(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 4 Exploring Poetry 单词学案-.docx

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1、1 Unit 4Exploring Poetry Word study (Welcome 冷冻的,冻 僵的;(因恐怖等)吓呆的 freezing a. /ad.可极冷的;冰冻的 freeze v. (使)结冰 (froze-frozen) a frozen river 结了冰的河流 frozen fish/chicken/etc 冷冻鱼/鸡等 be frozen with fear 吓得一动不动 freezing point 冰点freezing cold 非常冷的 above/below freezing 在冰点以上/以下 2.imply vt.含有的意思, 暗示, 暗指; 表明 impli

2、cation n. 言外之意;暗示 He implied that one of his friends was guilty. 他暗示他的一个朋友有罪。 Silence implies consent. 沉默表示赞同。 3.dimension n.方面,侧面;规模,程度; 维(度) Her job added a new dimension to her life. 她的工作为地的生活增添了新的内容。 a model in three dimensions 三维模型 4.grasp n.抓紧,握 紧,控制;能力所及 vt. 抓紧; 领会,理解 grasp the meaning of sth

3、.领会的含义 haveagoodgrasp/commandoftheEnglish language 精通英语 have a thorough grasp of. 对彻底了解 take a firm grasp of sth.紧紧抓住. beyond/within ones grasp 为某人所不能/所能抓到 的;为某人不能/能够理解的 graspsb.bythehand/collar/arm/wrist/the opportunity 抓住手/衣领/手臂/手腕/机会 Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失。 5.detect vt.发现,查明,侦察出 detectable a.

4、可发现的,可查出的; 可看穿的 detection n. 发现,看穿,探知;发觉 detective n.侦探detector n.侦探器 The police detected the identity of the murderer. 警 方查出查出了凶手的身份身份。 The noise is barely detectable by the human ear. 这种 声音人的耳朵几乎是察觉不到的。 a detective story/film 侦探故事/电影 plex a.复合体;情结complexity n. 错综复杂(的事物) a complex state of affair 错

5、综复杂的事态 a new apartment complex 新综合办公大楼 The link between money and happiness is complex.钱 与幸福之间关系复杂。 7.contradictory a. 相互矛盾/对立的 contradict vt.开垦(荒地) People in many places are digging up the old folk stories. 许多地区的人都在搜集古老的民间故事。 9.clue n. (解开问题/谜底的)线索, 提示; 迹象 give a clue to sth 提供某事的线索 search for clue

6、s 搜寻线索 10interpret vt. 解释,阐释;把理解 为,领会;演绎vi. 口译 interpreter n. 传译员;口译者 interpretation n.解释;口译 interpret sth. as 把理解为,领会为 I interpreted his silence as a refusal. 我把他的沉默理解为拒绝。 He interpreted the role with a lot of humour. 他把这个角色演绎得非常幽默。 The girl is interpreting for foreign visitors. 那女孩在替外宾当口译。 11patie

7、nce n. 耐心,忍耐力 impatience opp 没耐心 patient a.耐心的 n. 病人 impatient a. 不耐烦的 lose / run out of (ones) patience with have little/ no patience with 对失去耐心 do sth. with patience = do sth. patiently 耐心做某事 Patience is a must to enjoy the game. 耐心是享受比赛的必要条件。 My patience had run out and I shouted at her. 我没有耐心了,朝

8、她大起来。 12 aside adv. 到旁边,在旁边;留,存;除以外 set aside 把放一边;留出 lay aside 把搁置一边 takeaside 把拉到一边 stand aside 站在旁边;不参与 aside from = apart from 除之外 13remote a.(remoter-remotest) 偏远的, 偏僻的; 遥远的, 久远的; 远亲的 remote mountainous areas 偏远的山区 in the remote past / future 在遥远的过去或未来 a remote controller 遥控器 a remote relative;

9、一位远房亲戚 a remote look/ manner 冷淡的,不友好的神色、态度 14reward vt. 悬赏金 rewarding a. 有益的,值得的;有报酬的,报答的 reward sb. with sth/by doing sth. for doing sth. 用.酬谢某人做了某事 sth. be rewarded = pay off 得到回报;取得成功 in reward for =as a reward for doing 作为的回报 give/offer sb a reward of sm. for sth 为某事给某人报酬/赏金 He rewarded us hands

10、omely for helping him. 因为我们帮助他,他给了我们丰厚的回报。 Gardening is a rewarding pastime. 园艺是有益的消遣活动。 3 15 constantly ad. 始终,一直 constant a.固定的;不变的; 常用于名词前不停的;连续不断的;持 续的 constancy n. (信念等)恒久不变;忠 贞 We are constantly being reminded to cut down our fat intake. 不断有人提醒我们要减少脂肪的摄入量。 a constant temperature 恒温 drive at a

11、constant speed 以稳定的速度驾驶 Aconstant dropping wears away a stone. 滴水穿石。 They constantly struggle to make themselves stronger and better to serve the society. 他们不断努力让自己变得更强、更好。 16 logical a.符合逻辑的; 必然的, 合乎情理的 illogical a. 不符合逻辑的 logically ad. 在逻辑上;必然地 logic n. 逻辑(学);推理 a logical argument 符合逻辑的立论 a logica

