(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语必修三Unit 1 午练(含完型阅读七选五语法填空)(含解析).zip

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高一下午间练习高一下午间练习Unit 1() . 完形填空 Nobis is proud, because his father is a great gentleman. Yesterday he _1_ with Betti, the son of a charcoal(木炭) man. He didnt know what retort(反驳) to make _2_ he was in the wrong. He said to Betti, “Your father is a poor _3_!” Betti said nothing but _4_ welled in his eyes. When he returned home, he repeated the words to his father. So the charcoal man made his _5_ in the afternoon, leading his boy by the hand, to _6_ to the teacher. While he was making his complaint, Nobis father happened to hear that. He frowned(皱眉) and asked Nobis if that was true. Nobis stood in front of little Betti, with his head _7_, making no reply. At last, Nobis _8_ to Betti by repeating what his father _9_ him to say, “I beg your pardon for the _10_ and foolish comments I made on your father, whose hand my father would feel honored to press.” Then the gentleman _11_ his hand to the charcoal man, who shook it firmly. “Do me the favor to place them next to each other, ” said the gentleman to the teacher. When the boys were _12_, Nobis father bowed and left. The charcoal man remained there _13_ for several moments, but he did not say anything. He then made his way to the door, turning round for one last look and _14_ “Keep what you have seen in mind, boys, ” said the teacher. “This is the finest _15_ of the year.” 1. A. chatted B. quarreled C. played D. discussed 2. A. because B. if C. unless D. when 3. A. seller B. judge C. farmer D. beggar 4. A. shame B. pride C. tears D. shadows 5. A. deal B. way C. living D. appearance 6. A. reply B. complain C. explain D. listen 7. A. turning B. rising C. hanging D. nodding 8. A. apologized B. added C. linked D. pointed 9. A. forced B. helped C. aided D. desired 10. A. strange B. proud C. great D. impolite 11. A. waved B. offered C. shook D. took 12. A. convinced B. dismissed C. punished D. seated 13. A. in public B. in secret C. in person D. in thought 14. A. left B. smiled C. sighed D. stared 15. A. approach B. talk C. lesson D. view . 阅读理解 A A study has found that middleaged and older adults who live in greener neighborhoods have a decreased risk of developing metabolic syndrome(代谢综合征) such as obesity(肥胖), hypertension(高血压) and high blood sugar. The study, published in Environmental Pollution, was organized by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). It differed from previous studies on the health benefits of green spaces in that it examined all of the symptoms(症状) of metabolic syndrome together collectively rather than as individual elements. Having metabolic syndrome increases a persons risk of heart disease, strokes and type 2 diabetes, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The study from ISGlobal examined data from clinical examinations of over 6,000 British adults who were between 45 and 69 years old when the study began. The data was gained from four participants who went through between 1997 and 2013 that included blood analyses, blood pressure and measurement of weight. “These findings suggest that longterm exposure to green spaces can play an important role in preventing metabolic syndrome as a whole, ” according to a press release published by ISGlobal. The correlation between nearness to green spaces and better health could be associated with the expanded opportunities for physical recreation and lower exposure to air pollution, according to Carmen De Keijzer, ISGlobal researcher and principal author of the study. Female subjects were more likely than males to show the studys connection between living in greener and healthier neighborhoods and having fewer metabolic symptoms. “Women tend to spend more time in their residential(住宅的) neighborhood, which could explain this gender difference, ” Carmen said. “We need greener cities if we want healthier cities, ” she added. 