沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 3 Things we do-8 Reading signs-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:e3bcf).zip

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Oxford English 6B Module 3 (cant, mustnt, shouldnt) (can, must, should) (must/should look out for) LookLook atat thethe sign.sign. It It meansmeans wewe Signs can be letters. Signs can be words. Signs can be pictures. I think the story is about because The path of stones Jack and Jane lived by the forest. Their father often said to them, “Never go into the forest. You may get lost.” One day, Jack said to Jane, “Lets go into the forest and have a look.” Jack and Jane went into the forest. They saw beautiful flowers and interesting insects. They were happy. After some time, they felt hungry and tired. Jane looked around. She could not find her way. She said to Jack, “Jack, were lost!” “Dont worry. Look at the stones on the ground. I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home,” said Jack. Jack and Jane followed the stones back home. Their father was very happy to see them. JackTheir fatherJane Never go into the forest. You may get lost. Lets go into the forest and have a look. Jack, were lost. Dont worry. Look at the stones on the ground. I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home. Their father Jack Jane Jack Jack Jack 谁谁说的说的话话? Jack and Jane lived by the forest. Their father often said to them, “Never go into the forest. You may get lost.” One day, Jack said to Jane, “Lets go into the forest and have a look.” Never go into the forest. You may get lost. Jack, were lost.cant find the way. A.not find the way B.not win the game get lost not find the way. Never go into the forest. You may get lost. Never go into the forest. You may . meet wild animals fall into the river, pond, eat poisonous(有毒有毒 的的) food . may: perhaps “或许或许”,情态动词,情态动词 Never go into the forest. Lets go into the forest and have a look. You cant/mustnt/shouldnt go into the forest. Shall we go into the forest and have a look? 换换种说法种说法(使用使用情态情态动动词)词) JackJack and Janes fatherJane Never go into the forest. You may get lost. Lets go into the forest and have a look. Jack, were lost. Dont worry. Look at the stones on the ground. I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home. Jack and Janes father Jack Jane Jack Jack Jack Jane looked around. She could not find her way. She said to Jack, “Jack, were lost!” “Dont worry. Look at the stones on the ground. I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home,” said Jack. Dont worry. S1: I dont take my umbrella. S2: Dont worry. Lets share my umbrella. The leaf is falling. He is dropping the stone. fall or drop I dropped them on the way. Questions Did want them to go into the forest? Did worry they might get lost in the forest? Why/Why not? Their father Jack No.Yes.There were no signs. Yes.No.He could make a sign. Because Why? Their father didnt want them to go into the forest. Their father worried they might get lost in the forest. There were no signs in the forest. 1. Their father didnt want them to go into the forest. 2. Their father worried they might get lost in the forest. 3. There were no signs in forest. Their father Their father worried they might get lost in the forest. Cause原因原因 Effect结果结果 Cause Effect 1. Jack wanted to go into the forest with Jane. 2. Jack didnt worry they might get lost in the forest. 3. Jack could make a sign in the forest. Jack 2 1 3 2 1. Ask and answer: - Why? - Because 2. Write down the answer in the chart. Their father didnt want them to go into the forest. Their father worried they might get lost in the forest. There were no signs in the forest. Because so 1.Their father didnt want them to go into the forest. 2.Their father worried they might get lost in the forest. 3.There were no signs in forest. Their father 1. Jack wanted to go into the forest with Jane. 2. Jack didnt worry they might get lost in the forest. 3. Jack could make a sign in the forest. Jack Jack wanted to go into the forest with Jane. Jack didnt worry they might get lost in the forest. Jack could make a sign in the forest. Their father didnt want them to go into the forest. Their father worried they might get lost in the forest. There were no signs in the forest. Because so Jack and Jane lived by the forest. Jack and Jane followed the stones back home. Jack wanted to go into the forest with Jane. Jack didnt worry they might get lost in the forest. Jack could make a sign in the forest. The path of stones The path of stones 1.Listen to P 5152 and follow the tape. 听P5152,并跟读课文。 2. Retell the story in your own words. 用你自己的话复述课文。 3. Find more signs around us and try to know their meaning. 发现身边更多的标志并了解它们的含义。 Jack and Jane lived by the forest. Their father often said to them, “Never go into the forest. You may get lost.” One day, Jack said to Jane, “Lets go into the forest and have a look.” Jane looked around. She could not find her way. She said to Jack, “Jack, were lost!” “Dont worry. Look at the stones on the ground. I dropped them on the way. We can follow them back home,” said Jack. Jack and Jane went into the forest. They saw beautiful flowers and interesting insects. They were happy. After some time, they felt hungry and tired. Module3 Unit 8 Reading signs Period 3 The path of stones 学情分析学情分析 本节课的教学对象是六年级的学生,该班的学生对英语有着较浓厚的兴趣, 具备一定的语言知识和语言能力。经过近两年多的学习,学生的听、说、读的 能力有了很大的进步,但是读写的能力还较薄弱,需在课堂中给予系统指导。 学习内容分析学习内容分析 本堂课是阅读课,阅读材料是一个故事,所以教学重点放在阅读技能的训 练,故事内在的文本逻辑关系是因果关系,学生在教师引导下逐步推理出这层 关系是本堂课的难点。 教学目标教学目标 1复习情态动词:can/cant, should/shouldnt, must/mustnt。 2在学习故事的过程中,训练略读、查读、细读等阅读技能。 3提炼语篇 Cause & Effect 文本逻辑关系,并能口头概述故事。 教学过程教学过程 ProcedureContentMethodPurpose Pre-reading1.A rhyme of signs 2.Revision of signs 1.Read the rhyme in chorus. 2.Classify the signs Prohibition: cant/mustnt/shouldnt Caution: must/should Permission: can 由儿歌引出单元主题 sign. 通过谈论标志含义复 习情态动词 can/can t, should/shouldnt, must/mustnt。 While-readingLead-in: Predicting 1streading: Reading for main ideas 2ndreading: Reading for characters speech 3rdreading: Reading for inference 1.Predict: What can you see in the picture? What is the story about? 2.Watch and enjoy How many people were there in the story? Who were they? 3.Read and find out: Who said these? 4.P1: Understand the new words: may, get lost/be lost Paraphrase the sentences(2) P3: Understand the new 根据故事封面预测故 事内容,同时引出故 事题目 The path of stones。 通过跳读了解人物语 言。 细读 P1&P3,通过英 译英、图释、情景匹 配等方法理解新词。 通过换一种表达方式 4threading: Reading for the logic words: worry, drop. Read in role-play. 5.Read the Qs in the table: Did their father/Jack want them to go into the forest? Did their father/Jack worry they might be lost in the forest? Why/Why not? 6.Read the story individually and underline the sentences. 7.Check the answers. 8.Fill in the Cause&Effect chart. Their fatherJack 9.Put the sentences in order. 复习情态动词。 通过表格罗列问题, 感知之间的因果关系。 教师示范完成图表, 梳理故事内在逻辑, 然后让学生借助图表 把握故事内在逻辑。 Post-readingRetelling the story A discussion of the title 1.Retell the story. 2.Discuss: Does the path of stone have special meaning here? 3.Classify the signs: Letters /words /pictures/objects 借助图表概述故事。 通过讨论理解 the path of stones 在故事 中作为 sign 的特殊 含义。 通过标志分类再次回 到 reading signs 主题。 Boarding: 6BM3 U8 Reading signs The path of stones Because so
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