(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修三Unit 1 整个单元课文改编语法填空(无答案).docx

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1、必修必修 3 unit 1 课文改编语法填空课文改编语法填空合集合集 Welcome to the jungle, _ huge sea of green alive with the sounds of animals. This is the Amazon rainforest. As the _(large) rainforest in the world, it plays a significant role _ maintaining the fine balance of the Earths ecosystem. The Amazon rainforest crosses in

2、to eight countries, _(include) Brazil and Peru, and one overseas region of France, all on the SouthAmerican continent. With an area of around 6 million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is more than half the size of China. The Amazon River, from _ the rainforest gets its name, is close to 6,

3、400 kilometres in _(long)-roughly100 kilometres longer than the Yangtze River. On its journey from the mountains to the ocean, the river supports many different ecosystems. They give this area _ richest biodiversity on the Earth: one in ten _(know) species in the world can _(find) here. _ the 390,00

4、0 plant species known to us, more than 40,000 can be found in the Amazon. This tall and ancient brazil nut tree produces nuts that we can eat; these water lilies are big enough _(lie) down on. The forests different levels support an unbelievable _(vary) of wildlife. At the bottom, there is a system

5、of roots beneath the ground.Above that _(be) the mass of leaf litter on the dark forest floor. The next level is made up of shorter plants with large leaves. Then there are the _(tower) ancient hardwoods, and _(final) the tops of the tallest trees many metres above the ground. Each level of the fore

6、st forms its own little world, home _ different kinds of living things. More than 1, 300 species of birds and over 400 species of mammals hide among the jungles plant life. This jaguar is one example. It has a yellowish-brown coat _black spots. While a significant number of jaguars survive here, the

7、y are only one element of this forests food chain. They feed _ at least 87 species, including frogs. These frogs, _ turn, feed on insects _ eat leaves and fruit. When a jaguar dies, a tiny army of microorganisms helps break _ its body and return the nutrients to the earth The Amazon rainforest _(bre

8、athe) life into the planet by _(fix) carbon and producing over 20 per cent of all the Earths oxygen. Thus, it is often known _the lungs of the planet. Moreover, the Amazon rainforest is a treasure house of species that can be used for food or medicine. Yet there is one major danger to these _(replac

9、eable) pants and animals: us, Over the past 50 years, about 17 per cent of the rainforest has disappeared due _ human activities such as agriculture and cattle farming. As the impact of human activities continues to grow and the list of species in danger of _(extinct) becomes longer, we are left wit

10、h a question: can we afford_(damage) the lungs of the planet? Human activities cause increasing harm to animals When you think of a fearsome hunter, images of lions and sharks may spring _ _ mind. Recent research by environmental scientists, however, shows that in fact humans are the most fearsome h

11、unters who have the greatest impact _ animal populations. Human activities have brought many animals close to _(extinct). In the last 500 years, over 300 species of animals _(go) extinct. Some activiti es such as hunting and fishing, _(direct) harm animals, while other activities, such as developmen

12、t in towns and cities, impact indirectly on animal populations. Hunting and fishing have directly influenced the worlds animal populations. Some people hunt animals for food:whale meat_(eat) in some parts of the world. Somepeoplehuntanimalsfor fashion:animalskinisused_(make)coatsandbags.Still others

13、 hunt animals just for fun: deer are tracked and shot by people who enjoy the _(excite) of the sport Human activities that have indirect effects_ animals can be just as harmful When we build farms or factories, we destroy animal habitats and leave many animals with nowhere _(live), or no food to eat

14、. We can also put animals_ danger without ever _(enter) their habitats. Air, water, noise and light pollution can all have a deep and damaging influence quite far from their source. Partly due to pollution _(cause) by ship traffic and other human activities, the dolphin populati on has dropped _(gre

15、at). As the human population continues to grow, _ does the effect we have _ animals. 倡议书:呼吁大家保护动物倡议书:呼吁大家保护动物 Dear schoolmates, It is universally acknowledged that animals play an irreplaceable role in maintaining the fine balance of ecosystem. However, With the development of human society, the lis

16、t of species in danger of extinction is becoming longer and longer. Therefore, it is high time for us to take effective measures to protect them. First of all, the government should make hunting endangered animals against the law. Besides, protecting the animal habitats is of great significance. For

17、 example, we can create well-planned and well-managed protected areas, which can ensure water and food supplies are safe. Last but not least, it is crucial to raise peoples awareness(意识) of protecting animals through proper education. Lets make joint efforts and take immediate action! News that Matt

18、ers: pollution in Norgate HOST: Good evening and welcome to News Matters. Our topic today is pollution in NorOrgate. Joining us in the studio tonight_(be) James Smith_ local resident: Vincent Brown, senior manager of a local factory; and Julie Archer, chief of the Norgate Environmental Protection Co

19、mmittee. Welcome. Norgate s rapid development has had _(significance )environmental costs. Mr Smith, you,ve lived in this city for over 20 years. How would you describe the effects of pollution over that time? SMITH: Its been awful, really. When I first moved here, the air was fresh, the grass green

20、 and the water clear. Then heavy industry factories moved in and things became_(entire)different. I don t enjoy outdoor activities any more. The river is dirty and_(smell). The smog in the air has coloured the sky a_(smoke) grey; its also given me a cough that I cant get rid_. For health and safety

21、reasons alone, heavy industry has to go. HOST: Mr Smith protested _heavy industry. Mr Brown, would you like to respond? BROWN: Well, Im sorry you feel that way, Mr Smith. People tend to connect factories with pictures of clouds of dirty smoke and_(responsible)businessmen eager to make huge profits.

22、_defence of the factories. However, Id like to point out that we also try to control amount of pollution we produce. I think I speak-all factory managers when I say were deeply_( concern) about the environment. Weve been taking _(vary) measures, including the use of new technologies,_(reduce) pollut

23、ion in the production process, even though these measures raise our production costs. I d also like to draw your attention to the_( economy) benefits factories have brought to Norgate. We_ (create)many jobs for local residents and helped the citys economy grow. HOST: Thank you, Mr Brown. pollution l

24、evels on the rise, the Norgate Environmental Protection Committee is searching for ways _(fight) the problem. MrsArcher, what are your thoughts on how to deal with pollution. ARCHER: Well, our committee has a major role to play_maintaining air and water quality. We have to achieve a balance between

25、environmental protection and economic development. We ve made environmental policies for businesses_(observe), like strict clean up _(require). We also work hand in hand with other _(branch) ofgovernmenttoensurethatdevelopmentstrategies_(follow)inan _( environment) friendly way. However,_(fight) pol

26、lution isnt just a task for factories and the government. It has to be a community-wide effort, and everyone can help by following the golden rule: reduce, reuse and recycle. For example, you can save energy by taking the bus or the subway, or_(use) the bike-sharing system HOST: Thank you, Mrs Arche

27、r, and thanks again to all of our guests. A former UN official once said, Saving our planet, lifting people out of_(poor), advancing economic_(grow). these are one and the same fight. The fortunes of out environment and our economy are_(separate). Its our duty_(protect) the environment whileweaimforeconomicdevelopment.Itsourdutytoleaveabetterand _(healthy). planet to our children. _is our duty to build a human community with a_(share) future.


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