(精)牛津深圳版五年级上册Unit 11 Water 第一课时ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip

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Unit 11 Water 第一课时第一课时 习题习题 一、单词互译。一、单词互译。 1. tap _ 2.蔬菜 _ 3. use _ 4. 灭火 _ 5. farmer _ 二、选择题。二、选择题。 1. Where _ water come from? A. doesB. isC. do 2. Water comes from _ sea. A. aB. anC. the 3. How do we use _ water? A. TheB. /C. to 4. We use water _ drink. A. to B. /C. for 5. _ use water to wash clothes. A. FiremanB. FarmerC. We 三、根据提示填空。三、根据提示填空。 1. water is _(use). 2. How do we _(use) water? 3. It is use _(wash) clothes. 4. He _(put) out fires. 5. Farmers grow _(crop). 四、选择搭配。四、选择搭配。 ( )1.How do we use water? A.Yes, it is. ( )2.Where does water come from? B.Lets go outside. ( )3.The wind is blowing gently. C.We use water to grow crops. ( )4.What time do you get up? D.Water comes from the sea. ( )5.Is water useful? E.I get up at 7:30 a.m. 五、阅读理解。五、阅读理解。 Water is very important for living things. Without water there can be no life on the earth. All plants and animals need water. Man also needs water. We need water to drink, to cook food and to clean ourselves. Water is needed in farms, factories, offices, schools and families. Water is found in seas, rivers and lakes. It can be found everywhere in the world, and it can also be found in the air. We cannot see or feel the water when it is part of air. Clouds are also made of water. Thay are little drops of water. When water freezes, it is ice. So ice is also water. 根据短文判断正(T)误(F) (1) Some living things can live without water.() (2) Man needs more water than the other living things.() (3) Water can be found on the earth and in the air.() (4) Clouds are made of very little drops of water.() (5) Water changes into ice when it freezes.() Unit 11 Water 第一课时第一课时 答案答案 一、 【解析】本题考查单词词义。 【答案】1. 水龙头2. vegetable3. 使用4. put out fires5. 农民 二、 【解析】本题考查句型的掌握。 【答案】ACBAC 三、 【解析】本题考查单词的使用。 【答案】1. useful2. use3. to wash4. puts5. crops Unit 11 Water 第一课时 牛津深圳版牛津深圳版 五年级上五年级上 Warm up Riddle waterwater It has no taste. It has no colour. It has no smell. It is everywhere around us. It is in the river. It is in the rain. It is in the waterfall. What is it? tap Water comes from the tap. Lets learn use How do we use water? Lets learn vegetable We use water to wash vegetables. Lets learn clothes We use water to wash clothes. Lets learn farmer He is a farmer. Lets learn useful Water is useful! Lets learn grow crops We can use water to grow crops. Lets learn put out fires Firemen can use water to put out fires. Lets learn usefuluse tapfarmer 衣服 灭火 种庄稼 蔬菜 useuse put output outfarmer farmer usefuluseful taptap clothesclothes Lets play Lets talk Where does water come from?Where does water come from? It comes from the stream. It comes from the lake. It comes from the sea. Lets talk Where does water come from?Where does water come from? It comes from the rain. It comes from the tap. Lets talk How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water? Farmers use water to grow crops. Firemen use water to put out fires. We use water to wash our hands.We use water to clean our teeth. Lets talk How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water? Lets talk How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water? Cooks use water to cook food. Gardeners use water to water the plants. Lets talk How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water?How do we use water? Zookeepers use water to feed animals. We use water to wash our clothes. Lets repeat Ms Guo: Where does water come from? Joe: It comes from the sea. Alice: It comes from the rain. Peter: It comes from the tap too. Lets repeat Ms Guo: All of you are right. How do we use water? Jill: We use water to wash our hands. We use water to wash vegetables and clothes too. Alice: Farmers use water to grow crops. Firemen use water to put out fires. Ms Guo: Very good. Water is very useful. How do we use water? We use water to Farmers use water toFiremen use water to We use water to Complete the sentences Practice 1. Water comes from _, _ and _. the sea 2. We use water to _, _, _, _, and _. the rain the tap wash our handwash vegetables wash clothes grow crops put out fires the sea the rainthe tap wash our hands wash vegetables wash clothes grow cropsput out fires Lets write Show time Lets act 1.