(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 2 Welcome & Reading p. 15-19 核心词汇解读+当堂检测(含答案).docx

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(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 2 Welcome & Reading p. 15-19 核心词汇解读+当堂检测(含答案).docx_第1页
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1、2020-2021 学年牛津译林版学年牛津译林版(2020)高中英语选择性必修第一册高中英语选择性必修第一册 Unit 2The Universal language Word study (Welcome 构成; 创作;作 曲;写作; 作文;乐 曲;作品 compose a symphony 创作交响乐 be composed of = be made up of = consist of 由组成 compose a speech 写讲稿 compose oneself 使自己镇定下来 compose ones thoughts 镇定思绪 England, Scotland, and Wal

2、es compose the island of Great Britain.= The island of Great Britain is composed of England, Scotland, and Wales. 英格兰、 苏格兰和威尔士组成了大不列颠 岛。 Emma wrinkled her brows, making an effort to compose herself. 埃玛皱起了眉头,努力使自己镇定下来。 2.deserve vt. 值得,应得 (不用于进行时) deserved a. deserve to do sth (主语与非谓语动词是逻辑上的主动关系) The

3、 parents deserve to know the truth. 家长应该知道真相。 deserve doing sth.= deserve to be done (主语与非谓语动词是逻辑上的被动关系) He deserves punishing / punishment / to be punished. 他应受处罚。 理所应当的;应得的 deserving a. 值得的 a well-deserved rest 应得的休息 a problem deserving of attention 值得关注的问题 3.pleasant a. 令人愉快的,可 喜的;友好的,和善 的 (opp:)

4、unpleasant pleasantly ad. 愉快地;友好地 I hope youll have a pleasant journey. 祝你(们)旅途愉快! It was pleasant to sit in a sidewalk cafe and watch people pass. 坐在路边咖啡馆看着人来人往真是惬意。 4whisper v. 耳语,低语;私下 说; (风等)沙沙作响 n. 低语;轻柔的声 音;传言 whisper (sth.) to sb. 向某人低声说(某事) whisper sth. in ones ear 交头接耳 whisper about sth. 低声

5、说某事 Its whispered that C.私 底 下 有 人 说 The leaves whispered in the breeze. 树叶 迎着微风沙沙作响。 in a whisperin whispers 低声地 They sat there at the back of the room, talking in whispers. 他们坐在房间的后面 低声说话。 Itswhisperedthatthecouplewere divorced after a fierce quarrel. 5.dramatic a.激动人心的的,引 人注意的; a dramatic victory

6、 激动人心的胜利 reach out ones arms in a dramatic gesture 以夸张的姿势伸出双臂 夸张的; 突然的; 戏剧的;戏剧性的 dramatically ad. 突然地;戏剧地;引 人注目地 a dramatic increase/fall/ change 剧增/暴跌/ 剧变 the dramatic arts 戏剧艺术 It may lead to an economic crisis if house prices fall dramatically. 如果房价突然暴 跌,可能会引起经济危机。 6.weep wept-wept v. 转化;改造 trans

7、form sth. into sth. else 把 改 变 成 be transformed into.被改变成 His plans were transformed overnight into reality.他的计划迅速变为现实。 The Forbidden City has been transformed into the spot for a beautiful and sad love story. 紫禁城变成了一个美丽而令人心碎的爱 情故事的发生地。 10combine v. (使)融合;(使)结 合, (使)混合; 兼做; 合并 combination n. combine

8、 Awith B 使 A 与 B 结合/混合 a combination ofAand B = a mix of A 与 B 的结合 11rely on v. 依赖,依靠;信 任 (=depend/count on) reliable a. 可信赖的,可靠的 rely on/upon sb./sth.依靠某人或某物 rely on sb. for sth.依靠某人提供某物 rely on/upon sb. to do sth.rely on/upon sb. doing sth. 指望/相信某人做某事 (=dependable) a reliable friend reliance n. 依赖

9、 rely on/upon it that- 从句 指望/相信某人做某事 You shouldnt always rely just on the Internet for your research. 你不能总是依 靠网络进行研究。 I can rely on David to keep my secret. 我信任大卫,他一定会为我保密。 12folk a. 民间的,民俗的; 普通百姓的 只用于名词前 n. (AmE)非正式用 语民间音乐; 人们; 各位; 家人(尤 指父母) a folk tale/ story 民间故事 folk songs/dance/music/singers/fe

10、stivals 民歌/民间舞蹈/民间音乐/民俗歌手/民俗 节日 He likes listening to Chinese folk. 他喜欢听中国民歌。 Folks differ in their tastes.人各有所好。 Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.对于大多数人来说, 他们认定自己有多幸福就有多幸福。(林 肯) Folk music has been passed down from one generation to another. 13surroundings n. 周围,环境 =e

