沪教版(三起)六下英语Module 3 Things we do-Project 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-公开课-(编号:e008c).zip

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ModuleModule 3 3 ThingsThings wewe dodo UnitUnit 7 7 HelpingHelping othersothers ( ( PeriodPeriod 1 1 ) )案例分析案例分析 教学目标教学目标: : 1.通过 Look and learn 的教学活动,认读新单词,复习前 面所学同类单词。 2.通过 Listen and say 的情景对话,理解不同时态的表 意功能。 3.能用合适的句型询问关心他人,井熟练表述自己如何提 供帮助。引导学生做一个乐于助人的人,学生能够体会赠 人玫瑰手有余香的感受,体会帮助他人也是让自己快乐的 途径,进而树立积极阳光的生活态度。 教学重点教学重点: : 句型复习: I cant find my dog. I saw her half an hour a4go. Im going to ask the gatekeeper. 教学难点教学难点: :不同时态在特定语境中的综合运用。 教学过程教学过程: : Pre-taskPre-task preparationspreparations 1. 播放美国短片One day ,学生欣赏,引出 Helping others 的主题,并就这一话题自由问答。 T: Whats the video about? S1: Its about helping others. ( (用视频导入,吸引学生的注意力,引发学生的学习兴趣,用视频导入,吸引学生的注意力,引发学生的学习兴趣, 并引出话题并引出话题 HelpingHelping othersothers。) ) T: Do you like helping others ? Ss: Yes. T: Did you help others before? How can you help others? S1: Yes,I did. I can give seat to old people. S2: Yes,I did. I can clean the table for my mother. S3: Yes, 1 did. I can help my teacher clean the blackboard. T: Yes. Helping others makes us happy. Today lets go to Yingze Park and help others. (教师给出思维导图的提示为学生搭好支架,让学生尝试(教师给出思维导图的提示为学生搭好支架,让学生尝试 表达自己帮助别人的一些想法,开启头脑风暴,体会帮助表达自己帮助别人的一些想法,开启头脑风暴,体会帮助 别人,快乐自己的愉悦心情。另外创设迎泽公园的情境,别人,快乐自己的愉悦心情。另外创设迎泽公园的情境, 为下面帮助小男孩做铺垫。为下面帮助小男孩做铺垫。 ) While-taskWhile-task proceduresprocedures 1. Listen and answer 哭声引出文本 T: Listen, what can you hear? S: A boy is crying. T: Why is he crying? Whats the matter? (以一段哭声导入,引发学生的好奇心,引出文本,使学(以一段哭声导入,引发学生的好奇心,引出文本,使学 生生 萌生帮助小男孩的心情,为下文帮助小男孩找小狗做铺萌生帮助小男孩的心情,为下文帮助小男孩找小狗做铺 垫。垫。 在情境中创设语境,在情境中创设语境, 让学生在真实的语境中学习和让学生在真实的语境中学习和 运用所学的语言知识,并感知现在进行时的用法。运用所学的语言知识,并感知现在进行时的用法。 ) 2. Listen and say 听录音,整体感知文本,呈现人物,找出男孩哭泣原因, 同时引导学生说出找狗首先要寻找狗的线索。 1 Who are they? (Peter, Sally,a boy, a man and a woman) Where are they? (They are in a pork.) 2 Whats the matter with the boy? (He cant find his dog.) (设疑提问,知道在帮助男孩之前应先了解他为什么哭;(设疑提问,知道在帮助男孩之前应先了解他为什么哭; 他找不到他的狗他找不到他的狗; ;他需要什么样的帮助他需要什么样的帮助: :帮他找狗帮他找狗; ;我们应该我们应该 怎么帮怎么帮: :找出与狗有关的相关线索,训练学生逻辑思维。找出与狗有关的相关线索,训练学生逻辑思维。 ) 3 What does the dog look like? (It is small and white.It has a pink bell around her neck.) 学生根据图片快速说出单词 bell 和 neck.出示 neck 配图 时,可帮助学生复习 ear, eye, mouth, nose, leg, foot, body, tail 等词。可通过快速反应的活动形式复习这些词, 教师通过多媒体快速闪过图片及指示部位的箭头,学生快 速说出单词。 (找到线索一(找到线索一: :了解狗的外形,通过自然拼读法学习新词汇了解狗的外形,通过自然拼读法学习新词汇: : bell,bell, neck.neck.通过快速反应游戏巩固以及复习以前所学身体通过快速反应游戏巩固以及复习以前所学身体 部位单词。部位单词。 ) 4 When? Where was the dog? ( Half an hour ago, she was near the gate.) (Two minutes ago, she was near the lake. ) (找到线索二(找到线索二: :通过看通过看 以及听,了解到狗的行动轨迹以及听,了解到狗的行动轨迹: :半小半小 时前她在大门附近。找到线索三时前她在大门附近。找到线索三: :两分钟前,她在湖边。感两分钟前,她在湖边。感 知并通过语言的轻重强调一般过去时。知并通过语言的轻重强调一般过去时。 ) 5 How should they do? (Peter is going to the lake. Alice is going to ask the gatekeeper. ) (感知并通过语言的轻重强调一般过去时。(感知并通过语言的轻重强调一般过去时。 ) 3. Role-play 学生分组,分角色朗读课文,加表演动作。然后完成下面 的概要填空。 Today is Sunday. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy is crying. He cant find his dog. The dog is small and white. She has a pink bell around her neck. A man sw the dog near the gate half an hour ago. A woman saw the dog two minutes ago. She was near the lake. Peter and Sally want to help the boy. Peter is going to the lake. Sally is going to ask he gatekeeper. (1.1.通过挖空练习巩固重点短语以及句型,了解学生对文通过挖空练习巩固重点短语以及句型,了解学生对文 本的理解以及记忆。本的理解以及记忆。 2.2.通过角色扮演通过角色扮演, ,培养学生口头语言表达能力、语感以及培养学生口头语言表达能力、语感以及 表演能力,进一步提升学生口语以及自信心。表演能力,进一步提升学生口语以及自信心。 ) Post-taskPost-task activitiesactivities 1.学生分成五人小组,分角色表演故事。鼓励程度较好的学 生续编对话。如 Sally 和 gatekeer 的对话,Peter 和游人 的对话,15 分钟后 Sally,Peter 和 boy 的对话。 1) Sally: Hello. Did you see a small white dog near here? Gatekeeper: I saw it about forty minutes ago. Then it ran away. 2) Peter: Did you see a small white dog near here? Man: Ye. Look! Its over there! Peter: Thank you! 3) Peter: Is this your dog? Boy: Yes. Thank you. Sally: Please look after it carefully. Boy: I will. . (通过续写对话培养学生综合语言运用能力,重点突出写(通过续写对话培养学生综合语言运用能力,重点突出写 与表达的能力。与表达的能力。 ) 2. Write a notice 假设他们找不到狗的情境,Sally 和 Peter 着手写 notice。 (通过完成寻狗启示,不仅培养学生写的能力,也培养学(通过完成寻狗启示,不仅培养学生写的能力,也培养学 生画画的动手操作能力以及表达的能力,体现学科与学科生画画的动手操作能力以及表达的能力,体现学科与学科 之间的密切性、之间的密切性、 共通性与跨越性。共通性与跨越性。 ) 教学反思:教学反思: 本课时的话题是 We should help others.本节课通过 创设迎泽公园情境,并在情境中创设帮忙找小狗 Snow 语境。 然后以思维导图的方式呈现知识点,以助于学生形成紧密 的知识链,易于记忆 以及复述,同时也可以训练学生缜密 的逻辑思维能力。教师的教主要让学生在情境中更加直观 形象地理解以及学习文本,通过听、说、演、编、写等活 动培养学生综合语言运用能力。学生的学以小组合作的方 式为主,培养学生的合作精神和自主探究能力。 首先,这一课时采用了拼图阅读的新式策略。这主要 体现了学生们小组合作学习,在课堂上主要是学生在活动, 教师们则退居幕后。突出了生生互动体现了教师应合理引 导学生互动合作,这样不仅能提高学生学习英语的兴趣, 也提高了学生们的英语阅读理解能力。而从课堂实践中来 看,多数学生主动参与课堂学习活动,基本达成了教学目 标。 第二,根据学生身心特点运用不同的教学方法。比如 开始用视频来组织教学,很快地抓住了学生的学习兴趣。 第三,根据故事内容发展和课文重难点,从整体出发 来设计整节课。以时间轴为先,先从整体感知,再到局部 探究,最后到整体深化理解和综合运用,使学生在循序渐 进的学习课文并得到内化。 第四,根据学生差异设计教学内容。整堂课中难度为 从易带难,从最简单的跟读到最后自主发展对话。对能力 较强的同学,设置开放性问题。对于接受能力弱的同学创 设更多机会,听读,跟读. 在小组中的合作学习,使学生 克服心理困难,选择易于实现的角色和分工,学习知识的 同事提高自信。 存在问题: 一是时间的把题不够成熟,前面节奏稍慢,以至于后 面节奏有些赶,留给学生展示的时间不够,留有遗憾,下 次应该给学生更多机会和平台,让学生展示自我。 二是评价不够,学生在完成一定的任务后,不能及时 给予评价。 