小组5人合作扮演。 2.注意自己的语音语调,表情和动作。 水来自哪里?水来自哪里? Where does waterWhere does water _? _? 它来自大海。它来自大海。 It comes from It comes from _._. 我们怎么用水?我们怎么用水? _ do we use water? _ do we use water? 我们用水洗衣服。我们用水洗衣服。 _ come from come from the seathe sea Practice How How We use water to wash clothes. We use water to wash clothes. Useful water How do we use water? Practice cook food clean our face wash clothes put out fires grow corps Water is useful! Water is limited! Summary tap, use, vegetable, clothes, farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires -Where does water come from? -It comes from the . -How do we use water? -We use water to . Summary 1. 背诵本课的生词。 2. 在会写的基础上正确 朗读本课对话。 3.完成本课的课后作业。 总结Unit 11 的重点: (1)熟读本单元对话。 (2)结合对话内容,总结 关于水的使用的句型。 Homework 牛津深圳版英语五年级第一课时教学设计牛津深圳版英语五年级第一课时教学设计 课题 Water单元Unit 11学科英语年级五年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:掌握新词:tap, use, vegetable, clothes, farmer, useful 等。 过程与方法目标:能够在日常情境下使用单词对水进行讨论。 情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 重点学习水用途的词语。 难点能够在日常情境下使用单词进行有关水用途的表达。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课Warm up: enjoy a song Lead in: Riddle It has no taste. It has no smell. It has no colour. It is everywhere around us. It is in the river. It is in the rain. It is in the waterfall. What is it? 猜谜语 利用谜 语引出主题 water。 讲授新课1.Vocabulary (1)Please listen and repeat the new words . tap, use, vegetable, clothes, farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires (2)Demonstrate how to write in English. (3)Make sentences. Water comes from the tap. How do we use water? We use water to wash vegetables. We use water to wash clothes. He is a farmer. Water is useful! We can use water to grow crops. Firemen can use water to put out fires. (4) Play words games: Team compete, drills 学习新单词。 配合老师完 成单词游戏 由单词向句 子过渡,加 深记忆。 巩固练习, 纠正单词发 音 出示一些生活用水的图片,与学生讨论 2. Listen and say. (1) Watch the flash. (2) Listen carefully and try to repeat. (3)Listen again and find out the key points (4)lets write 1. Complete the sentences. 1. Water comes from _, _ and _. 2. We use water to _, _, _, _, and _. (5) role play 小组 5 人合作扮演。注意自己的语音语调,表 情和动作。 3. practice (1)fill in the blanks 水来自哪里? Where does water _? 它来自大海。 It comes from _. 我们怎么用水? _ do we use water? 我们用水洗衣服。 说一说水的 来源与用途 听录音,模 仿语音语调。 思考并完成 练习。 role play 练习使用重 点句式。 为 listen and say 环 节的学习做 好铺垫 课文的句型 学习和正音。 学习水来源 和用途的句 型。 对话演练, 巩固句型 讲练结合, 检验学生的 掌握情况。 _ (2)完成思维导图 How do we use water? 5. Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: tap, use, vegetable, clothes, farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires -Where does water come from? -It comes from the . -How do we use water? -We use water to . 5. Homework (1)背诵本课的生词。 (2)在会写的基础上正确朗读本课对话。 (3)完成本课的课后作业。 总结 Unit 11 的重点: (1)熟读本单元对话。 (2)结合对话内容,总结关于水使用方法的表达。 回忆所学, 总结知识。 记录并在课 下完成作业。 评估掌握情 况。 。 承前启后, 为下节课做 准备。 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是激发学生使用英语描 述水,通过实际对话情境的模拟练习加深对单词的 掌握,并为下节课的句型讲解做好铺垫。练习活动 主要是两人对话,师生对话,小组活动为主,让学 生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中完成学习任务,达到 预定的教学目标。 板书Unit 11 Water tap, use, vegetable, clothes, farmer, useful, grow crops, put out fires -Where does water come from? -It comes from the . -How do we use water? -We use water to .
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