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1 Crafts 本课主备人 教学内容上教版版(三年级起点)六年级下册第五单元第二课时 教学目标1.知识与能力 能用 Lets mix.and.,its.描述三 原色配色。 2.过程与方法 通过观看微课、自己动手配色,在真实的情境 中学习语言。 3. 情感态度与价值观 做成一件事的方法不止一种,遇到困难到动脑 筋想办法,另辟蹊径。 教学重点Lets mix.and.,its. 教学难点 mix 彩色粉笔,颜料,画笔,调色盘。 教具准备 微课、PPT 课时安排 1 教学过程 教学活动设计意图信息技术应用 1.1. GreetingGreeting 2.2. Pre-taskPre-task preparationspreparations (1)Sing a song: rainbow. Answer the question: How many colours are there in a rainbow? And then show the seven colours on PPT, let Ss read them. (2)Play a game: Which colour is 吸引学生注意,复习颜 色单词。 播放歌曲视频 2 missing? (3)Read and spell the words of colours. 3.3. While-taskWhile-task proceduresprocedures (1)(Show a picture of some fruit, eg, apple, banana, peach, orange and grapes.) T:Today I want to paint this picture, and I have five colours, red, yellow, blue, black and white. We can paint the apple with red, the banana with yellow. But how can we paint the peach, the orange and the grapes? Ss watch the VCR, and think about how Miss Fang and Joe get a new colour.) Ss: They mix two colours and get another colour. T: Yes, (2) Ss watch and follow. (3) Ss say without the VCRs sound. (4) Ss Ss say without the VCRs 调动课堂气氛。 进一步复习颜色单词, 为新课做铺垫。 任务问题引入课题,增 强学生学习动力。 新课呈现。 PPT 3 sound and letters. (5) T:How can we get the other colours? (6)Ss watch the VCR made by T, and find out how to make more colours. (7)Ss watch again and use the sentences:What colour is it? It s. Lets mix . and . What colour is it now? Its . (8)Show the mind line, Ss review how to get new colours and T explains three-primary colours and secondary colors. (9) Group work. Ss work in group of 4 and mix orange, green, purple and gray, using the dialogue. Then some of them help T paint the picture. Then T summarizes group work. 4.Post-task4.Post-task activitiesactivities (1) Practice. Ss finish the Color 新知简单讲解,把课堂 还给学生,教师只是引 导者,组织者,学生才 是主体。 重点句以不同形式不断 重复,足够的信息输入, 学生才能内化后输出。 抛出任务中的问题,引 导学生寻找解决问题的 途径。 边学着解决问题,边操 练句型。 课文小视频 微课 4 matching formula. (2) Emotional sublimation: All Roads Lead to Rome. 5.5. Homework:Homework: Copy the words three times and make two dialogues. 思维导图激发学生兴趣, 培养发散思维和总结能 力,提高学习效率。 跨学科教学,提高艺术 修养。 小组合作,解决问题, 完成任务。 巩固新知。 情感升华,培养学生解 决问题的能力和毅力。 PPT 板书设计 Colours Lets mix and 5 教学反思 不足:不足: 1.小组活动前,忘记展示设计好的对话要求环节,导致指令不明确,在 活动中没有充分运用本课语言知识。 由于前一步环节遗忘,在学生活动中,该下发的学生画纸也忘记下发, 导致整节课任务不完整。 因此,今后的讲课中,一定要充分本课,做到既熟悉,又考虑全面,在 出现突发状况时,能冷静应对,不被打乱节奏。 2.PPT 插入的视频,有一些程序已经打开却隐藏在后台,需要手动找出, 计算机运用能力还有待加强。 亮点:亮点: 1.学生小组活动中,学生动手操作配色并帮老师涂色,学以致用,为用 而学,将整节课的任务完整化,同时将英语和美术自然融合,实现了跨 学科教学,三原色三间色概念的引入也培养了学生的艺术情操。 2. 本节课我运用微课,将课堂上不方便展示的配色过程直观的展示给 学生,突出了教学重点,不仅大大加深了学生的印象,同时为接下来学 生四人小组活动提供了指导。 Period 2 LookLook atat thethe rainbow,rainbow, TheThe rainbow,rainbow, TheThe rainbow.rainbow. LookLook atat thethe rainbowrainbow InIn thethe sky.sky. Red,Red, orange,orange, yellow,yellow, GreenGreen andand blue,blue, PurplePurple andand violetviolet too.too. LookLook atat thethe rainbow,rainbow, TheThe rainbow,rainbow, TheThe rainbow.rainbow. LookLook atat thethe rainbowrainbow InIn thethe sky.sky. How many colours are there in a rainbow? redred purplepurple blueblue violetviolet yellowyellow greengreen orangeorange Which colour is missing? Which colour is missing? Which colour is missing? Which colour is missing? Which colour is missing? Which colour is missing? redred purplepurple blue violetviolet yellowyellow greengreen orangorang e e whitwhit e e blackblack WhatWhat colourcolour is is it?it? ItsIts WhatWhat colourcolour is is it?it? ItsIts LetsLets mixmix andand WhatWhat colourcolour is is it it nownow? ItsIts red yellow orange purple green blue 思维导图思维导图 Mix _ and _. Its _. All Roads Lead to Rome 条条大路通罗马条条大路通罗马 做成一件事的方法不只一种,人生的路做成一件事的方法不只一种,人生的路 也不止一条等着我们发现。也不止一条等着我们发现。 当我们遇到困难,不要气馁,只要开动当我们遇到困难,不要气馁,只要开动 脑筋想办法,团结合作,问题总会解决的!脑筋想办法,团结合作,问题总会解决的! 1 1 CopyCopy thethe words.words. red yellow blue green black whitewhite orange violet purple pink gray 2 2 CompleteComplete thethe sentences.sentences. Mix _ and _. What colour is it? It is _.