- Module 10 Unit 1 Let’s play.ppt--点击预览
- 教案e1225.docx--点击预览
What sports do they play?他们做了什么运动?他们做了什么运动? Listen and watch, then answer. T Ti ip p : : 听听 课课 文文 大大 意意 , 找找 问问 题题 答答 案案 football basketball ping-ponggo swimming What do they play?他们做了什么运动他们做了什么运动 Now find and circle Lets Good idea! OK ! Lets play! No. Im hot. OK! Lets go! Lets play football! play basketball! play ping- pong! go swimming! 提建议提建议 : Chant Football, football! Lets play football! Basketball, basketball! Lets play basketball! Ping-pong, ping-pong! Lets play ping-pong! Swimming, swimming! Lets go swimming! Read the text by yourself and complete. (自主学课文,完成填空。自主学课文,完成填空。) Good idea! football basketball OK! Lets play! Read the text by yourself and complete. (自主学课文,完成填空。自主学课文,完成填空。) ping- pong! No. Im hot! go swimming! OK! Lets go! OK! Lets go! OK! Lets play! Good idea! Lets play football! OK! Lets play! Lets play basketball! Lets play ping- pong! Lets go swimming! OK! Lets go! No, Im hot. Good idea ! Lets play football! OK! Lets play! Lets play basketball! Lets play ping- pong! No, Im hot. Lets go swimming! OK! Lets go! A. Lets play football. B. Lets play basketball. A. Lets play football. B. Lets play basketball. A. Lets play ping-pong. B. Lets basketball. A. Lets play ping-pong. B. Lets go swimming. 聪明的你会用play go 填空吗? 1. Lets _ basketball. 2. Lets _ football. 3. Lets _ swimming. 4. Lets _ ping-pong. play play play go Lets play football Lets play basketball lets play ping-pong Lets go swimming Can you remember? Lets_. One ,two, three,four. Lets_. Lets_ Homework: 1.听课文听课文3遍,读给家长听一听。遍,读给家长听一听。 2.试一试用英语邀请你的好朋友一试一试用英语邀请你的好朋友一 起去运动吧。起去运动吧。 新标准英语新标准英语 (小学一年级起始第二册)(小学一年级起始第二册) Module 10 Unit 1 Lets play football. 教学目标:教学目标: 1.知识目标: 让学生听懂、会说新单词 play、ping- pong、football、basketball、hot、swimming、和词组 go swimming。 让学生听懂、会说句子 Lets play football. Good idea. Ok .Lets play .Ok.Lets go . 2.能力目标:让学生学会邀请他人去参加体育活动,训练学生英语口语表 达能力。 3.情感目标:培养学生对英语的积极态度,发现英语学习中的乐趣,乐于 模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,合作学习。 教学重点:教学重点: 让学生听懂、会说新单词 play、ping- pong、football、basketball、swimming、和 go swimming 并围绕“体育运动”这 一主题掌握、运用句型. Lets play football! OK! Yes! 教学难点:教学难点:让学生大胆运用英语邀请别人参加体育活动。 教具:教具:多媒体课件、单词卡片、句子卡片和实物 教学方法:教学方法:视听教学法、游戏教学法、情景交际教学法 教学设计思路教学设计思路: 一年级的学生入学的时间还不长,不论是生理上还是心理上都未完全适应 正规的教学活动,六、七岁的儿童正是爱玩、好动的年龄,让他们牢牢地坐在 教室里面认真地听老师讲课,一坐就是四十分钟,对于孩子来说是一件艰难的 事情。而他们所面对的学习内容又是与他们的日常生活息息相关的 Lets play football. Yes. / OK. I like football.几个句子。如果仅仅靠呈现内容反复操 练的形式来完成教学任务,学生会很快失去兴趣。针对一年级学生的特点,我 采用活动活动活动活动活动活动的教学模式。将每个教学环节设计成为一个一个的活动。 让学生们在快乐的活动中理解语言、运用语言、习得语言。通过活动增强学生 学习语言的积极性,提高学习的兴趣;通过活动达到爱学、乐学、好学的目的; 通过活动让语言更接近真实的生活环境;通过活动让学生相互间学会合作与交 流,促进学习。 教学过程:教学过程: Sept 1.Greeting 1. How are you! 2. How old are you ? 3.what are these.(通过热身活动,充分调动学生积极性,活跃课堂。 ) Now lets do some actions. Say and do. (Touch your nose /mouth/face/head/eye/ear. Stand up . Sit down . Point to the door. Point to the window. Point to the ceiling. Point to the floor .) 评析:评析:帮助学生进入学习英语的良好状态。既在短时间内活跃了课堂气氛、 调动了学习积极性、吸引了学生注意力,又复习了旧知。 Sept 2. Presentation. 1. T: Lets count! ( 教师在黑板上画圆。) 学生指球并说出:Its a ball. 把这些圆变成各种球,以此来吸引孩子的注意力.再画小人踢球,打篮球 play football 踢足球 评析:评析:按照认知的规律,由浅入深,循序渐进地学习新词。运用游戏活动激 起学生好奇心,激发探求知识的欲望。 :play basketball 打篮球 评析:运用节奏和动作刺激大脑皮层,激活记忆,使学生自然习得语言, 并发展学生的理解力。 Play ping-pong,go swimming,教授新词 最后一个圆画成小刺猬,来吸引同学学习活动 1 2播放动画之后.师:what happened? 3. PPT(出示课文图片) (1.)T Listen and answer What sports do they play? (2.)T: How do they invite each other? (3.) Open your booksfind and circle“Lets” then check. ( 4.)Summary:Lets 的用法 (5.)Chant:(配乐) Football, football! Lets play football! Basketball, basketball! Lets play basketball! Ping-pong, ping-pong! Lets play ping-pong! Swimming, swimming! Lets go swimming! ( 6.)Read the text by yourself and complete. 4. Summary: 赞同或不赞同别人的建议要怎么说。 5.小老师领大家操练单词 6. Listen and repeat then practiceand then show. 7. Guess:What they say? (猜猜隐藏在对话泡后面的话) Step3. Practise Game: (教师拿出准备好的实物足球、篮球、乒乓球依次分别操练) Lets句型发出邀请学生做出赞同的回答: Good idea!/ OK! Lets play./OK!Lets go Step4. 情感升华(教育学生爱生活、爱运动。 Have a rest and enjoy the sports! (休息一下,欣赏体育的魅力。 ) Step5.Homework 1.Say all the sports you have known.( 说出你知道的所有体育运动名称) 2. Show your favourite text to your parents. (向父母展示本单元你最喜欢的内容)。 Step6. 板书设计: Module10Unit1 Let play football pay football play basketball Lets play ping-pong go swimming