12、l result 必然的结果 以以-logical 为词尾的阅读高频词:为词尾的阅读高频词: ecological 生态学的biological 生物学的 technological 科技的 biotechnological 生物科技的 psychological 心理(学)方面的 geological 地质学的 17inner a.内心的,隐藏的; 里面的,内部的 outer opp. the inner feelings/thoughts 内心的感情/想法 an inner room/ear 内室/内耳 Reading can help us acquire inner peace. 阅读

13、可以帮助我们获得内心的平静。 18perceive vt.正式用语(不用进行时) 注意到,意识到;将理解为,将视 为 perception n. 知觉(力), 理解,认识;洞察力 perceptive a. 感知的 perceive sth./that C. 觉察到/注意到某事 perceive sb. doing sth. 觉察到某人在做某事 perceive sth. (to be/ as) + n. /a.看出是; 理解 为; 把视为/当作/看待 Voters perceive him as a decisive international leader. 选民认识到他是个果断的国际领袖

14、。 a man of keen perception 知觉敏锐的人 19reality n. 现实,实际情况;事实,实 际经历 real a.真实的;确实的 really ad. 真正地;到底;确实 realize vt.实现;意识到 a reality show 真人秀节目 virtual reality 虚拟现实 escape from reality 逃避现实 turn sth. into a reality/realities 把变成现实 in reality = actually= in effect = as a matter of fact = in (actual) fact

15、实际上,事实上 realize ones dream/goal/hopes/ambitions 实现某人的梦想/目标/希望/抱负 二、当堂反馈二、当堂反馈 (一)单词拼写 1. The teachers smile i_ that she had forgiven me. 2.At that time, we did not fully g_ the significance of what had happened. 3. The ocean ecosystem is made up of very c_ food chains. 4. The heroine of Gone with Wi

16、nd has been variously i_. 4 5.A_ from being fun and good exercise, swimming is a very useful skill. 6. Tiny acts of goodwill are worthwhile because they add a new _(方面;维度) to peoples lives. 7. Tom has a bad reputation for his words are always _(矛盾的) to his behaviors. 8. Teaching young children is no

17、t easy but challenging, which needs great _(耐心) and skill. 9. Stress is widely _(视为,认为) as a contributing factor to the heart disease. 10. Teachers have to _(不断地) update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional competence (二)单句语法 1. Its well known that teaching in China is not _ (rewa

18、rd) financially. 2. Little Tom was _ (freeze) with fear when the accident happened. 3. Deaths from shark attacks are not as common as_ from other causes. 4. The underlying meaning of the poem seems to be _ his grasp. 5. Outwardly she seemed confident but in _ (real) she felt extremely nervous. 6. An

19、yone who can give a helpful clue _ the missing girl will be rewarded by the family. 7. If you want to sway someone to your side, you need to convince them emotionally and _ (logic). 8. Modest and easy _ (approach), he soon put everyone completely at ease. 9. Cutting down trees and _ (dig) up grass c

20、an cause deserts and sandstorms to increase. 10. The witnesses statements _ each other and the facts remained unclear. In the court the witnesses gave two completely _ accounts.(contradict) Grammar (人)忍受(危险/考验/不愉快的事) undergo chemical changes 发生化学变化 Our astronauts undergo a long period of testing and

21、 training. 我们的宇航员要经历上时间的考验和训练。 5.advocate vt.胆敢 vt. 激将; 激 dare to do sth 敢做某事 dare sb to do sth 激某人做某事; 7 modal v.接不带 to 的不定式;多用于条件 句、疑问句、否定句 敢;竟敢 nC 激将;挑战 dare sth. 敢于面对 I dare say = I daresay = I think 我认为 They dared Tom to steal a bottle of his fathers whiskey. 他们激汤姆去他父亲的一瓶威士忌。 We must dare to st

22、and up for the truth and dare to correct mistakes. 我们要敢于维护真理,敢于改正错误。 2.characterize v. 是的特征, 以为典型; 使具有特点; 描述,刻画 characteristic a. 独特的,特有的,典型 的n. 特征,特性,特质 An elephant is characterized by a long trunk.大 象的特征是长鼻子。 Can you characterize the nature of this dispute? 你能否定义一下此次争端的性质? Its characteristic of sb

23、. to do sth. 做某事正是某人的特征/点。 3.encounter v. 承认; 忍受 tolerance n. 容忍;允许 be tolerant of /towards sb./sth 容忍,宽容 tolerate sb/ sth/(sb.) doing sth We need to be tolerant of different points of views. 我们需要容忍不同的观点。 Hewonttolerateanyonequestioninghis decisions. 他不能容忍任何人质疑他的决定。 6.liberty n.自由,解放at liberty 自由的,随

