重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 2 At Home-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:20382).docx

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1、Unit2What Are You Doing? Lesson One 一、学生分析 本课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生。五年级的学生已能够基本 达到听、说、读、写课本上的四会单词及句子的要求,能够运用简单 的英语进行交流,能够提出简单的问题并回答,但还没有很好地养成 用英语进行思维的习惯。 二、教材分析 本课时为第二单元的第二课时,在本单元的前几个课时已学习了 句型 What are you doing ? I am.及一些表示动作的短语。在此基 础,本节课重点是学习五个动词现在分词和询问某人正在做什么事 情。 三、教学目标 1.认知目标 1)能够听、说、读、写短语的 ing形式:listen

2、ing to music, washing the clothes, cleaning the room, writing aletter ,writing an e-mail. 2)能听、说、读、写句型:What is your father doing ?He s writing an e-mail.等询问并表述他人正在进行的动作。 2. 情感态度目标 1)通过师生互动,让学生敢于开口说英语,用英语与他人交流。 2 )观察自己的家人正在做的事情,体会到父母的辛苦。从而教 育学生要热爱父母,热爱长辈,热爱班级这个大家庭等。 3. 学习策略目标 1)英语听、说、读、写技能都有所提高。 2)学会

3、与同伴合作、交流。 五、教学过程 Step1 Warm-up/ Revision 1 Greetings. 2 Lets sing. T: Now , Lets sing a song What Are You Doing? Song:What are you doing?Im watching TV. What are you doing?Im cooking, cooking,cooking,cooking. What are you doing? Im eating,eating,eating,eating 3.短语复习 【设计理念】课前的歌曲热身部分既调动起学生的情绪又复习了 与本课有

4、关的句型。由 What are you doing?Im.顺着歌曲,很 自然地引入到复习动词短语这一环节。 Step2. Presentation & practice 1.任务设置及处理 T:Im eating . Youre eating. Were eating(出示两只小 老鼠) T:Look,the two mice are hungry. They are looking for food everywhere. They come into the cats house. What can they s ee? 播放课件,引导学生说出故事内容: Mother cat is was

5、hing clothes. Sister cat is cleaning the room. Father cat is writing an e-mail. Grandma cat is writi ng a letter. Brother cat is listening to music. T: Good!How clever they are! Lets learn them one by one. (重新播放课件适当时候暂停,学习,操练动词短语) 1.T:What is Mother Cat doing? Ss: She iswashing the clothes.(板书) (Spe

6、ll the phrase and do an action) wash- washing 2 .T: What is Sister Cat doing? Ss: She iscleaning the room.(板书) T: Thats right. Sister Cat is cleaning the room. (Spell the phase and do an action) clean-cleaning T: Are you helpful at home? Ss: Yes. T: Do you help your parents to wash the clothes? What

7、 about cleaning the room? Ss:. T: Good boy/Good girl. 3 . T: What is Father Cat doing? S:He iswriting an e-mail.(板书) write- writing 老师引导学生观察、 归纳: Write表示写, 当词尾是不发音 e 时, 现在进行时去 e 再加 ing. Ss:. T: Wonderful. Make the bed. make- making. Have English class. have-having (Spell the phrase and do an action)

8、 4 T: What is Grandma Cat doing? Ss: She iswriting a letter.(板书) T: You are right. (Spell the phrase and do an action) 5. T: What is Brother Cat doing? Is he answering the phone? Ss: No. T: Is he dancing? Ss: No. He islistening to music.(板书) listen- listening (Spell the phrase and do an action) 【设计理

9、念】每句短语做动作可帮学生理解记忆,印象深刻。 Step3.Lets learn 1.出示 Mike 和 John打电话的情景,引出 Mike一家正在做什 么 T: Mother cat is washing clothes. Sister cat is cleaning t he room. Father cat is writing an e-mail. Grandma cat is wr iting a letter. Brother cat is listening to music. Look, Wha ts Mike doing? SS: Hesanswering the phon

10、e. Now,What are they talkin g about?(出示 John)Please listen! Whats your father doing?Hes writing an e-mail.(板书) 2.Pair work :Whats your brother/mother/father/sister do ing?He s/she s (让学生模仿 Mike and John 进行俩俩对话) 3. Listen and repeat 4. (出示图片,)T: Lets do a guessing game,if youre right. Please put it o

11、n the right place. Ss: OK ! 【设计理念】图片的人物是背对学生的,让学生猜人物正在干什么。 然后在把图片和词组对应起来,进一步巩固新知) Step5.Lets chant. 1.Read and match(读,连线) Writing an e- mailCooking noodles Reading the newspaperlistening to music 【设计理念】在 chant这个环节,让学生通过阅读来搜寻 chant 中 有关人物所做的事情。这样即巩固了所学的知识,为下一步的听、读、 表演奠定了良好的基础,而且又提高了学生的阅读能力。 2.跟读、表演。

12、 学生与老师一起表演歌唱,活跃了气氛,调动学生的情绪,同时 巩固了短语。 Step 6Consolidation and extension Ask and answer what are you doing? Were having a class.Whats he/she doing? 【设计理念】在巩固提高阶段,我将教学引进生活,从开始的小猫一 家到 Mike 一家,很自然地引入到我们在学校也组成了一个大家庭。我们每 天在一起上课学习文化知识等,课下我们也是很 helpful的,很快 乐的。于是引入到了课下同学们做的一些有益的活动画面。然后,通 过师生问答、生生问答、以及短文的书写等。达到了知识的输出和运 用,充分体现了学生听说读写到运用的过程。 Step7 Homework: Write a short passage about your family 板书设计: Unit 4 What are you doing? Whats your father/mother doing? He/She Listening to music(picture) Washing the clothes( picture) Cleaning the room(picture) Writing a letter(picture) Writing an e-mail(picture)


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