(2021新外研版)高中英语选择性必修四Unit4 基础知识巩固 +应用文写作训练(网购)(含答案).docx

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(2021新外研版)高中英语选择性必修四Unit4 基础知识巩固 +应用文写作训练(网购)(含答案).docx_第1页
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1、高中应用文提升练习高中应用文提升练习-基础知识巩固基础知识巩固 (外研版选择性必修第四册外研版选择性必修第四册 unit4) +应用文写作训练应用文写作训练 (网网 购)购)40 .单词拼写 1Approaching the institute center,we saw a stone _(雕像) of about 10 meters in height. 2The girl conquered her fear and picked up the _(巨大的) spider in sight of it last night. 3He was a poor student from Mad

2、ras whose _(天赋) took him to Cambridge. 4Our bodies are _(加强) by taking exercise.Similarly,our minds are developed by learning. 5According to the expert,the_(庙)has a history dating back to the early Tang Dynasty. 6Many _(学者)are making efforts to rescue disappearing conventions. 7She took a firm grasp

3、 of the hand of her husband and finally climbed up to the _(峰顶) . 1.statue2.enormous3.genius 4.strengthened5.temple6.scholars7. peak .单句语法填空 8Tim often boasts _ his courage,but always escapes in the time of fighting. 9In China,since ancient times,watching and enjoying the _(glory) full moon on the M

4、id-Autumn Festival is of great importance. 10When he first came to China,he felt out of tune _ his surroundings. 11The delegation thought it would be appropriate to go into a more _(detail) discussion. 12He made such a great contribution to the university that the new library was named _ his name. 1

5、3The reason _ Mary didnt come to school was that she was ill. 14He has much_ common with me so we become good friends. 15 Having spent the past year as an exchange student in Hong Kong, Linda appears more mature than _of her age. 8.of/about9. glorious10.with 11. detailed12. after13. why14.in15. thos

6、e .完成句子 16.这种数码相机比市场上所有其他类型的相机都好。 17.不管我的功课忙不忙,我都会设法找时间和朋友们出去玩。 18.2010 年上海世博会更像是一个文化交流的平台, 让世界各国的人们更紧密地联系在一起。 19.直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福。 20.被丈夫抛弃后,她靠自己谋生。 16This kind of digital camera is superior to all the other types on the market. 17Whether Im busy with the lessons or not,I will manage to find time

7、 to hang out with my friends. 18 The World Expo Shanghai 2010 is more like a platform for cultural exchange, bringing people into closer contact with the rest of the world. 19It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness. 20Abandoned by her husband,she made a living on her own. .用定语从句合并下列句子

8、37The picture was drawn by a 6-year-old girl.You are looking at it. The picture (that/which) you are looking at was drawn by a 6-year-old girl. 38The modern history of Italy dates from 1860.At that time the country became united. The modern history of Italy dates from 1860,when the country became un

9、ited. 39Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase.The price of the vase was very reasonable. Recently I bought an ancient Chinese vase,the price of which was very reasonable. 40Id like to take care of the child.Her mother died recently. Id like to take care of the child whose mother died recently. 4

10、1I can think of many cases.In these cases students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. I can think of many cases where students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldnt write a good essay. .应用文训练应用文训练 下面这幅图片反映了现在日渐盛行的一种购物方式网上

11、购物,请你结合图片内容, 写一篇 80 词左右的英语短文,谈谈你对网上购物的看法,并陈述自己的理由。 审题 1确定文体:议论文; 2主体时态:一般现在时; 3主体人称:第一人称和第三人称。 谋篇 第一段:提出话题或现象; 第二段: 通过科学的分析, 合理的论证, 剖析自己的观点并陈述理由, 达到说服读者的目的; 第三段:总结论点。 核心词汇 1随着的发展 with the development of 2对非常有益 be of great benefit to 3说实话 to tell the truth 4在网络上 on the Internet 5上网 surf the Internet

12、连词成句 1通过互联网人们不必出门就可以购买自己想要的东西。(what 宾语从句) People can buy what they want through the Internet without going out. 2这给他们带来了更多的便利。(bring sb.sth.) This brings them more convenience. 3他们可以通过上网购买顶级品牌。(by doing.) They can shop for the top brands by surfing the Internet. 4在互联网上,新品牌一登广告,他们就可以选择自己需要的产品。(immedi

13、ately) On the Internet,they can choose what they need immediately the new brands are advertised. 5说实话,我现在几乎是在网上购买所有我需要的东西。 To tell the truth,I buy almost everything I need on the Internet now. 句式升级 1将句 1 和句 2 用定语从句连接起来 People can buy what they want through the Internet without going out, which bring

14、s them more convenience. 2将句 3 和句 4 用定语从句连接起来 They can shop for the top brands by surfing the Internet,where they can choose what they need immediately the new brands are advertised. 3用强调句型改写句 5,强调地点状语 To tell the truth,it is on the Internet that I buy almost everything I need now. 用适当的过渡词语,把以上词汇和句式

15、,再加上联想内容,组成一篇 80 词左右的英语 短文。 参考范文 With the development of the Internet , shopping on the Internet is becoming more popular.People can buy what they want through the Internet without going out,which brings them more convenience. Shopping on the Internet is of great benefit to the customers.First,they

16、can shop for the top brands by surfing the Internet, where they can choose what they need immediately the new brands are advertised.Second,they can get the goods at the best prices. In my opinion,it is good to shop on the Internet.To tell the truth,it is on the Internet that I buy almost everything I need now.


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