沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 2 Work and play-4 Art-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:5051f).zip

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Unit4 检测题 双小:陈晓娜 ( )1.Which one do you like? I like the one _ the left. A. in B. On ( ) 2._ one do you like? I like the one on the right. A. Which B. What ( ) 3._ is usually in black and white. A. An oil painting B .A Chinese ink painting 4 沪教版 小学英语 六年级下册 用介词短语表示方位 brush paints ink oil painting Chinese ink painting colourfulpowerful (强有力的) Which one do you like? I like the one . on the lefton the right I like the one . This is. . Its . I like . Try to say Please collect other famous paintings, talk with your friends. 九年义务教育沪教版六年级英语下册九年义务教育沪教版六年级英语下册 第一课时教学设计第一课时教学设计 推进环节 教 师 引导学生自探 授课内容授课内容六年级英语下册六年级英语下册 Unit4 Art 知识:知识:词汇:oil,oil painting,powerful,ink,Chinese ink painting,brush,paints,on the left,on the right. 句型: Which one do you like? I like the one 能力:能力:能用合适的句子就彼此喜欢的美术作品问答并说 说喜欢的原因。 学习目标学习目标 情感:情感:培养学生对艺术的兴趣。 内容分析内容分析 本课是六年级下册 Unit4 的第一课时,主要通过对话了 解油画和水墨画,能用合适的句子就彼此喜欢的美术作 品问答并说说喜欢的原因,培养学生对艺术的兴趣。 教具学具教具学具多媒体课件多媒体课件 板书设计板书设计 Art Which one do you like? I like the one Step1Step1: Free-talkFree-talk Step2Step2: presentationpresentation T:First,lets enjoy some pictures.Do you like them? T:Me too.They are beautiful. T:Today well talk about U4 Art.Art. What do we need for Art lesson? T:Yes. Learn brushbrush andand paintspaints.Read. T:Look at this picture.What colour can you see? T: many colours,Its colourfulcolourful. T: This is an oil painting. . T: Look at this picture.What colour can you see? T: Yes,This is a ChineseChinese inkink painting.painting. T:This horse looks powerfulpowerful. Ss:Yes. Ss:画笔,颜 料。 Ss:Read. Ss:blue Ss:Read colouful Ss: Read oiloil paintingpainting Ss:black , white. Ss:Read Ss:Read Step3Step3 LearnLearn thethe texttext Step4Step4 Homework T:I like the one on the left. WhichWhich oneone dodo youyou like?like? Ss:ISs:I likelike Now lets look at Kitty and Joe.What do they like? Why? Listen, Listen and repeat.Try to read. 展示 FinishP23 Practise in paris. Please collect some famous paintings and talk with your friends Practise in paris.
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