空白演示 Speaker name and title here Whats the video about? Do you like helping others? Module 3 Things we do Period 1Period 1 We should help others!We should help others! 迎迎 泽泽 公公 园园 Whats the matter? He cant find his dog. Guess and listen A lovely dog Listen and answerListen and answer 迎迎 泽泽 公公 园园 A boy is crying. A lovely dog She is _ and _ . She has _ . Listen and say What does the dog look like? smallwhite a pink bell around her neck Snow Look and learnLook and learn neck bell What does the dog look like? The first clue(The first clue(线索线索): ): Shes small and white. She has a pink bell around her neck half an hour ago When? Where was the dog? Now (The dog is lost.) 迎迎 泽泽 公公 园园 The second clue:The second clue: When? Where was the dog? 迎迎 泽泽 公公 园园 two minutes ago now The third clue:The third clue: Look and sayLook and say 迎迎 泽泽 公公 园园 How should we find the dog now? two minutes ago Think and sayThink and say (in the past) (in the future) (now) in 15 minutes half an hour ago A boy is crying. She was near the gate. She was near the lake. Peter is going to the lake. Sally is going to ask the gatekeeper. 1. They _ a movie tomorrow evening. a is going to see b are going to see c see 3. My mother went to the supermarket _. a yesterday b two minutes later c tomorrow 2.My mum _ dinner for us now. a makes b is going to make c is making Read and choose Listen and readListen and read Say and act characters narratorPeterSallyboymanwoman (15 minutes later) Sally&Peter&Boy: Group-work:Group-work: Continue the dialogue Continue the dialogue Show timeShow timeShow timeShow time If we cant find the dog, what can we do? call the police ask others in the park for help write a notice Self-study:Think and write Show timeShow timeShow timeShow time white a pink bell the gate the lake GOOD BYE ModuleModule 3 3 ThingsThings wewe dodo UnitUnit 7 7 HelpingHelping othersothers ( ( PeriodPeriod 1 1 ) ) 教学目标教学目标: : 1.通过 Look and learn 的教学活动,认读新单词,复习前 面所学同类单词。 2.通过 Listen and say 的情景对话,理解不同时态的表 意功能。 3.能用合适的句型询问关心他人,井熟练表述自己如何提 供帮助。引导学生做一个乐于助人的人,学生能够体会赠 人玫瑰手有余香的感受,体会帮助他人也是让自己快乐的 途径,进而树立积极阳光的生活态度。 教学重点教学重点: : 句型复习: I cant find my dog. I saw her half an hour a4go. Im going to ask the gatekeeper. 教学难点教学难点: :不同时态在特定语境中的综合运用。 教学过程教学过程: : Comment 1: 用视频导入,吸引学生 的注意力,引发学生的学习兴趣,并 引出话题 Helping others。 Comment 2: 教师给出思维导图的提 示为学生搭好支架,让学生尝试 表 达自己帮助别人的一些想法,开启头 脑风暴,体会帮助别人,快乐自己的 愉悦心情。 Pre-taskPre-task preparationspreparations 1. 播放美国短片One day,学生欣赏,引出 Helping others 的主题,并就这一话题自由问答。 