沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 3 Things we do-8 Reading signs-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:11edc).zip

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牛津小学英语牛津小学英语 6B Unit 8 Reading signs Period 1 Different signs in different places What is the song about? Watch and say What does it mean? Keep off the grass. Dont walk on the grass. We mustnt/shouldnt walk on the grass. What does it mean? No littering! Dont _ We _ throw rubbish! mustnt/shouldnt throw rubbish. I can see this sign near a school. It says: Look out for children. It means there are children nearby and we must drive slowly. We shouldnt drive fast. Hi, I am Mrs Brown. I like travelling very much. Now I am in Beijing. But I cant find the underground station. What should I do? Watch and answer Q1: Who helped the woman? Q2:What did they talk about? Watch the video Watch and answer Q1: Who helped the woman? Q2:What did they talk about? A boy.(Mark) They talked about signs. Listen and match Find signs for underground station in different cities Shanghai The UK Beijing Lets say There are different signs in different cities. The sign for underground station in Shanghai is _. The sign for underground station in Beijing is _. The sign for underground station in the UK is a _. The word “_” is in the middle. red blue big red circle underground There are different signs for underground in different cities. ReadRead andand answeranswer Are there any special signs in the UK?(特别的) In other countries, animals use the road, too. Different signs for animals Look out for animals signs red big red circleunderground look out for animals Writing signs Step 1 Choose a place libraryparkzooschool Step 2 Discuss and write signs We can see signs This sign means Step 3 Share with us We can see signs Look at this sign. It means museum In the library We can see the signs. No eating or drinking! No smoking! Keep quiet! It means We should not eat or drink. We should not smoke. We should keep quiet. Information signs(信息标志信息标志). Signs tell us what to do. Signs tell us where to go. Warning signs(警示标志警示标志). Signs tell us what not to do. Signs tell us where not to go. Signs make our life better. Signs make our life convenient. Signs are easy to know. Signs are easy to read. Sign are important. (方便的) HomeworkHomework 1.Read the text fluently and act it out after class. 2. Make a mind map about signs. Find a place,draw the signs and write down what it means. 牛津英语六年级牛津英语六年级 Module3 Unit 8 Reading signs 第一课时教学设计 Unit 8 Reading Signs 教学设计 单元单元 整体整体 分析分析 1. 单元内容概述: 本单元的话题是signs。通过识别公共场所的标识,认路和判断某事可不 可以做。以“英国女士向 Mark 问路的对话”和”童话故事The path of the stones”为载 体。综合复习一般现在时和一般过去时,再现 There be,have,can,may,must,should,祈使句 及频度副词等句型。 2. 全套教材与本单元相关内容回放: 3 下 U9 On the farm eg. Dont litter. Dont throw stones. 4 上 U2 Can you swim? eg. Supergirl can run fast. U4 Do you have any cousins? eg. I have a big family. U7 At school eg. There are many computers. U9 At home eg. Where is it? Its on the table. U10 Around my home eg. Are there any restaurants near your home? 5 上 U4 Grandparents eg. I sometimes play table tennis with them. U12 Fire eg. We must be careful with fire. We mustnt play with matches. 6 上 U12 The earth eg. We should stop cutting down so many trees. 本册 U1 You and me eg. Sometimes I go fishing with my grandparents. There are a lot of tall buildings in the city. U9 Reusing things eg. We should keep them. Can I throw away these bottles and cans? 学学 情情 分分 析析 学生已掌握了一般现在时和一般过去时的基本用法。知道过去发生的事情,用一般过去时描述, 动词的过去式有规则与不规则两种形式变化。客观事实用一般现在时表达,其中频度词描述做某 事的频率。会用肯定和否定祈使句发出指令。会用 mustnt 下禁令。 学习困难预测: 1. 同一个标识的多种描述。如:禁令标识No smoking.=Dont smoke.=You mustnt smoke. 指示标识Keep quiet.=Be quiet.=You must keep / be quiet. 教学教学 目标目标 知识与技能知识与技能 1.能听说读写词汇 in the middle, look out, no smoking, no swimming。 2.能借助配图读懂英国女士与 Mark 的对话,并完成 Marks diary。 3. 在老师的引导下,会从地铁的标识联想到公共场所的其它标识。 过程与方法过程与方法 1. 从对话中习得关于地铁的标识,英国,上海,北京各不相同。从中领悟异域文化的差异。 2. 思考某个标识可能在哪些场所出现。某个场所可能用到哪些标识。进一步陈述其作用意义。 情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观 1. 体会各种标识在日常生活中的重要性。自觉遵守公共规则,做文明的社会公民。 能关注标志性建筑,标示牌记路,认路,增强自理能力。 教学设计 教教 学学 方方 法法 与与 手手 段段 1. 多媒体课件:便于呈现大量信息,图示。提高课堂效率。 2听说法:通过听录音,老师和同学讲英语,增加语言输入量。通过大胆开口说,提高自身运 用语言的综合能力。 3仿写法:除了说,写也是语言输出的必要形式。 板板 书书 设设 计计 Unit8 Reading signs the signs for underground stations There are different underground signs in different cities. 教学流程设计意图 1.Warm up 1)Greetings 2)Watch video and answer What did you see and hear in the song? 2.Pre-task preparations Show different signs and hide the photo of our school. Let students say the meanings of the signs and learn the new sigh. Look out for children! 用一首歌曲来导入,吸引学 生的注意力,迅速进入英语 学习状态。 通过游戏拼图环节,引出新 知,同时复习之前学过的标 识的含义。 3.While-task procedures 1)Show the picture of the woman. Introduce her. Hi, I am Mrs Brown. I like travelling very much. Now I am in Beijing. But I cant find the underground station. What should I do? 2)Watch the video and answer the questions Q1: Who helped the woman? Q2:What did they talk about? 3)listen and match Find different signs for underground. 4)Lets say Enjoy the different signs for underground in different cities. 5)Read and answer Are there any special signs in the UK? Look out for animals. Watch a video about animals crossing the street. Enjoy the different signs for animals. 6) Read the text together. Fill in the blanks and say. 4.Post-task activities 1)Complete the diary for Mark. 2) Pair work 3) Group work 介绍故事中的人物,为后面 的故事做好铺垫。 问题的提出,给学生提供思 维发散性的空间。 两个问题的设计帮助学生理 解文章大意。 分辨各个城市不同的地铁标 识并且用英语表示出来。 通过问问题的形式,学习第 二个标识,同时认识更多关 于动物的标识。 让学生整体感知文章。 把握重点短语。 小组合作学习,训练学生的 口头输出和写作能力。 当 堂 达 标 设 计 1.The sign for underground station in Shanghai is _. The sign for underground station in Beijing is _. The sign for underground station in the UK is a _. The word “_” is in the middle. 2.Discuss and write signs 3.Make a poster.
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