1. What do we know about the study from the first two paragraphs? A. Symptoms were examined one by one. B. Several institutes took part in the study together. C. Young people were not included in the study. D. It was the first study on health benefits. 2. Why do women have fewer metabolic symptoms? A. Because they have a different gender. B. Because they stay more where they live. C. Because they live in greener cities. D. Because they live in healthier cities. 3. What can be a suitable title for the text? A. Living in Greener and Healthier Cities B. Women Having Fewer Metabolic Symptoms C. Metabolic Syndrome Increasing Heart Disease D. Greener Neighborhoods, Fewer Metabolic Symptoms B Rachel Carson was concerned about what was happening to the environment. So in her book Silent Spring, she warned that some chemicals were poisoning the air, the water, the earth, and all its creatures. She imagined a time when spring would not bring the rebirth of flowers, trees, and the songs of birds. The book became a bestseller, and Ms. Carson was in great demand as a speaker. People listened to her because what she said made sense, and because she was a scientist who knew her facts. Rachel Carson was primarily interested in the world of sea and shore, so she became a marine biologist for the government. She studied and recorded facts about the seas plant and animal life, their special characteristics, and the nature of their environments. In 1951, she wrote The Sea Around Us, which brought her honors, fame, and respect around the world. Ms. Carson then devoted herself fulltime to research and writing. One thing much on her mind was the effect of modern technology on the natural environment. One day, a distressed friend wrote her to say that a plane spraying(喷洒) DDT had flown over her yard, and the next day several birds lay dead. Carson decided to act. For four years she had studied the use of pesticides(杀虫剂) in the United States, and then she wrote Silent Spring. In her book Ms. Carson said that these pesticides would harm much more than insects. She explained that these poisons would pollute the environment. “Even if their effects are not immediately observable, they remain for years in the water and the soil, and they become part of the food eaten by animals and humans. Besides, after a time, insects develop immunity to pesticides, ” she said. Recent studies have shown that pesticides can affect human brainwave activity and cause loss of memory and inability to concentrate. We should still remember Rachel Carsons words, “I think we are challenged as we have never been before to prove our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves.” 4. Silent Spring is a book that _ A. aims to raise peoples environmental awareness B. stresses the importance of the cycle of nature C. describes the authors childhood experiences D. asks people to enjoy the beauty of spring 5. The underlined word “distressed” in Paragraph 3 probably means “_” A. curious B. humorous C. excited D. worried 6. According to the text, Rachel Carson _ A. became worldfamous due to Silent Spring B. warned against the use of chemicals to kill insects C. had a good knowledge of the planets in the universe D. created a system for improving human brainwave activity 7. What Rachel Carson said in the last paragraph suggests that _ A. we should prove ourselves to be the ruler of this world B. its a chance for us to prove our mastery of nature C. its time for us to think about what we have done D. settling on the earth is a challenge for humans . 