外研版(一起)一年级下册Module 6-Unit 2 They are little and cute.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:100c9).zip

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新标准英语 (一年级起点)第二册共由 10 个学习模块(20 个 单元)和 1 个复习模块组成。每个模块的第一单元是新知识呈现和运用 部分,第二单元是新知识的巩固和扩展部分。本册教材主要有 animal body,farm animals,zoo animals,places and animals,clothes 十个话题。其中跟动物这个话题相关的已学过个模块。第六模块 Unit 1 主要是以 Amy 和 Lingling 在动物园观察动物为主要教学内容。其主 要学习任务是学会描述多个动物的共同特征。本课内容 Unit 2 也主要 是继续在动物园观察马家族,以描述同类动物的多个特征为主要教学内 容。第六模块第二单元,其中涉及了动物园中动物的名称,以及描述动 物的特征多个形容词。 学生曾在一年级上册和一年级下册中接触过动物名称以及特点的描 述方法。学生在一年级上册中初步学习了部分动物的名称,在一年级下 册进一步学习了更多的动物名称。学生要在此基础上,在创设的语境中, 通过一系列的课堂活动,学习用不同的形容词描述动物的特征,体会到 英语学习的乐趣,养成乐于观察的好习惯。 本课体现了学生半年英语学习的综合语言运用能力,无论是在听说 读演唱写各个方面的表达,是否达到了由语言一级目标的要求。 “义务 教育阶段英语课程的主要目的是为学生发展综合语言运用能力打基础, 为他们继续学习英语和未来发展创造有利条件。 ”学生对本课的学习, 体现了以下几点语言目标的提升:第一,学生对英语有好奇心,喜欢听 他人说英语;同时对继续学习英语有兴趣。第二,学生能说简单的英语 歌谣;能用简单的英语互致问候,并能就日常生活话题作简短叙述。第 三,学生能在图片或短语的帮助下听懂、读懂并讲述简单的故事。第四, 学生能根据图片、词语或例句的提示,说出简短的短文描述。第五,学 生在学习中乐于参与,积极合作、主动请教,初步形成了对英语的感知 能力和良好的学习习惯。 外研社小学英语(一年级外研社小学英语(一年级 起点)一年级下册起点)一年级下册 青岛永和路小学青岛永和路小学 苏瑛苏瑛 The monkey isnt _. The bear is very _. strong strong =is not . Homework : Task 1.Listen,point and read Module6Unit1&Unit2 2.Colour and introduce your picture(s) to your parent(s). 青岛永和路小学青岛永和路小学 苏瑛苏瑛 2017-4-2017-4- 14 14 Thank you for watching. 课时教学案课时教学案 姓名学科英语年级班一年级 3 班 课题Book2Module6Unit2Theyre little and cute.课时 基础 性目 标 100%学生能理解课文大意。 100%学生能听懂、理解、说并运用: cute,strong 80%学生能听懂、说并运用: “Theyre _ and _.”等进行谈论与交流。 70%学生能听懂、说并运用:“Are they?Yes, they are./No, they arent.”询问并回 答。 课 时 教 学 目 标 发展 性目 标 1.在语言教学中培养学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务(描述动物特征) 。2. 能够对一般疑问句做出正确的回答。 2.在语言教学中培养学生细心观察的好习惯,体会到英语学习的乐趣。 重点Master the key words and sentences about animals. 难点How to use the new words and the drills to describe the animals. 方法任务法,全身动作反应法,同位合作,小组合作 教 学 手段彩色卡片、单词卡、PPT 板书 设计 Module6Unit2 Theyre little and cute. Theyre little and 教学活动 教学任务 学生活动 教师活动设计意图 giraffes strong elephants tigers cute snakes snakes arent Warm -up and Review Presenta- tion 1. Greetings to teacher. Ss:Good morning,Ms Su. Im fine. Thank you. And you? 2.Try to sing and do the actions. Tigers, monkeys, lions, giraffes, snakes,bears . Yes. 1.Answer the question. The monkey isnt_. The bear is very_. Read the sentences together. isnt= is not Answer the question. The_ is strong. Learn the new word. “strong” One group read the word. Read 2 times in pairs. 2. Guess the pictures. The _ is very strong. Learn the new word “horse” One group read the word. Read 2 times in pairs. The monkey isnt strong. 3. Watch the big story. Try to answer the questions. horse Learn the new word “horses” Theyre big and strong. Theyre cute. Learn the new word “cute”. 