重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 3 Seasons of a Year-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:10067).doc

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1、Unit 3 Seasons of a year Lesson 1 教案教案 1 教学目标教学目标 1、能够听、说、认、读单词:spring、summer、autumn、winter。 2、能够认、读句型“Which season do you like best? I likebest. 2 学情分析学情分析 五年级英语在小学英语教学中存在的问题 :1、学习兴趣不是很高,部 分学生甚至有厌恶感,同时,许多学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣 问题; 2、回家不会学习,无正确的学习方法,不知如何看书.学习态度谈 不上十分端正,回家以后巩固时间很少,且缺乏有效的巩固手段,练的 机会明显不足。 3、部

2、分学生学习的目的性不是很强,导致学习习惯 不好,学习无明确的计划,有作业就写,无作业就玩。老师布置的作业不 能按时完成。作为语言性学科,听与读是非常关键的环节,而大多数学 生这一点做的不好,这在听力测试时表现的尤为明显。 3 重点难点重点难点 1、能够听、说、认、读单词:spring、summer、autumn、winter。 2、能够认、读句型“Which season do you like best? I likebest. 能够 用所学的词句进行询问喜欢的季节,并做相应的回答 4 教学过程教学过程 4.1 第一学时 4.1.1 教学活动 活动 1【讲授】SeasonsofaYear S

3、tep 1、Warmup T:Good afternoon, boys and girls.1cnjy S:Good afternoon, teacher. T:Before our class begin, lets us do a play, T: One two three fourOne two three four, clap your hands (1 2 3 4, 拍拍手) Two two three four, stomp your feet (2 2 3 4, 跺跺脚) Three two three four, nod your head (3 2 3 4, 点点头)Fou

4、r two three four, hands on knees (4 2 3 4, 小手放到膝盖上)(设计意图:教师播放拍手歌 曲视频,激发学生英语学习的浓厚兴趣。) T: In this class, we have 4 group. And if you group well down, will get one little orange.(介绍评价规则) Step2、Presentation 1.引入课题: T:Then,This class we will learn about the Seasons, whats the means of seasons?lets see a

5、video to find the answer.(出示课件) T:After watching this video, what do you know ? Ss:(设计意图:通过看四季儿歌视频四季儿歌视频引出 season 这个单词) T:OK, So do you know the means of the Seasons ? (问一个学生你猜到 了 Seasons 的意思吗?)Yes, thats means 季节。 T:Now, follow me , Seasons, Sea-son-s(高低音教读,三遍连读),T: Now,this group read .(拿着卡片站到小组面前

6、。) Ss:. T: You did a good job . so this word is seasons (将seasons单词卡片贴在 黑板上。) 2.依次展示四个不同的季节。 T:Ok, next, we will learn the 4 seasons. First look at these pictures. 安定 listen.Which seasons? Ss:春天 T:Good.Its a picture of spring(春天卡片)(春天卡片), Then follow me,Spring (高低音教读单词), T:Well down! Then please .to

7、 teach us .(请一个人教我们读两遍) Ss: . T:You good job ! Thanks. (将 spring 单词卡片贴在黑板上。) So look this picture (出示课件)。问 which the season?(问一个学生) Ss 回答 Spring, T:Right,our spring is warm 温暖的(做温暖的动作) and green 充 满绿色的(出示 warm 和 green)。So doyou like spring? 引出句子 I like spring.并教读 (2)summer(出示单词卡片) T:OK, So our next

8、season. Look and listen! . SS:Its 夏天 summer, T:Well down. This is summer. follow me , Summer,sum-mer (三遍重音 教读单词), OK, please This group read it out!(指着单词让小组阅读然 后小组一起读) Ss:.齐读 summer(将 summer 单词卡片贴在黑板上。) T: Well down. Look this picture , Do you like summer?(抽问。) (3)autumn (出示卡片) T:Now, the third seas

9、on. Listen! Its autumn, we can see orange leaves, and there all yellows. Follow me . autumn, (着重教读 tumn ) T:Now, Please . follow me read it !autumn autumnautumn. very good. Your group get an apple. (将 autumn 单词卡片贴在黑板上。 ) Ok, Look here , Which seasons ? Ss. autumn T: You all very good, yes , this is

10、autumn, so Do you like autumn? (4)winter (出示卡片) T:Look!From this picture,We can see snowman(雪人) and hear the strong windy., so this is our last season ! 冬 天 。Right, The last season. .Its winter.(大小声教读单词) Ss:齐读 winter T:Look here (出示幻灯片), please tell me which season ? ss 回答。Right its winter, its very

11、 cold 冷(做冷的动作), Do you like winter?。 T:Today we have learn about the 4 seasons. (出示课件) 教读学生齐读单 词 T:So, next time , please practice in your group .(小组里读单词。) T:Next time .please one by one read, from first to the end.the fast will get one orange.(小火车游戏,反复传递我们所学单词至到最后一个人 完成。最快的一组得到一个小橘子。) SS:小组传递单词 T:

12、Wow , your group so fast ! , then please take one orange to your group. Step3、Practice 1. Lets chant!T: Now lets us do a chant ! follow me !(教读学生 chat!), Then please practice with your partners. Ss: 学生小组练习 T: Now its your time ! Show your chant. Step4 Consolidation T: Wow. You all good job , if some

13、one still dont know how to spell . please ask me . so look here ,we have have 4 season , So which seasons do you like best ?你最喜欢哪个季节呢?(出示课件), Ss: spring , Autumn . T: Wow , OK, boys and girls ,you are so wonderful .For me, I like spring best 我最喜欢春天. 教读 I like. best.(出示句子 I like. best) T: So Which se

14、asons do you like best ?你最喜欢哪个季节呢? (拿 着图片指定单词问几个学生) Ss: I like .best(其中引导学生说出句子 I like.best。) Step5 Drill T: Boys and girls , Look here ! Next,Do a drill its so easy 我们用今 我们用今 天所学的词语去替代红色词语天所学的词语去替代红色词语。 (出示课件出示课件) you can practice in your group . and the show in our class . Tell us which season do

15、you like best ? T: Who want to tell me which seasons do you like best? Ss: I like .best. T: Wow you are all wonderful. Good Job. Step 5、Summary T: This class we have learned the words about our seasons.(出示课 件)So who want to be a little teacher? Teach us read our words.谁愿意做 小老师教我们读单词呢?其他同学跟着读。 Ss:小老师

16、齐读单词。 Step6、 Expansion T: (出示课件出示课件) Our seasons are so beautiful ! We need to protect them .Protect our environment. We can feel the best of our beautiful seasons. T: We have learned our words about the seasons . So after class, Please think about How is the weather about our seasons? Talking with

17、your family or friends T: OK, boys and girls , our class is over , Thank you . Bye. 教学反思:本堂课的重点是教授新单词 season, winter , spring , summer, autumn,和认读句子 I like.best,达到了教学目标 , 学生 也会用句型 which season do you like best? I like.best,进行问答。但 同时也存在不少问题,第一:讲解新单词时时间太短, 以至于在后 面操练句型时学生反应跟不上,第二,在讲授新单词时可以先出示生 活中的图片和声音,让学生猜,再出示课本中的图片,更可以加深学 生对单词的印象。第三,句型操练游戏太过单一,在以后教学中还应 该设计更多的形式来进行操练。


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