七选五 How To Make Your Wardrobe(衣柜) Ecofriendly Maybe youve started to buy recyclable products and carry reusable grocery bags. _1_ Even when youre doing all these, there may be something youre completely ignoringyour wardrobe. You dont necessarily have to replace your entire wardrobe with items from ecofriendly labels. Instead, you could make a few adjustments here and there to fill your closet with ecofriendly lifestyle. Take a look at the tips below: _2_ Research shows that 60 to 80 percent of clothes environmental impact comes from how often it is washed. You can wear your clothes two to three times before washing them. Then use cold water to save energy. Be a big picture shopper. Before you buy something, consider: Will I still want to wear this a year from now? _3_ Choose clothes with right materials. When youre buying new clothes, make sure you go for materials that have a low impact on the environment. _4_ Even when youre buying other clothes, try to look for recycled ones. Cut down on waste by exchanging clothes with friends. You could also donate your old clothes to local clothing recycling bins. If you have clothes that you love but have gone out of style, try to create something new out of them. _5_ Otherwise, you could also create DIY clothes out of them. As you can see, there are plenty of options for you to adopt an ecofriendly wardrobe. A minor improvement could work wonders, so try not to throw away anything. The goal is to reduce waste, not create more. A. Wash your clothes less often. B. If not, leave it for someone who will. C. Go for bamboo, silk, wool and organic cotton. D. Buy highquality clothes that will last one year. E. You will have no trouble finding the right clothes. F. For instance, you could turn loose jeans into skinny jeans. G. You could even be growing organic vegetables for green living. 1. _2. _3. _4. _5. _ Unit 1() . 完形填空 【文章大意】本文主要讲了两个孩子在吵架后,双方家长以友善的态度处理此问题, 并最终握手言和,用言传身教给孩子上了最好的一课。 1. B考查动词。句意:昨天他和 Betti 吵架。chat 聊天;quarrel 吵架;play 玩耍; discuss 讨论。根据下文“He didnt know what retort(反驳) to make(他不知道如何反驳)”可 知他们是在吵架,故选 B。 2. A考查连词。句意:他不知道如何反驳,因为过错在他。根据下文 He said to Betti, “Your father is a poor _3_!”可知 Nobis 说 Betti 的爸爸是一个穷光蛋,这是 Nobis 的不 对之处,所以他才不知道如何反驳,此处为因果关系,故选 A。 3. D考查名词。句意:你爸爸是一个穷乞丐。seller 销售者;judge 法官,裁判; farmer 农民;beggar 乞讨者。根据上文 with Betti, the son of a charcoal(木炭) man.Nobis 对 Betti 说,Betti 的爸爸是一个穷乞丐,故选 D。 4. C考查名词。句意:Betti 什么都没说,但眼里充满了泪水。shame 害羞;pride 骄 傲;tears 眼泪;shadows 影子。根据空格后“welled in his eyes(充满了眼睛)”可知,眼里 充满了泪水。故选 C。 5. D考查名词。句意:所以这个卖木炭的男人下午出现了。根据前文 Nobis 说 Betti 的爸爸是一个穷乞丐,Betti 非常伤心可知此处 Betti 的爸爸要出现来澄清此事,故选 D。 6. C考查动词。句意:他领着孩子,向老师进行了解释。reply 回答; complain 抱怨; explain 解释;listen 听。根据下文“While he was making his complaint(当他抱怨的时候)” 以及前文他被其他孩子误会成乞丐的事,结合语境,木炭工把孩子带到学校,首先向老师 解释了他不是乞丐,接着表示了不满,故选 C。 7. D考查动词。句意:他点了头,但是没有回答。turn 转向;rise 上升;hang 悬挂; nod 点头。根据上文 Your father is a poor _3_!可知,Nobis 点了点头。故选 D。 8. A考查动词。句意:Nobis 向 Betti 道歉,通过重复他爸爸叮嘱过他的话。根据“I beg your pardon for the _10_ and foolish comments I made on your father, whose hand my father would feel honored to press.”可知,Nobis 向 Betti 道歉。故选 A。 9. A考查动词。句意同上。force 迫使;help 帮助;aid 帮助;desire 愿望。根据前文 “making no reply”可知 Nobis 并不知道如何道歉,所以他不得不按照父亲教他的话去说。故 选 A。 10. D考查形容词。句意:“我为我的不礼貌以及对你父亲愚蠢的评价表示歉意。 ” strange 奇怪的;proud 骄傲的;great 伟大的;impolite 不礼貌的。根据空格后“and foolish comments”可知空格处与 foolish comments 是并列关系,Nobis 为自己的不礼貌以及对 Betti 父亲愚蠢的评价表示歉意。故选 D。 11. B考查动词。句意:然后这位绅士主动向木炭工伸出了手,木炭工用力地握了一 下手。根据 who shook it firmly 可知,这位绅士主动向木炭工伸出了手。故选 B。 12. D考查动词。句意:当两个孩子调好座位后,Nobis 的爸爸鞠了一躬离开了。 convince 使确信;dismiss 解散;punish 惩罚;seat 就座。根据前文“Do me the favor to place them next to each other, ” said the gentleman to the teacher.可知此时指的是把两个孩子 的座位调好了,故选 D。 13. D考查介词短语。句意:木炭工依然在那停留并思索了一会儿。in public 在公共 场合;in secret 秘密地;in person 亲自;in thought 陷入沉思。根据下文“.for several moments, but he did not say anything.” ,再结合语境,可知他是在思考整件事情,故选 D。 14. A考查动词。句意:然后他朝门口走去,转过身最后看了一眼就离开了。leave 离开;smile 微笑;sigh 叹气;stare 盯着。根据前文“He then made his way to the door(他接 着走到门口)”可知他要离开了,故选 A。 