T: Whats the video about? S1: Its about helping others. T: Do you like helping others ? Ss: Yes. T: Did you help others before? How can you help others? S1: Yes,I did. I can give seat to old people. S2: Yes,I did. I can clean the table for my mother. S3: Yes, 1 did. I can help my teacher clean the blackboard. T: Yes. Helping others makes us happy. Today lets go to Yingze Park and help others. While-taskWhile-task proceduresprocedures 1. Listen and answer 哭声引出文本 Comment 3: 强调要点听,盯着听。 Comment 4: 动手读题。远望,整体 读题,画出关键词,搞清楚问的是什 么。 检索,确定题目后,动手读文,在文 中边读边标注,边读边概括,解决问 题。 T: Listen, what can you hear? S: A boy is crying. T: Why is he crying? Whats the matter? 2. Listen and say 看文本听录音,整体感知文本,呈现人物,找出男孩哭 泣原因,同时引导学生说出找狗首先要寻找狗的线索。 1 Who are they? (Peter, Sally,a boy, a man and a woman) Where are they? (They are in a pork.) 2 Whats the matter with the boy? (He cant find his dog.) 3 What does the dog look like? (It is small and white.It has a pink bell around her neck.) 学生根据图片快速说出单词 bell 和 neck.出示 neck 配图 时,可帮助学生复习 ear, eye, mouth, nose, leg, foot, body, tail 等词。可通过快速反应的活动形式复习这些词, 教师通过多媒体快速闪过图片及指示部位的箭头,学生快 速说出单词。 4 When? Where was the dog? Comment 5: 动手读题,远望,整体 读题,画出关键词,搞清楚问的是什 么。 检索,确定题目后,动手读文,在文 中边读边标注,边读边概括,解决问 题。 Comment 6: 通过小组合作进行角色 扮演,培养学生口头语言表达能力、 语感以及表演能力,进一步提升学生 口语以及自信心。 Comment 7: 动手读文,不仅在文中 画出,提取关键信息,还要完成具体 的题目,提取信息和概括的能力同时 培养。 Comment 8: 动手读文,联系生活实 际,把问题放到生活经验中去思考, 续写对话。 小组合作,生生互动,续编对话,有 效的进行语言操练。 ( Half an hour ago, she was near the gate.) (Two minutes ago, she was near the lake. ) 5 How should they do? (Peter is going to the lake. Alice is going to ask the gatekeeper. ) 3. Role-play 学生分组,分角色朗读课文,加表演动作。然后完成下面 的概要填空。 Today is Sunday. Sally and Peter are in the park. A boy is crying. He cant find his dog. The dog is small and white. She has a pink bell around her neck. A man sw the dog near the gate half an hour ago. A woman saw the dog two minutes ago. She was near the lake. Peter and Sally want to help the boy. Peter is going to the lake. Sally is going to ask he gatekeeper. Post-taskPost-task activitiesactivities 1.学生分成五人小组,分角色表演故事。鼓励程度较好的学 生续编对话。如 Sally 和 gatekeer 的对话,Peter 和游人 的对话,15 分钟后 Sally,Peter 和 boy 的对话。 1) Sally: Hello. Did you see a small white dog near here? Gatekeeper: I saw it about forty minutes ago. Then it ran away. 2) Peter: Did you see a small white dog near here? Man: Ye. Look! Its over there! Peter: Thank you! 3) Peter: Is this your dog? Boy: Yes. Thank you. Sally: Please look after it carefully. Boy: I will. . 2. Write a notice 假设他们找不到狗的情境,Sally 和 Peter 着手写 notice.
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