(2021新)牛津译林版高中英语选修一Unit 2 extended reading 2 知识点ppt课件.ppt

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1、Book 4 unit 2 Extended reading Language focus I. Phrases : 1.涌入涌入 2.突然开始突然开始 3. 不知道不知道 4.人山人海人山人海 5. 享有享有盛名盛名 6.二十大几岁二十大几岁 7. 吸收吸收 8. 突然突然 stream into break into be unaware of a sea of people enjoy a reputation as in ones late twenties take in all of a sudden 9. 人生绝唱人生绝唱 10.被视为被视为 11.高度评价高度评价(p.20)

2、12.本打算做本打算做 (p.20) 13.厌倦厌倦(p.20) 14.出现出现(p.20) 15.能够做能够做 (p.21) 16.开始做开始做 (p.21) a grand finale to ones life be regarded as think highly of had intended to get tired of show up be capable of get down to doing 17.盯着看盯着看(p.23) 18.屏住呼吸屏住呼吸(p.23) 19.迫不及待做迫不及待做 (p.23) 20. 使使醉心醉心(p.23) 21. 陪同某人经历陪同某人经历 (p

3、.23) 22 . 展望展望(p.23) 23.反思反思(p.23) stare at hold ones breath cant wait to do sweep sb along accompany sb through look to reflect on II. Key words 1. On 7 May 1824 , a crowd of music lovers streamed into a theatre in Vienna to hear the first-ever performance of the great Ludwig van Beethovens Symphon

4、y No. 9. crowd n 人群;观众人群;观众 vt挤满挤满 crowded adj. 拥挤的拥挤的 完成句子完成句子 (1)He pushed his way_ 他在人群中往前挤。他在人群中往前挤。 (2)We all _his office 我们全都涌进了他的办公室。我们全都涌进了他的办公室。 (3)In the spring the place _skiers 春季,这地方满是滑雪的人。春季,这地方满是滑雪的人。 through the crowd crowded into is crowded with Translate : 警方呼吁群众不要惊慌。 The police ap

5、pealed to the crowd not to panic. Summary : a crowd of一大群;许多的 crowd out vt. 挤出;推开 crowd into涌入;挤入 crowd around 聚集 2.The crowd immediately recognized that they were listening to something truly special , and they broke into enthusiastic cheers at the end of the symphony . 听众很快意识到他们所听绝非凡品,演出结束的听众很快意识到

6、他们所听绝非凡品,演出结束的 那一刻,全场爆发出热情的欢呼。那一刻,全场爆发出热情的欢呼。 警察看着那个人闯入一座房子. _ When the fire _(突然发生突然发生), the firemen were brave to _(破门而入破门而入) the house and saved ten old people. We admire their bravery. The police saw the man break into a house broke out break into Fill in the blanks with the following phrases: b

7、reak down; break off ; break out; break into ;break in ;break through; break away from (1) Congratulate you on _ _ in the research into genes. (2) Armed conflicts often _ _ between the two countries. (3) He lost his job. On top of this, his marriage _ _. (4) The police had to use force to _ _ the te

8、rrorists riot (暴乱暴乱). (5) If you keep working like crazy, you will _ _ in time. (6) As my car _ _ halfway, I was held up. (7) May I _ _ to announce a decision? (8) Somehow, that girl _ _ tears in class. (9) We decided to _ _ the relations with the firm, for it had broken contracts many times. breaki

9、ng through break out broke up break up break down broke down break in broke into break off Summary : break through 突破;突围;有重要创见突破;突围;有重要创见 break up 打碎打碎, 破碎;结束;解散;衰落破碎;结束;解散;衰落 break down 分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服分解;发生故障;失败;毁掉;制服 break out 爆发;突发爆发;突发 break in 打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯打断;闯入;训练;使逐渐习惯 break away 脱离;放弃;逃跑脱离

10、;放弃;逃跑 break into 闯入;破门而入闯入;破门而入 break into tears/laughter 突然大哭突然大哭/大笑大笑 break away from vt. 放弃;脱离放弃;脱离 break up with 跟跟分手;与分手;与断绝关系断绝关系 break off 脱落;突然停止;终止脱落;突然停止;终止 enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的; 狂热的 He is_(enthusiasm) about helping others. 研究发现经常看书并热衷于看书是大有好处的。( _ enthusiastic According to the resea