24、意的 strike a balance between security and liberty 在安全和自由之间取得平衡 the Statue of Liberty 自由女神像) 7.vitality n.生命力,活力,热情生命力,活力,热情 She is bursting with vitality and new ideas. 她朝气蓬勃,满脑子新主意。 8.distinguish v 成为的特征,使有别于 区分,辨别;认出,使出众 distinguished a. 著名的,有尊严的,卓越的;杰出的 distinction n.区别 distinguish oneself 表现突出 di

25、stinguish oneself in sth. 在某方面使自己突出,出类拔萃 distinguish A from Bdistinguish between A and B区分 A 和 B (=tell) distinguish right from wrong 明辨是非 8 distinguishable a. 可区别的,可辨别的 be distinguished for . 因而著名(=famous/wellknown) be distinguished as 作为出名;以享有声誉 with distinction以优异的成绩 make a distinction betweenAan

26、d B 区分 A 和 B She has already distinguished herself as an athlete.作为运动员她已享有盛名。 9.representative a. 代表 represent vt.代表;象征;体现; 描绘 be representative of 代表着;是的代表; 是的典型 a student/ trade union /sales representative 学生/工会/销售代表 represent harmony / luck 象征和谐/好运 be represented / described as 被呈现、描绘为 The painti

27、ng is not representative of his work of the period.这幅画并不能代表他那个时代。 10.frost n.霜冻,严寒天气 The car windows were covered with frost. 11cast vt.由于 owe sb. a favor/ an explanation / an apology 欠某人人情/道歉/应向某人道歉 owe sb sth (for sth)/ owe sth to sb (for sth.) 因欠某人某物 owe it to sb that-C/ owe sth to sb 把归功于 We owe

28、 you 10 dollars for the tickets. 我们欠你 He owes his good health to his regular life. 他把自身的健康归功于生活有规律。 13debt n.人情债,情义,恩情; 借款,欠款,债务 be in heavy debtbe deep in debt 负债累累 in debt to sb. in sb.s debt 9 欠某人的人情/债 owe sb. a debt = be in ones debt 欠某人的人情/债 get/be out of debt 摆脱债务 pay off ones debt 还清负债 get /

29、run into debt负债 You may rely on it that he will pay back all the debts.你相信好了,他会偿还所有债务的。 14fascinate vt.深深吸引,迷住, 使神魂颠 倒(不用进行时) fascinating a. 迷人的,极美的 fascination n.魔力;魅力 be fascinated by对着迷 The boy has become fascinated with making modelaeroplanes.Anythingtodowith aeroplanes fascinates him. 这孩子做飞机模型都

30、入了迷了。 任何与飞机有 关的事都使他着迷。 15entitle vt.(usually passive) 给命名;使享 有权利,使符合资格 titlen. 标题 entitle sb to (do) sth 使某人享有权利 Her latest novel, entitled The Forgotten Man, came out last week. 她的名为被遗忘的人 的最新小说上周出版了。 We are all entitled to equal protection under the law. 我们都有权受到法律的同等保护。 16blame vt. 限额; 零花钱 allow vt

31、. 允许 traveling allowance 旅行补贴,旅差费 a clothing/living allowance 服装/生活补贴 baggage allowance of 10 kilos 行李限重 the daily allowance of Vitamin C 维生素 C 的每日摄入量 make allowance(s) for = allow for 体考虑到,估计到;体谅 allow doing / allow sb to do 允许做某事 allow sb. sth 使某人得到某物 You should make allowance for his poor health.

32、 10 你必须考虑到她身体虚弱。 二、当堂反馈二、当堂反馈 (一)单词拼写(一)单词拼写 1. They d_ not play a joke on him in case he becomes angry. 2. Eliza can be c_ as a very sensitive and emotional person. 3. They are extremely gentle and friendly and very t_ of children. 4. He paid back the money he o_ us immediately he returned home. 5.

33、 The audience was f_ by their superb performance. 6. The singer is regarded as a _(代表) of the youth of her generation. 7. Should you _ (遇到) any inconvenience, please let me know and Ill help you out. 8. Once you form the habit of _ (责怪) somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are a loser

34、. 9. In this world, we have _ (无数的) people who have proven that a person can do whatever he or she strives to do. 10. The silent girl _(使 突出 ) herself in the English Speech Competition, which attracted the attention of the whole class. (二)单句语法(二)单句语法 1.What a mess! You are always so lazy! Im not _ (

35、blame), mum. I am what you have made me. 2. Since he was stuck in a lift a year ago, he hasnt dared _ (get) back into one. 3. This function of the Internet is particularly _ (strike) when Im writing 4. The government has taken effective measures to maintain the _ (stable) of house prices. 5. The sch

36、ool cannot tolerate anyone _(cheat) on exams. 6. _(cast) a grateful smile at the woman, I thanked her from the bottom of my heart. 7. _(owe) to not receiving any response, he decided to write to them again. 8. Her daughter is very clever and often _ as a genius. (represent) 9. The plan makes no allowance _ people working at different rates. 10. Tourists, _ by the _ views of the old castle, visit this beauty castle all year round. (fascinate)


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