15. C考查名词。句意:这是你们今年上的最好的一课。approach 方法;talk 谈论; lesson 课,教训;view 观点。前文叙述了两个孩子家长处理这件事的方法,是主动握手言 和,这是家长在给孩子做榜样,对孩子来说,是最好的教育方式,也是最好的一课,故选 C。 . 阅读理解 A 【文章大意】本文介绍了居住在绿色社区和代谢症状之间的联系。一项研究发现, 居住在绿色社区的中老年人患上肥胖、高血压和高血糖等代谢综合征的风险降低。说明社 区越环保,代谢症状越少。 1. C细节理解题。根据第一段 A study has found that middleaged and older adults who live in greener neighborhoods have a decreased risk of developing metabolic syndrome(代谢综合 征) such as obesity(肥胖), hypertension(高血压) and high blood sugar.(一项研究发现,居住在 绿色社区的中老年人患肥胖、高血压和高血糖等代谢综合征的风险较低。)由此可知,范围 是中老年人,年轻人不包括在研究中。故选 C。 2. B细节理解题。根据最后一段(与男性相比,女性受试者更有可能表现出生活在更 环保、更健康的社区与代谢症状更少之间的联系。 “女性往往会花更多的时间待在自己居住 的社区,这可以解释这种性别差异。 ” Carmen 说。)可知,女性代谢症状较少,因为她们更 多地待在她们居住的地方。故选 B。 3. D主旨大意题。根据第一段 A study has found that middleaged and older adults who live in greener neighborhoods have a decreased risk of developing metabolic syndrome(代谢综合 征) such as obesity(肥胖), hypertension(高血压) and high blood sugar.(一项研究发现,居住在 绿色社区的中老年人患肥胖、高血压和高血糖等代谢综合征的风险较低。)结合本文介绍了 居住在绿色社区和代谢症状之间的联系。由此可知,D 选项“更环保的社区,更少的代谢 症状”最符合文章标题。故选 D。 B 【文章大意】本文讲述了瑞秋卡森很关心环境的变化,一直致力于保护环境,她还 写了一本书寂静的春天来提高人们的环保意识。 4. A推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Rachel Carson was concerned about what was happening to the environment. So in her book Silent Spring, she warned that some chemicals were poisoning the air, the water, the earth, and all its creatures.”(瑞秋卡森很关心环境的变化。所 以在她的书寂静的春天中,她警告说,一些化学物质正在毒害空气、水、地球及其所 有生物。)由此可知, 寂静的春天是一本旨在提高人们环保意识的书,故 A 项正确。 5. D词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“a plane spraying(喷洒) DDT had flown over her yard, and the next day several birds lay dead”(一架喷洒杀虫剂的飞机飞过她的院子,结果第 二天就有几只鸟死掉了),因此这个朋友一定会闷闷不乐(很担心),由此可知画线词词义为 “担心的、闷闷不乐的” ,故 D 项正确。 6. B细节理解题。根据第五段中的“In her book Ms. Carson said that these pesticides would harm much more than insects. She explained that these poisons would pollute the environment.”(卡森女士在书中说,这些杀虫剂对人体的危害远大于对昆虫的危害,她解释 说这些毒药会污染环境。)由此可知,她警告不要使用化学药品杀虫,故 B 项正确。 7. C推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Recent studies have shown that pesticides can affect human brainwave activity and cause loss of memory and inability to concentrate.”(最近的 研究表明,杀虫剂会影响人的脑波活动,导致记忆丧失和无法集中注意力。)因此瑞秋卡 森说的“我认为我们受到了前所未有的挑战去证明我们掌控了自己,而不是掌控了自然” , 可推断,我们是时候该考虑一下我们的所作所为(不仅对环境,而且还对我们自己造成的影 响)了,故 C 项正确。 . 七选五 【文章大意】本文倡导读者过绿色环保的生活方式,就如何拥有生态环保的衣柜提 供了若干个有用的建议。 1. G前一句“Maybe youve started to buy recyclable products and carry reusable grocery bags.(也许你已开始购买可回收的产品,携带可重复利用的购物袋)”这些说明你已经有环 保意识并做出相应行动了。选项 G 中的“You could even be growing organic vegetables for green living.(为了绿色生活你甚至还种有机蔬菜)”与第一句构成递进关系。故选 G 项。 2. A下一句“Research shows that 60 to 80 percent of clothes environmental impact comes from how often it is washed.(研究表明 60%80%的衣物对环境的影响源于衣物的洗涤 频率)”中的“how often it is washed.”与选项 A“Wash your clothes less often”(不要经常洗衣服) 的建议相吻合。选 A 项。 3. B前一句“Before you buy something, consider: Will I still want to wear this a year from now?(买东西之前,思考一下:从现在起的一年时间内我会想穿它吗?)”这个问句 需要做出回答,B 项中的“If not, leave it for someone who will.(如果不,就把它留给别人吧。 )”回答了这个问题,一问一答,符合说话人的逻辑,故选 B 项。 4. C前一句中的“make sure you go for materials that have a low impact on the environment(确保你找的材料对环境的低影响)”其中的“materials” 与 C 选项 “Go for bamboo, silk, wool and organic cotton(找毛竹、丝、羊毛和有机棉)”这些材料种类相吻合, 故选 C 项。 5. F前一句中的“.try to create something new out of them.(尽力用旧衣物创造一些新 的东西)” ,及段尾句“you could also create DIY clothes out of them.(你也可以用旧衣物自己 动手改做衣服)” ,与 F 选项 “For instance, you could turn loose jeans into skinny jeans.(例如, 你可以把宽松的牛仔裤改成紧身的)”的逻辑意思一致,切合语境,故选 F 项。 高一下午间练习高一下午间练习Unit 1() . 完形填空 Seventeenyearold Nadia Clarke talks about her African experience. Last summer I got the chance to spend a month _1_ in a hospital in Africa. I had one year left at school, and I was _2_ in studying medicine at university. I thought it was the perfect chance to get some experi
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