(精)牛津深圳版五年级上册Unit3 My birthday第一课时 ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip

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  • 牛津深圳版五年级上册英语Unit3 My birthday第一课时 ppt课件(含教案+练习)
    • 2019.09.22-14.44.35.mp4
    • Listen and say.swf
    • Read and say 1.mp3
    • Read and say 2.mp3
    • Unit3 My birthday第一课时习题.doc--点击预览
    • Unit3 My birthday第一课时教学设计.doc--点击预览
    • Unit3 My birthday第一课时课件.ppt--点击预览


Unit3.My birthday 第一课时习题第一课时习题 一、 选出不同类单词。 ( )1. A. who B. what C.there ( )2. A.us B. are C.her ( )3. A.orange B. green C. party ( )4. A.to B. by C. the ( )5. A.a B. an C.the 二选择正确图片。 ( )1.third A. ( )2.orange B. ( )3. first C. ( )4.second D. ( )5. eighth E. 三在横线上填上适当的词 1.My favorite _is orange. 2. Can you bring some oranges_ the party. 3.It begins_ 2 oclock. 4.Its_30th June. 5.Its_ orange party. 四、翻译下列句子。 1. 橘色是我最喜欢的颜色 _. 2。你什么过生日啊? _ . 3.听起来有趣。 _. 4.我不能等了 _. 5.生日快乐 _. 五选择填空 1. I have_ orange hat. A.a B.an C.the 2.Welcome_ my party. A.on B.at C.to 3.It begins _ 2 oclock. A. on B.at C.to 4.When is_birthday? A,you B.your C.yours 5.I have some _ A.orange B.oranges C.apple Unit3.My birthday 第一课时习题第一课时习题 参考答案参考答案 一、 选出不同类单词 CBCCC 二选择正确图片 BECAD 三在横线上填上适当的词 1.colour 2.to 3.at4.an 5.on 四、翻译下列句子。 1. My favorite colour is orange. 2.When is your birthday? 3.That sounds interesting. 4.I cant wait 5. Happy birtday. 五选择填空。 BCBBB Unit 3 My birthday.第一课时教学设计 课题 My birthday单元Unit 3学科英语年级五年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:掌握序数词 过程与方法目标:能够在日常情境下句型进行的问答。 情感态度与价值观目标:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 重点掌握新词 the Great Wall,theTiananmen Square,the Palace Museum,用句型表达 难点will 在一般将来时态的用法。 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课1. Greetings. 2. Lets review. 3. Lets sing a song:Happy birthday 配合完成对 话。 热身活动。 讲授新课1.Vocabulary (1) Look at the pictures. (2) Listen and repeat the words. (3) Try to make sentences to describe them play games to practice the words Say a chant 2. Listen and say. (1) Watch the cartoon. (2) Close your book and try to repeat what you listened. (3)Answer the questions: 1. When is Peters birthday party? 2.What time does the party begin? 3. Whats Peters favorite color? 4. Is the party interesting? Complete Peters invitation Role play Talk about your bithday 学习词组。 听录音,模 仿语音语调。 听录音并判 断。 根据理解给 根据图片直 观理解。 课文的句型 学习和正音。 讲练结合。 3. Add-activities When is your birthday? My favorite color is green It is an interesting party That sounds interesting 4. Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: Unit 3 My birthday. 能初步听懂,会说,会读序数词 奇变序有规律,开头三数 tdd. 八少 t,九少 e, f 来把 ve 替。 ty 将 y 变成 i,th 前面有个 e 若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。 用所学句型进行口语表达 When is your birthday? Its on 图片排序。 分角色扮演 故事。 完成表演游 戏。 回忆所学, 总结知识。 合作促理解。 游戏与问答 相结合。 系统化学习, 加深掌握。 承前启后, 为下节课做 准备。 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是激发学生使用英语进 行有关暑假的问答的兴趣,通过实际对话情境的模 拟练习加深对单词的掌握,并为下节课的句型讲解 做好铺垫。练习活动主要是两人对话,师生对话, 小组活动为主,让学生在轻松、愉快的课堂气氛中 完成学习任务,达到预定的教学目标。 板书Unit 3 My birthday. 能初步听懂,会说,会读序数词 奇变序有规律,开头三数 tdd. 八少 t,九少 e, f 来把 ve 替。 ty 将 y 变成 i,th 前面有个 e 若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。 用所学句型进行口语表达 When is your birthday? Its on by underground by bus by bike on foot I come to school by bike. How do you come to school? Lets review I come to school on foot. How do you come to school? I come to school by underground. How do you come to school? Lets review I come to school by bus. How do you come to school? Lets review Sing a song New words Im the first. first-1st New words Im the second. second-2nd New words Im the third. third-3rd New words Im the fifth. fifth-5th New words Im the eighth. eighth-8th New words Im the ninth. ninth-9th New words Im the twelfth. twelfth-12th Lead in Say the chant 奇变序有规律,开头三数奇变序有规律,开头三数tdd. 八少八少t,九少,九少e, f来把来把ve替。替。 ty将将y变成变成i,th前面有个前面有个e 若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。 New words ant queen bee Lets learn Lets learn Lets watch. Lets learn Answer the questions: 1. When is Peters birthday party? 2.What time does the party begin? 3. Whats Peters favorite color? 4. Is the party interesting? New words Peter: Can you come to my birthday party. Joe? Joe:Sure. Whens your birthday? Peter: Its on 26th September. Joe: What time does the party begin? Peter: It begins at two oclock in the afternoon Joe:OK. New words Peter :Can you bring some orange things to the party? Its an orange party. Orange is my favourite colour. Joe: An orange party? That sounds interesting . Lets learn Answer the questions: 1. When is Peters birthday party? 2.What time does the party begin? 3. Whats Peters favorite color? 4. Is the party interesting? Its on 26th September. It begins at two oclock in the afternoon. His favorite color is orange. Yes,it is. Lets learn Come to my “_ party”! Time: _pm _Sept. birthday 2:00 26th Role play Talk about your birthday with your partner. When is your birthday? It is on Drills birthday is when your When is your birthday _? Drills color favorite is green My favorite color is green_ _. my Drills party orange it is It is an interesting party _ _. an Drills that sounds interesting That sounds interesting _ _. Exercise 句型转换句型转换 1.My holiday was fun.(否定句否定句) My holiday_ _ fun. 2.Many people visit the Great Wall.(一般过去时一般过去时) Many _ _ the Great Wall. wasnot people visited Exercise 用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空 1.It is_(a) interesting party. 2.It _ (at) 2 oclock. 3._(he) favorite color is red. an begins His Exercise 选出不同类选出不同类的单的单词。词。 ( )1. A. one B. third C. five ( )2. A. my B. you C. your ( )3. A. party B. birthday C. green B B C Summary 能初步听懂能初步听懂,会说会说,会读序数词会读序数词 奇变序有规律奇变序有规律,开头三数开头三数tdd. 八少八少t,九少九少e, f来把来把ve替。替。 ty将将y变成变成i,th前面有个前面有个e 若是碰到几十几若是碰到几十几,前用基来后用序。前用基来后用序。 用所用所学学句型进行口语表达句型进行口语表达 When is your birthday? Its on
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