11、rch, being a regular and enthusiastic reader is of great advantage. be enthusiastic about 对对热情热情 3. Not long after , he began to be appreciated for his piano performances. 没过多久,没过多久, 他的钢琴演奏已受人赏识。他的钢琴演奏已受人赏识。 appreciate vt.感激;欣赏 _ n.感激;欣赏 appreciation 如果你能让我提前知道你是否能来如果你能让我提前知道你是否能来, 我会很感激的。我会很感激的。 Ch

12、ildren should show their _ (感激感激) for what their parents do for them. Id appreciate it if you could let me know in advance whether you will come or not . appreciation I would appreciate it if.如果如果我将不胜感激。我将不胜感激。 4. Many important figures in the music world , including the brilliant musician Mozart ,

13、started making predictions about Beethovens extraordinary future. 不少音乐领域的重要人物不少音乐领域的重要人物 , 包括才华卓绝的莫扎包括才华卓绝的莫扎 特特 ,都纷纷对他不可限量的前程给出预言。,都纷纷对他不可限量的前程给出预言。 prediction n. 预言预言 _vt. 预言;预告;预测预言;预告;预测 predictor n.预言者预言者 predict p_ future market trends预预 测未来市场趋势测未来市场趋势 (forecast;foresee;foretell) predict 5 . H

14、e was so upset that , at first , he wanted to keep it a secret . upset adj 心烦意乱的;不安的心烦意乱的;不安的 vt 使不安;使心烦使不安;使心烦 _ (无论何时你感到沮丧), call me. It _ (使心烦) me to learn that he didnt like my gift at all. Whenever you feel down/upset upset 每遇到一个人,他总是会问些难以回答的问题, 惹恼了许多人。 He always asked challenging questions to

15、everyone he met, upsetting/ which upset many people. It is the very_ (upset) newsupsetting 6. “how could I possibly admit a weakness in the one sense which should be more perfect in me than in others , a sense which I once possessed in the greatest perfection” “.这样一种在我身上本应该比别人更加完美的感这样一种在我身上本应该比别人更加完

16、美的感 官,这样一种我曾拥有绝顶禀赋的感官,如今官,这样一种我曾拥有绝顶禀赋的感官,如今 怎能让我承认它有了缺陷怎能让我承认它有了缺陷” 他有许多梦想(possess) _ 同时具有智慧和坚定的成功信念 possess both the intelligence and a firm will to succeed He possesses many dreams The old house which belonged to a famous man is now in the _ (possess) of the government. Above all, mans dearest _(

17、possess) is life, and it is given to him to live but once. 最重要的是,人最宝贵的财产是生命,人的生命只有一次最重要的是,人最宝贵的财产是生命,人的生命只有一次 possession possession possession n 具有;持有;财产具有;持有;财产 possess v 占有;拥有;持有;支配占有;拥有;持有;支配 相关短语:相关短语: be in possession of拥有(主语为人) in the possession of sb/in sbs possession 被某人拥有 personal possessio

18、ns 个人财产 7. The next two movements are full of desperate lows and uplifting highs which perhaps reflect both his suffering and his strong will to fight it . He is _ (非常渴望) for a glass of water. 留守儿童(unattended children)极其需要关爱。 The unattended children are in desperate need of care . _ (desperate) tryi

19、ng to keep calm, he took a deep breath and let out a sigh. desperate Desperately have an appetite /a thirst/a desire/a hunger to do = be anxious/dying/thirsty/eager/desperate to do Practice : 1. She closed her eyes against the b_ (明亮的) light. 2. She is a truly e_ woman, who has been working in the f

20、orest for over ten years. 3. She became severely d_ after her pet dogs death. 4. Their decision to a_ their trip was made due to financial problems. brilliant extraordinary depressed abandon 5. He has a g_ for languages, which makes it easy for him to master several languages. 6. The people living t

21、here are in d_ need of clean water after the earthquake. 7. She was good at physics d_ the fact that she found it boring sometimes. 8. How g_ (壮丽的) the mountains look in the early evening! genius desperate despite grand 9. These cars are_(非凡的,显著 的) for the quietness of their engines 10. It is rather ridiculous of you to believe a fortune-tellers p_ about your future. remarkable prediction Thank you !


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