1. Greetings to students. T: Good morning,everyone. How are you ? Im very well. Thank you. Today we will learn a new lesson. First, lets sing. 2.Play the video. What animals can you see in the zoo ? Do you like animals? 1.Watch a little video and fill in the blanks. Pay attention to “very”. Explain the different forms. What else is strong? Teach the new word. “strong” s/tr/ong(small,tree,long) Choose one group. 2. Play a guessing game. Whats this? The _ is very strong. Is it a _? The _ is _. The _s are _. They are _ and _. 3.Show a video. T: Amy and lingling go to the zoo. They see lions,snakes and giraffes. What else did they see? One horse or many horses? Let Ss read the sentence together. Mother horses and baby horses. What are mother horses like? What are baby horses like? c/u/te 通过边做动作边唱歌, 帮助学生熟悉本课谈论 的话题内容,复习动物 的复数表达法。 通过唱歌谣活跃课堂气 氛,同时让学生先感知 与本课相关的内容,为 接下来的学习做好铺垫。 感受小故事中的两组主 人公的特点。 分音节并结合学生已学 词汇,学习新单词 分步解决本课知识点。 根据 PPT 提示,学习描 述自己对动物已有的生 活经验。 通过组内读词,同位互 读,加深学生对于新词 发音的印象,从而与单 词词形建立联系。 通过分音节读词,帮助 学生感受、总结并记忆 自己学习过的字母(组 Practice and Consolidati on Check and Summa -ry Homework The _ is cute. Theyre little and cute. One group read the word. Read 2 times in pairs. 4.Imitate the story. Practise the pronunciation. Read the sentence together in one group. Learn the new word “arent=are not” One group read the word. Read 2 times in pairs. 1.Read the story loudly in groups. One person reads one sentence. Fill in the blanks in groups. Change long blanks. Change longer blanks. 2.Answer “Yes, they are./No, they arent” Try to ask “Are they?” 3.Practise in pairs A:Are they? B:Yes, they are. /No, they arent” 1.Listen and tick in English book. 2.Listen and tick in exercise book. Show their answers. Read them together. Im The _s are(nt)_. Make a summary. 1. Listen, point and read Module6Unit1&Unit2. 2. Colour and introduce your picture(s) to your parent(s). Let students practice “cute” in sentences. 4.Play the video. T:Pay attention to the tunes:up,down or strong. Choose one group to read one sentence. Help students compare “isnt” with “arent”. 1.Help the students if they need. Let Ss show their practice . Help Ss read fluently. Help Ss correct the sentences. Let Ss try to fill in the blanks. 3. Ask “Are they long/ strong/thin?” with students. Help students ask questions. Help students describe the animal(s). 1.Help students check the answers. Im tall. What about you? T:What did you learn today? Read the words and sentences. Help Ss make a summary. Read the task for Ss. 1. Listen, point and read Module6Unit1&Unit2. 2. Colour and introduce your picture(s) to your parent(s). 合) 。 通过对比已学 be 动词的 单数否定形式,帮助学 生学习 be 动词复数否定 形式。 通过同位合作与小组合 作,帮助学生启动已有 语言知识体系与生活经 验,表达本课话题。 阅读与本课内容相关的 语篇,训练学生的阅读 及解决问题能力。 以小组比赛的形式,激 励学生练习运用本课语 句表达的能力。
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