新人教版八年级上Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation.(单元复习 )PPT课件.ppt

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1、,Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation?,Grammar: past tense 定义,基本构成,时间状语,动词变化规则, 句型转换,语法聚焦(七下unit11和unit12),Grammar: past tense,定义,基本构成,时间状语,动词变化规则,句型转换,语法聚焦,Topic: vacation ( past events),key words,key phrases,key structures,Grammar: past tense 1. 定义 2. 基本构成 3. 时间状语:just now, yesterday, yesterday mor

2、ning, the day before yesterday, last night, in 1999, 时间段+ago, once upon a time, in the past 4. 动词过去式变化规则: 直接加-ed eg: play- played look-looked 把y变I 加-ed eg: try-tried worry-worried 双写尾字母加-ed eg: plan-planned stop- stopped 尾字母有e直接加- d eg: live-lived use-used 不规则变化:am, is-was are-were see saw go -went

3、tell told keep-kept feed fed find-found eat-ate get got have/has had do/does did make-made read read ride rode spend spent take took write wrote 挑战:写出以上动词的过去分词:been,seen,gone,told,kept,fed,found,eaten,got,had,done,made, read, ridden,spent,taken,written 5.变一般疑问句把was,were,did 提前, 变否定句在 was,were,did后加n

4、ot, 变特殊疑问句在一般疑问句前加特殊疑问词,语法聚焦: 1. What did you buy (buy) for your mother as a birthday gift? I bought (buy) a bag. 2. He was (be) short in the past. But now he is( be) tall. 3. He read an interesting story B. A. just B. just now C. at the moment 4. B you busy yesterday morning? A. Did B. were C. Were

5、 D. does 5. I did my homework last night. (变否定句) I didnt do my homework last night. 6.She went to the movies with her friends the day before yesterday.(对划线提问) What did she do the day before yesterday?,Key words:1. 表达人的不定代词:someone, everyone, anyone, no one Did you go out with anyone? Everyone knows

6、(know) him very well. 表达事或物的不定代词:everything,something, anything, nothing 一些重要的东西something important Would you like something to eat? He didnt say anything.(变同义句)He said nothing. There is nothing to do in the evening but read (read). 表达地点的不定副词:somewhere,anywhere, everywhere, nowhere 2. few (adj /pron

7、) quite a few 区别a few, little, a little Few of the students can drink water, because there is little water in the bottle. I like the TV channel with funny programs but few advertisements. 3.反身代词myself, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself,itself ,ourselves ,themselves Did you enjoy yourselves (you

8、), Mary and Jerry? One day, I want to depend on myself not my parents.,4. seem (v) (seemed, seemed) You seem to be (be) bored.=You seem bored It seems to rain (rain) That seems like a good idea. It seems that youre right.5. bored , boring (adj) I never feel bored because of the boring story.6. decid

9、e (v) (decided, decided, deciding) decision (n)下定决心make a decision考虑后决定/选定decide on What bad weather it was ! We decided not to go out (not go out). He couldnt decide when they will go.7.try(v/n)(tried, tried, trying) 试一试have a try 尽某人最大努力去做某事 try ones best 试穿try on They tried doing (do) the experim

10、ent, but failed. I didnt hear you come in just now. Thats good. We tried not to make (not make) any noise, for you were sleeping.,8. wonder (v) (wondered, wondered, wondering ) wonderful (adj) The foreigner wonders (wonder) how many wonderful (wonder) places in the world. I wonder if youll come here

11、 tomorrow. 9. difference (n) different (adj) 与. 不同 be different from differently (adv) There are many differences between the two girls. Although they are twins, they always think things differently .10. enough (adj/adv) 放在 名词 前后,形容词 副词 之后 He didnt write_, though he had B . A. careful enough; enough

12、 time B. carefully enough; enough time C. enough careful; enough time D. enough carefully; time enough Youre not old enough to solve the problem by yourself.(变同义句) Youre so young that you cant solve the problem by yourself. Youre too young to solve the problem by yourself. 11. umbrella (n) 一把雨伞 an u

13、mbrella ; trader (n) trade (v),Key phrases: 1. 去度假 go on vacation 2.去爬山 go to the mountains 3. 去海滩 go to the beach 4. 去参加夏令营 go to summer vacation 5. 参观博物馆 visit museums 6.照相 take photos 7.给.的感觉 feel like 8.大部分时间 most of the time 9.重要的事 something important 10. 尝起来很好吃 taste good 11.因为because of 12. 在

14、过去 in the past 13.为考试而学习 study for tests 14.喜欢四处转转 enjoy walking around 15. 兴奋的上下跳跃 jump up and down in excitement 16.告诉某人去做某事 tell somebody to do something17. 忘记 做某事 forget to do something 18.想要做某事 want to do/ feel like doing 19. 坚持做某事 keep doing 20.arrive in 到达 21.too many 太多的 22. go out 出去 23.qui

15、te a few 相当多的 24. keep a diary 记日记 e up 出来 26. the next day 第二天 27. find out 查明,because of, jump up and down in excitement, something important, most of the time, arrive in,1They didnt arrive in the country on time, they lost the chance.2.We cant hold the sports meeting because of the weather.3. He

16、jumped up and down in excitement when he saw so many lovely animals.4.I stayed at home most of the time to read and relax.5. Its necessary to master something important to solve the problem.,Key structures: Did you go anywhere interesting? Did you go there with anyone? Did you do anything special? D

17、id everyone have a good time? Where did you go on vacation? Why did you want to go there? Who did you go there with ? What did you do ? What do you think of your vacation? How was your wacation? How were the people? How was the weather ? How was the food? How long did you stay there? When did you st

18、art ?,Exercise: 补全对话 A: Hi, Mary! Where did you go on vacation last week? B: I went to Penang in Malaysia. A: Who did you go there with ? B: My parents. A: Did you go anywhere interesting ? B: We rode bicycles to Georgetown. It was a wonderful town. A: What did you do ? B: The weather was very hot,

19、so we went paragliding on the beach. A: Sounds great ! B: How long did you stay there ? A: The holiday was very short, we just stayed there for 3 days. B: Did everyone have a good time ? A: Yes, though we were tired, we still enjoyed ourselves.,Pairwork,Key structures: Did you go anywhere interesting? Did you go there with anyone? Did you do anything special? Did everyone have


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