11、nvironment surrounding a. 周围的(只用于名词 前); 与紧密相关 surroundv. live in pleasant surroundings 生活在令人愉快的环境中 the surrounding area(s) 周边地区 the surrounding scenery 四周的风景 the evidence surrounding the case 与案子有关的证据 围绕;包围;围困 be surrounded with/by 被包围 surround sb.=crowd around sb. 围绕在某人身边 At first my new surroundin

12、gs were difficult to tolerate. 一开始,新环境让我难以忍 受。 Armed police surrounded house in the street. 武装警察包围了街上的一栋房子。 To some, happiness is being surrounded by family and friends.对有些人来说,幸福就 是一直有家人和朋友陪伴在身边。 14guarantee vt. 保证,担保;确 保;为(产品)提供保 修 n. 保证,担保;保 修单;质量保证书 guarantee (sb.) sth. =guarantee sth. to sb. gua

13、rantee to do sth guarantee + (that) 从句从句 under guarantee在保质期内在保质期内 He will guarantee us possession of the house by May. 他保证我们在五月可搬入 这间房子。 The radio is guaranteed for twelve months. 这台收音机保修期 12 个月。 I guarantee that youll enjoy yourself. 我包你玩得痛快。(= promise) 15consist ofvi.=bemadeup of= be composed of

14、由组成(或构 成) (不被动,不进 行) The country consists of thousands of small islands. 这个国家有几千个小岛组成的。 Life consists of not only sunshine but also storms.生活不仅有阳光,还有风雨。 16defend v. 保护,防御; 辩白,辩解 defensive a. 防御的 defender n. 保卫者,辩护者 defence/ defense n. 防御(物);保卫;辩解 defend sb./sth. from/against. 保卫免 受 defend oneself 自卫

15、 defend a title/champion 卫冕一项头衔、 冠军 defend sb./sth. 为某人/某事辩解 in defense/defence of sb. / sth. = in ones defense/defence 为某人/某事辩 解 When the dog attacked me , I defended myself with a stick.那条狗扑向我时,我用 棍子自卫。 What points can be raised in defense of this argument? 可以提出什么论点来为这个论点辩护? 17flow (flowed-flowed)

16、 vi. (液体、气体、电 等)流动;充满;涨 起 【比喻人或事物像 水一样】流逝;流畅; 流淌 n. 流动;连贯;涨 潮 Her hair flowed down over her shoulders. 她的头发垂到肩上。 When he heard the exciting news, tears flowed over his face. 当他听到这个令人 兴奋的消息时,泪水从他的脸上流了下 来。 a flow of people/cars 人流/车流 free flow of information 信息的自由交流 二、当堂反馈二、当堂反馈 (一)单词拼写 1. He w_ to he

17、r so that no one else could hear what he said. 2.Asmall gesture can have a d_ impact on others less fortunate. 3.At the funeral, everyone was w_ with sadness over the young boys death. 4. To his great s_, his grandfather died in a car accident yesterday. 5. Faced so confusing situation, the young bo

18、y hardly c_ his thoughts. 6. If you are in trouble, you can always _(依靠) on Bob to help you out. 7. He had a _ (和蔼的,和善的) manner and was a gifted public speaker. 8. I have to say in her _ (辩护) that she knew nothing about it beforehand. 9. I think the team from our city played well and _ (应得) the vict

19、ory. 10. The salesman _ (保证) that the TV would not break in the first 5 years with normal use. 1.whispered2. dramatic3. weeping4. sorrow5. composed6. rely/depend/count7. pleasant8. defence9. deserved10. guaranteed (二)单句语法 1. His latest book, I think, deserves _ (read) several times. 2. _ (pleasant)

20、things were whispered about Joe Bidens election victory. 3. Mum whispered _ us, “Be quiet! Your little sisters sleeping.” 4. Events could have developed in a _(dramatic) different way. 5. The couple _ (weep) at the bad news that their hero son died in the battle. 6. Eleven people were killed in the

21、highway accident, which was a _(sorrow) event. 7. John is very _ (rely) - if he promises to do something hell do it. 8. The manager firmly believes _(transform) is not only a choice, but also a strategy. 9. _ (overcome) by curiosity, the boy looked out of the window. 10. To be successful in living abroad, you must learn to change yourself to fit in your new _ (surround). 1. reading/ to be read2. Unpleasant3. to4. dramatically5. wept6. sorrowful7. reliable8. transformation9. Overcome10. surroundings


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