1、Aims 1. To keep the kinds inserted in the activity. 2. To listen and understand“Whats the weather like today?” 3. To speak“Is it rainy/windy/cloudy/sunny today. 4. To learn the negative. Ads 1. 磁带 2. 配套光盘 3. 教学卡片 4. 教具包:四联图,软球一个 Procedures 1.Greeting.(Good morning) Good morning,good morning. To you,
2、to you and to you. How are you today? 2.finger plays Dance your fingers up,Dance your fingers down. Dance your finger to the side. Dance them all around. Dance them on your shoulders. Dance them on you head. Dance them on your tummy And put them all to bed. 3.Story time 教师展示四联图。 图一.窗外下着雨,一个魔术师,拿着魔法棒
3、,询问窗外的天气,Tony 回答了他的 问题. T:这是一个魔术师,他会变天气.听,他在问 Tony 什么? T:(魔术师的声音)Whats the weather like today? T:(Tony says)Its rainy today. 图 2.魔法师施出魔法,天空刮起了大风. T:哇!天气又变了.Look.Whats the weather like today? T:(Tony)Its windy today. 图 3.魔术师再次施魔法.窗外的天气又变成多云的. T:Look,Whats the weather like today? T:(Tony) Its cloudy t
4、oday. 图 4.Tony 感觉天气变化得非常奇怪,推开窗户一看,啊!原来都是这魔术师变出 来的呀. T:(Tony)Look!Its not rainy.Its not windy,Its sunny today(做太阳 出来的动作) 4.Reviewing activities: T:我再看看,魔术师都变出了哪些天气? T:(出示 Rainy 的图片)Whats the weather like today? C:Its rainy today. 5.Lets listen. T:Now,Lets listen. 6.Music time T:Lets do aviation Whats
5、 the weather?Whats the weather?(拍手) Whats the weather like today?(拍手) Is it rainy?(双手由上向下,手指抖动,假装下雨的样子) Is it windy?(两臂大幅度左右摇晃,假装刮风的样子) Is it cloudy(手指在头顶画云)or sunny(双臂做太阳出来的动作) Its not rainy(摆手,双手由上向下学下雨状) Its not windy(摆手,两臂大幅度左右摇晃) Its not cloudy today(摆手,两手指在头顶画云) Its sunny,It is sunny,It is sunny today(双臂做太阳出来的动作) Game time 1. 集体游戏:Rainy,Windy,Cloudy,and sunny. 游戏说明:在教室的地上画四个大圈(直径约一米),每一个圈中间画一种天气 的图案,如 Rainy,每次由几个孩子参与游戏,然后轮换。当老师说 Rainy 时, 几个孩子一起站到有两滴的圈中,教师可根据情况,由慢渐快。 Ending T:Lets review.(出示卡片与孩子一起复习本课知识点。