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1、Unit 3 基础知识检测基础知识检测 I 根据首字母或汉语意思提示填写单词根据首字母或汉语意思提示填写单词 1. From the plane, the _ (景色) was just a patchwork of fields. 2. When he got bored he w_ around the fair. 3. At least one supernova occurs per d_ in our galaxy. 4. It was the perfect _ (环境,背景) for a wonderful Christmas. 5. The book is expected t

2、o d_ the best-seller lists. 6. He gave a _ (生动的) account of his life as a fighter pilot. 7. I have rarely seen her d_ any sign of emotion. 8. He studied classical _ (建筑学) and design in Rome. 9. There are many types of wild _ (蘑菇) in the woods. 10. Natural disasters have obviously contributed to the

3、countrys economic c_ . 【答案【答案】 1. landscape;2. wandered;3. decade;4. setting;5. dominate;6. vivid;7. display;8. architecture;9. mushrooms;10. crisis II 单句语法填空单句语法填空 1. I am working with _ (most) highly motivated people. 2. What made you decide to become a Republican, as opposed _ a Democrat? 3. The

4、government is aiming at full _ (employ). 4. It is _ (realistic) to expect them to be able to solve the problem immediately. 5. No composer was considered worthy _ the name until he had written an opera. 6. There are special _ (arrange) for people working overseas. 7. The book gives us fascinating in

5、sights _ life in Mexico. 8. She never achieved her _ (ambitious) of becoming a famous writer. 9. The price of wine varies _ (enormous) depending on where it comes from. 10. _ (expose) to lead is known to damage the brains of young children. 11. Thankfully the smoking of cigarettes is _ the decline.

6、12. The late president Ferdinand Marcos _ (overthrow)by a popular uprising in 1986. 13. He _ (exhibition) regularly in local art galleries. 14. To some degree, what you wear speaks volumes _ you. 15. I have been doing some _ (history) research. 【答案】【答案】1. mostly;2. to;3. employment;4. unrealistic;5.

7、 arrangements;6. of;7. into;8. ambition;9. enormously;10. Exposure;11. on;12. was overthrown;13. exhibits;14. about;15. historical III 根据汉语意思提示完成句子根据汉语意思提示完成句子 1. 我呼吁所有志同道合的人来支持我。 I appeal _ all _ people to _ me. 2. 从本质上讲,你我的情况并非相差很远。 _, your situation isnt so different from mine. 3. 他是一名顾问医生,一个专注于其

8、使命的严肃认真的人。 He was a consultant physician, a serious man _. 4. 我们进口原材料和能源,主要出口工业产品。 We _ and export mainly industrial products. 5. 卷入战斗中的平民的安全必须得到保障。 The safety of _ caught up in the fighting _. 6. 这份工作最大的乐趣之一就是结识来自各行各业的人。 One of the greatest pleasures of this job is meeting people _. 7. 我想要对这个计划作一个非

9、常全面的解释。 I want make a very _ of this plan. 8. 脚是非常特殊的、由 26 块细小骨头组成的结构体。 The feet are highly special _ 26 small delicate bones. 9. 他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧与不安。 He did not want to _ to anyone. 10. 我们应该更加爱护有历史意义的建筑。 We should take more care of our _. 11. 竞选活动期间,他许诺要致力于恢复经济。 During his election _ he _ put the econ

10、omy back on its feet. 12. 反叛者自 2001 年以来一直发动游击战争。 The rebels _ a guerrilla war since 2001. 13. 我被领进了一个被柔和的红光笼罩着的小房间。 I was led to a small room _ soft red light. 14. 我一下子明白我们如何能改善局面了。 It suddenly _ how we could _. 15.这个公司将总计投资 160 万元购置新设备。 The company will invest $1.6m _ in _. 【答案】【答案】1. I appeal to a

11、ll like-minded people to support me. 2. In essence, your situation isnt so different from mine. 3. He was a consultant physician, a serious man dedicated / devoted to his calling. 4. We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products. 5. The safety of civilians caught up in the

12、 fighting must be guaranteed. 6. One of the greatest pleasures of this job is meeting people from all walks of life. 7. I want a very comprehensive explanation of this plan. 8. The feet are highly special structures made up of / composed of 26 small delicate bones. 9. He did not want to expose his f

13、ears and insecurity to anyone. 10. We should take more care of our historic buildings. 11. During his election campaign he promised to put the economy back on its feet. 12. The rebels have waged a guerrilla war since 2001. 13. I was led to a small room bathed in soft red light. 14. It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. 15. The company will invest $1.6m overall in new equipment.


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