teacher, a piece of, have a picnic, better and better, grow a plant. 2. 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心词汇,复习已学相关 核心词汇。 3. 能用一般将来时对未来的学校进行描述。 4. 对未来充满美好的期待。 知识 结构图 Words: carry, online, head teacher, a piece of, have

2、 a picnic, better andbetter, grow a plant. Sentences: What changes would you like to see in our school?Students will have a picnic every month. Grammar: simple future tense. 教学 重难点 重:Words:carry,a piece of,have a picnic,better and better. Sentences:what changes would you like to see in our school? S

3、tudents will have a picnic every month. 难:区分和准确运用“will”和“will be”。 学情 分析 学 习 起 点 预 测 学习起点预测:在六年级上册M1U2中学生已接触过 一般将来时,对一般将来时有一定的了解,且六年级 的学生很容易理解一般将来时的用法。 本课谈论未来的变化,话题易于激发学生的学习 兴趣。 学习困难预测:will和will be ,学生在运用时很容易出 现错误,在教学中,通过例子可以让学生感知它们用 法的不同,并多加以巩固。 学 习 困 难 预 测 学习困难预测:will 和 will be ,学生在运用时很容 易出现错误,在教学

4、中,通过例子可以让学生感知它 们用法的不同,并多加以巩固 教学 具准备 1. 多媒体课件 2.录音机英文四线三格黑板贴 3.Listen and say 课文相关表格 板书 设计 Our school in the future What changes would you like to see in our school? Students will have a picnic grow a lot of plants not carry any books study online at home. There will be 教学 反思 呈 现 现 象 这一课的主题是让学生根据自己学校

5、的过去以及现状展开 讨论,并探讨对学校未来的展望。因为刚搬进新校所以有话可 说,反复操练所学句型。 归 因 分 析 本课谈论未来的变化, 话题易于激发学生的学习 兴趣。will和will be ,学生在运用时很容易出现错误, 在教学中,通过例子可以让学生感知它们用法的不同, 并多加以巩固。 改 进 措 施 在课堂内容的选择上,教师可以适当压缩和之前所学过的 重叠的知识,尽量引入吸引学生的、和课堂相关的新内容。 教教 案案 续续 页页(第(第 1 1 课时)课时) 步骤教学流程课堂调控 导入 Pre-taskPre-task preparationspreparations 1.Lets rev

6、iew we learned. Compare our old school and our new school. In the past,there was/were There wasnt/werent Now,theres/there are 2.Our scool is beautiful and nice now. 3.Ok,Lets enjoy our colourful school life. Describe photos. We have lessons;play sports and join all kinds ofclubs in our school . So w

7、e are busy but we are happy,do you think so? 1. 复习旧知, 引出新知 温故知新 复 习 旧 知 Inthe past,there was/were There wasnt/we rent Now,there s/there are 重 难 点 突 破 While-taskWhile-task proceduresprocedures 二二. Presentation 1. Do you think about our school in the future? Write the title: Our school in the future W

8、hat will our school be like in the future? Can you describe it? Students answer: There will be .Students will. 通过图片 老师动作 理解短语 a piece of paper two pieces of paper 重 难 点 突 破 Today,Ms Guo and her students talk about their school in the future.Please listen. 2. Listen and answer Practice “a piece of pa

9、per” Demo “a piece of paper” “two pieces of paper” Peterwill have a picnic every month. Alicewill grow a lot of plants Ask and answer Where will you go for a picnic? What will you take for a picnic? Who will you want to have a picnic with? Compare plant a treeplant a flower a beautiful planta plant

10、in the garden 3.Lets follow the radio 4.Read and answer Read the text by yourselves,then think these questions. Write on the blackboard What changes would Joe like to see? What changes would Kitty like to see? What changes would Jill like to see? 通过思维 导图引导 学生描述 将来学校 的变化,并 连句成语 篇 5.Read the sentences

11、 Students will have a picnic every month. Students will study online at home. Students will grow a lot of plants in the garden. Students will not carry any books. All their books will be on a small computer. I will be the head teacher. 6.Role play the text 7.Write on the blackboard What changes woul

12、d you like to see in our school? Talk about it in your groups 1.Practice in your groups Talk about our school in the future. There will be in our school. Students will Use these phrases a swimming pool a cinema a big garden use computers in all the lessons study with others online play music on the

13、computer 2.Fill in the blanks p15 教学 拓展 We have a picnic. We have _ and _. We have _ and _.We _ _. We like our picnic. 小组讨论 后, 填写一 份野餐时 自己想要 带的清单, 以填空的 形式检测 刚刚学习 的知识, 趁 热打铁, 学 以致用。 总结 提升 课堂 练习 设计 Read and write Having a picnic in the future 自主朗读 课文后, 回 答问题。 以 一种较低 难度的形 式, 检测课 文所学。 本课的主 题是关于 食物和饮 料,学

14、习 关于食物 和饮料的 新单词, 以及重点 句 型 : Whatdo you have? _ _ _ _ 作业 设计 必 做 Read Students Book pages 14 and 15. Complete the letter and read it aloud. Finish Workbookpages 16. 选 做 Act Listen and say 评课 教师教态大方得体,课堂思路清晰,安排合理,循序渐进。一开 始复习旧知的同时,引入本课的主题。接着,把这个话题引到学生身 上,询问学生对未来学校的憧憬,做到了以旧引新,衔接自然。教学 单词时, 教师用多彩的学校生活、 各社团

15、活动的录像刺激学生的感官。 然后,由“新旧学校的对比”这个情境,引入本课课文的教学。进行 小组活动时,教师先进行示范,然后再开展活动。每一个小组一人分 工明确,小组合作精神和意识都得到了提高,这节课在学生的分享中 进入了尾声。 思维导图的运用太拘泥于原本的形式, 容易使学生从一个框架跳 入另一个框架,不然诱发学生的“思维流”。参与提问、回答和小组 讨论的参与面还不够广。在处理课堂生成内容的形式上过于单一,只 是以呈现为主,可以适当的加些学生自己的点评。 教学方法与学习 目标的契合度可以再加强。在本节英语课中,活动的设计和开展还应 该有利于学生学习英语知识,发展语言技能,从而提高学生的综合运 用语言的能力。英语课堂的活动应该以语言运用为落脚点。 评课人:王 宁、王晗


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