外研版(一起)二年级下册Module 8-Unit 1 The train is going up a hill.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:703ad).zip

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6月1日 Its Childrens Day . train Module Module 8 Unit 18 Unit 1 The train is going up a The train is going up a hill.hill. 本溪市实验小学 刘齐 The train is a_. hillgoing up Train , train, go, go, go. The panda is going up a hill. The panda is going up a tree. Its a hill. Train , train, go, go, go. going down Its a hill. Train , train, go, go, go. going past Its a school. going past What are they doing? They are talking. Unit 1.s wf Where is the girl? Shes on the train. word list on the train 在火车上 Where is Xiaolin? Hes at the station. word list at the station 在车站 Its a . hospitalgoing past Train , train, go, go, go. The train is _at the station. station stopping 三亚 厦门 南昌 上海 拉萨 大连 长春 北京 Olympic Torch Now, its going past . Now, its stopping in Beijing. I can see you. And I can see you, too. trainhillhospitalstation I can read I can read trainhillhospitalstation Who is missing? Up, up, going up Down, down, going down stop Past, past, going past stopstopping I can do updowndownup The train is going _the hill. The train is going _the hill. I can use updown The train is going _the hill. updown The train is going _the hill. stoppinggoing past The train is _ at the station. The train is _ the hospital. going paststopping I can say The train is going a hill.up The car is a hill. going up The bike a hill. is going up The train is going a hill.down The car is a hill. going down The bike a hill. is going down The train is going the hospital. past The bike is the . going pasthospital A Guessing Game It is going _ . A. up a hill B. down a hill C. past a hospital 2 points It is going down a hill. It is going _ . A. up a hill B. down a hill C. past a hospital 2 points It is going up a hill. It is going _ . A. up a hill B. down a hill C. past a hospital 3 points It is going past a hospital. It is going _ . A. up a hill B. down a hill C. past a hospital 3 points It is going down a hill. Were going to the zoo by bus. Bus Station Bus Statio n Bus Statio n Bus Statio n Bus Statio n Bus Statio n 1. The train is going the hill. 2. The bus is stopping the station. 4. The man is walking the hill. 3.The dog is running the park. up at past down What have we learned today? 我们今天学到了什么? Talk about train with your parents and friends. 外研社外研社( (一起一起) )二下二下TheThe traintrain isis goinggoing upup a a hillhill 教学设计教学设计 一、教学内容:一、教学内容: The train is going up a hill. 二、教学目标:二、教学目标: 1. Learn the words: hospital, station, stop, hill, past 并能正确认读这些单 词。同时熟练掌握词组 going up , going down, going past 并能在句子中运用。 2.学习主要功能语句 The train is going up a hill. Its going down the hill. Its going past the hill. Its stopping at the station.简单描述事物行进路线,并 能根据提示看懂能画路线图。 3. 通过本课的学习加强团队合作意识,增强学生学习的自信心, 从而培 养学习英语的兴趣。 三、教学重点:三、教学重点: 主要功能句 going up , going down , going past, stopping at the station 的 操练与运用。 四、教学难点:四、教学难点: 准确描述事物的行进路线 五、五、 教学准备:教学准备: 教学课件, 图片,books 等。 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: (一)、导入新授 1.Greeting. 2.Sing an English song Ss: Sing and do the actions. 3.Free talk: Talk about Childrens Day. (二)、Presentation 1. Show the train and say: T: Take out a train and say, Ive got a present for you, look, whats this? Its a train. Now, the train is going up a hill. 边说边在黑板上进行演示。 2. T: 板书课题并说, Today lets learn Module 8 Unit1 The train is going up a hill. 让我们跟随小火车去旅行。 (三)、课文教学 1. Ss; Learn the word ,hill 2. Ss: Try to answer .T: 用小火车边演示, 边说句子。板书上的一座小山, 边拿火车边说, look ,this is a train now, the train is going up a hill. Can you try ?Ss: 让学生们试着说。 3.T: 同样方式学习 Train train go go go ,The train is going down the hill. 4. The train going past the hill. 5.Ss:What are they doing? Tt:They are talking. 6. Ss: Listen to the tape. Answer to the question. Where is the girl? Tt: She is on the train. 7.Listen again. Where is Xiaolin? T: Show the word , station, Show another picture of Benxi train station. Ss: Try to guess whats meaning about “station”. 8.Repeat, Learn the word : hospital T: Show the word and the picture of hospital. 把图片粘到黑板上并同时领读单词 hospital. 9.Read by themselves and try to answer : The train is _at the station. 讲解“stop”,Its a stressed syllable, so we write double “p” add “ing”. 10.Read this passage together. (四)、拓展回顾 1.I can do. 2.I can use. 3.I can say. 4. A guessing game. (五)、Production 1.Summary 2. Homework Talk about train with your parents and friends. 七、板书设计:七、板书设计: Module 8 Unit 1 The train is going up a hill.
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