外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 6-Unit 1 That snakes are short.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:604ba).zip

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MODULE6 UNIT1 These snakes are short. 外研社英语(一起点)下册 Lets chant Fat fat,who is fat? Pig pig,pig is fat. Thin thin,who is thin? Monkey monkey,monkey is thin. Big big,who is big? Cow cow,cow is big. Little little,who is little? Duck duck,duck is little. elephan t 大象 elephants 大象 The dog is _. The cat is _. big small Oh!The elephant is _. very big LETS GO TO THE ZOO. snake 蛇 snakes 蛇 giraff e 长颈 鹿 giraffes 长颈鹿 tiger 老虎 tigers 老虎 long: 长的 These snakes are long. sh These snakes are short. ort:短的 比一比 t These giraffes are tall. short: 矮的 These giraffes are short. l: 高的al 比 一 比 big These tigers are big. small These tigers are small. These trees are . These trees are . tallshort tall short These _are _. These _are _. pencils pencils short long shortlong READ THE TEXT 1:What did Lingling and Amy see? 2:Read the text with partner. 3:Read the text in roles. DO AND SAY Bring your pictures to class and talk about them. e.g: A:Are they long? A:Are they long? B: Yes,they are. B:No,they arent. B:These snakes are long. B:These snakes are short. ANIMALS ARE OUR FRIENDS. (动物是我们的朋友) Love animals (爱护动物) Protect animals (保护动物) Module 6Unit1These snakes are short 教学目标: 1、 语言知识目标 能理解运用单词:elephant(s) 、snake(s) 、giraffe(s) 、tiger(s) 、small 、 short、long 、talltall 2、 语言能力目标 能够听懂句子能够根据提示正确说出句子,会用英语描述 动物特征 eg: These snakes are short. 3、 情感目标 培养孩子热爱自然,爱护动物,保护动物的习惯 教学重点难点: 1. 能听懂会读会说以下单词和句子:elephant(s) 、snake(s) 、giraffe(s) 、tiger(s) 、small 、 short、long 、tall、 These snakes are short. 2. 能灵活运用所学句型来描述事物特征。 教学用具: 单词卡片、PPT 教学过程: 一、Warm-up 1 1、Greetings 2、Chant Fat fat ,who is fat? Pig pig, pig is fat. Thin thin,who is thin? Monkey monkey,monkey is thin. Big big, who is big? Cow cow,cow is big. Little little,who is little? Duck duck,duck is little.(一起说唱上节课老师和学生一起自编的英语童谣,并 配上一定的动作) 二:Lind-in 1:Listen and guess T:Some animals are coming.Listen and guess,what are they? Are they?引导学生用 They are.Yes,they are.句 型回答。教授 elephant(s) (课件播放各种动物叫声,用动物叫声吸引学生,让学生从 听觉感知到语言的表达,复习旧知,引发新的学习内容) 2:What happened between them? Lets look.(播放 SB Unit1 活动 1 的动画) 3:Fill the blanks. 三:Presentation 1:There is a place. There are lots and lots of animals. Do you know where is it?(利用谜语的形式呈现出 动物园内容,同时学习单词 zoo 和句子 Lets go to the zoo.) 2:创设情境 Today,well go to the zoo.Are you ready? Lets go!Oh,shop ,we have arrived. Look,what are they?(创设情境,激发学习兴趣) (1):利用聚光灯功能呈现各种动物,学习单词:snake(s) 、giraffe(s) 、tiger(s) (2): Play a guessing game.What is it? 把图片只露 出一部分让学生回答,复习巩固所学单词。 3:Look and compare (1):Show the PPT,教授单词:long,short,tall。并引出并 学习句型These snakes are short. (2):Game:Whats the missing?(闪现单词卡片,让学 生说出什么不见了,巩固练习单词及句子) 四:Lean the text T:Today,Lingling and Amy are going to the zoo too,What animals will they see? Lets look.(播放课文活 动 2 动画) 1:Listen and repeat 2:Read the text with the partner 3:Read in roles 五:Expansion 1、Do and say Bring your toys or picture to class and talk about them.(让小组内成员进行描述动物的特征,组内互相帮助。比 如: These snakes are short. These giraffes are tall.) 2:让学生到前面来展示,给与奖励。 3:Watch a video.(观看有关动物的视频,升华主题) 板书设计: Unit 1 These snakes are short. Dfff elephant snake giraffe tiger Long-short tall-short big-small These snakes are short.
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