重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 2 At Home-Story corner-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:61066).doc

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1、重大版小学英语重大版小学英语5 年级下年级下 Unit 2At Home Lesson 3 第二课时第二课时教案教案 课题课题5 5 年级下年级下 Unit 2At Home Lesson 3 第二课时第二课时 教教 学学 目目 标标 1 1. 语言知识目标:语言知识目标: a) 能认读新单词 happening, mouse, lazybones b)能听说运用 Whats happening? What is/aredoing?及其回答。 c) 能理解 story corner 中的会话内容。 2 2语言技能目标:语言技能目标: a) 根据图片和情境说出单词和句子; b) 能运用现在进行时

2、简单地对话; c) 提高学生阅读理解和语用能力。 3 3情感目标:情感目标: 利用 pair work, group work 等活动形式,引导和培养学生在合作中学习的意识。 教教 材材 分分 析析 重点重点 1.能灵活运用现在进行时询问和描述某人正在做的事情; 2.学生能够理解故事的内容。 难点难点 1. 能听说运用 Whats happening?; 2. 动词 ing 形式在实际交流情境中的灵活运用。 教具教具 未来系统课件、单词卡片、故事图片、音频、视频。 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step1.Warm-up and revision ( 6 ) 1. Greetings T: Good

3、 morning, girls and boys. My name is Sunny. Look, the sun is coming. Whats happening? (课 件中出现太阳照耀动画) What is the sun doing? Ss:. T: The sun is shining, shining, shining. (chant shining 这个词) 用同样的方式呈现 The flower is smiling. The bird is singing. 2. Sing a song:The Sun Is Shining 教师播放音乐,每句歌词配有一个动作,让学生跟唱

4、并表演。 3. Pair Work:双簧表演 T: Lets play a funny game. One student acts, the other student guesses the action and says like this: “I am. ”Others ask:“What are you doing?” 教师快速呈现已学过的动作图片(着重与故事有关的动词,如 eating, sleeping, reading)。教师 做示范,之后每 2 组学生同时 PK。获胜小组获得加星奖励。 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step2. Presentation ( 16 ) 1. T:T

5、asks for this lesson. Read.-Cooperate.-Act. T: I have a cousin ,her name is Sue. Look, this is her family. And this is my dad (father, daddy, papa). This is my mum (mother, mummy, mama). This is my cat. Guess whats happening in her family? 教师出示 Sue, Dad, Mum, cat 的图片,让学生猜猜到底发生了什么,引出 Whats happening?

6、(贴 上黑板) 。 L Letets s listen.listen. Q1:Whats the mouse doing? Q2:What is the father doing? T: Lets find out whats happening? Who is/are? What is/aredoing? Ss:. T: Maybe the tips in the letter can help you. Please match the picture with the text on the blackboard. 教师用一段音频引出故事,提醒学生可以求助于阅读知识锦囊 1,借助图片获取

7、信息。并请学 生先猜再听。小白板辨析 mouse 与 mouth。 2.Answer the questions: T: Lets see what is/aredoing? Ss: . 清晰每幅图片,订正内容是否正确,教读重点句子。 3.Group Work: Lets guess. T: Q1:Where is the cat? Q2: What is the cat doing? 提醒学生可以求助于阅读知识锦囊 3,借助上下文合理推理。 4.小组合作,排序。 Please order the pictures in 1 minute. T: Lets check the answer.

8、教师通过让学生看视频的方式检测答案,调整黑板上图片及内容条的顺序。对正确的小组给予 加星的奖励。 Step 3 Practice ( 9 ) 1.Self-study. Step 1 Choose to read. Step 2 Learn by yourself. 提醒学生可以阅读知识锦囊 2,借助词汇表,字典等工具学习。 2.Group work. Discuss in your group. Learn by yourself. 3.魔音小喇叭魔音小喇叭 T: Open your book and turn to page 11. Listen to the record and imi

9、tate the pronunciation. 教师随时纠正错误的读音,对于大多数学生听不清楚,模仿有困难的地方,教师进行适当的重 复,或者找发音较好的同学示范,领读。 Step 4 Production and Extension (6) 1.GroupGroup workwork:我是小演员:我是小演员 对发音整齐准确的小组进行加星奖励。 LetLets s act.act. T: According to the story, 组长安排组员角色并组织排练。 提醒学生可以阅读知识锦囊 4,可改编故事,用英语进行表达和交流。 Rules :Read, act and creat. Watch

10、 and score. Step 5 Assessment (2) 异想天开异想天开 T: Imagine you are in a playground or at home, what are you doing now? And I will invite one little reporter to interview some of you. S1: What are you doing? S2: Im. T: Lets see which group is the winner today. Big hands for them. Congratulations. If you d

11、ont win this time, its OK. Fight for the next. Step 6 Homework (1) (ChooseChoose oneone toto finishfinish. .) 有感情地朗读故事。和英语学习伙伴一起根据图片进行问答。 板板 书书 设设 计计 作业作业 设计设计 有感情地朗读课文。 和英语学习伙伴一起看着图片进行问答。 (ChooseChoose oneone toto finishfinish. .) StoryTime They are talking(谈话)(谈话). The mouse (老鼠老鼠)are eating the cake. Dad is reading a book. They are finding(寻找)(寻找) the cat. The cat is sleeping in the bed. Mom is waking up(叫醒)(叫醒) the cat. 评比栏评比栏 Whats happening? 图片 图片 图片 图片 图片 图片


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