重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 3 Seasons of a Year-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:f027f).zip

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Lesson 2 -What are they doing? -Theyre looking for spring. -What can you see in the sky? -There is a kite in the sky. sky in the sky What can you see in the sky? There are some kites in the sky. river -What can you see by the river? -There are many trees by the river. by the river woods in the woods beach on the beach beach on the beach sea by the sea Group learning互学互学 sky river beach sea woods Step2: Groups Show. 小组展示小组展示 Step1: Read words in groups.(4人小组读,会人小组读,会 读的同学可以担任小老师哟)读的同学可以担任小老师哟) 1. 组长领读. 2. 齐读. 3. 轮读. sea beach 谢谢参与谢谢参与 sky 掌声响起掌声响起 来来 river wood s Lets play 1 2 3 45 by the river in the sky on the beach 请你说出它们的汉语意思请你说出它们的汉语意思 beach What can you see?读出句子读出句子 用用There are.说一句话说一句话 请用请用There is a/an.说一句话说一句话 猜一猜我是谁呀?猜一猜我是谁呀? -What can you see in the park? -There are some children in the park. -What are they doing? -They are skating. -What can you see in the woods? -There are . -What are they doing? -They are . two children eating Talk in pairs 1 2 34 Love and protect the environment summary New words: sky river beach sea woods Key sentences: -What can you see? -There is a/an(有一个(有一个.) -There are some(有一些(有一些.) -What are they doing ? -Theyre Homework: 1.Read the new words after school. 2.Read sentences of the part 3 on page 27. 1 1 教学目标教学目标 知识目标: (1).能听、说、认、读四会单词 sky, river, woods, beach, sea,并能结合介词使用。 (2).能听懂、会说以下句型: -What can you see? -There is a kite in the sky. 21 教育网 - What are they doing? 来源:21世纪教育网】 -They are walking. 2.初步感知,理解对话内容。 -What can you see in the sky? I can see a bird in the sky.21世纪*教育网 (3).初步感知,理解对话内容。 -What can you see in the sky? I can see a bird in the sky 技能目标: (1)能够用所学地点类单词观察并描述各处的差异以及季节的不同特点。 (2)能够总结字母组合的发音规律,并能朗读所提供的例词。 情感态度目标:引导学生关注自己生活中天气变化情况,通过寻找季节进而加深对各种季节的 观察。 2 学情分析学情分析 对相关的四会词汇比较熟悉,但在与介词连用时运用方面有一定难度。 3.3.难点难点 能熟练掌握并使用句型:并能在实际情景中运用。 4.教学活动教学活动 Step 1 Warm (5 mins ) 1. Whats missing? 教师出示前面学过的单词卡片,贴在黑板上,让一位学生面向同学们站立猜 词,老师取走一张图片。然后问: What is missing?全班同学做口形,猜对的同学当小老师带 读该单词两遍。21cnjycom 2.全班齐说童谣:walking, walking ,walking . 3.教师快速向学生出示几组词,每组词包括一个动词。师板书:read, write ,listen ,play ,talk .请 学生说出这些动词的-ing 形式。【出处:21 教育名师】 4. 全班齐读这些动词的-ing 形式 Step 2 Revision(15 miss ) 1.猜猜看。教师请一名同学到台前,老师展示课件出示各种动作图片,带领其他同学做动作,S1 :They are . ing .T: What are you doing? We are . ing.【版权所有:21 教育】 2.请学生试着改编书本第三部分的对话练习,小组内进行讨论。然后再上台展示。 3.检查学生用书 28 页第四部分的作业,并讲解。 Step 2 Presentation (15 mins ) 1.教师对学生问: What can you see in our classroom?”让学生理解该问句,教读几遍。并适时 追问: in the sky (手指天空),by the river(手做河流样),in the sea(出示图片) ,on the beach(出示 图片),in the woods(出示图片) .www.21-cn- 2.课件向学生呈现 Lesson 2 活动一的图片,鼓励学生仔细观察图片,充分发挥想象力,教师提 问: What can you see by the river/in the river?【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 3. Listen and circle 活动:教师播放课文录音,让学生听并勾出课文中的带有 ing 的动词,如 doing, flying, looking, swimming。在这个过程中,学生会遇到生词,如: spring ,interesting。可 以出示相关句子帮助学生理解,如:Birds are flying. They are swimming. Were looking for spring. 4. Listen and answer 活动: 教师再放录音并提问“What are the children doing?”让学生听并回 答。21 教育名师原创作品 5. Listen and repeat 活动:放第三遍录音,请学生逐句跟读。纠正错误发音。请学生三人一组, 分角色朗读课文。欢迎自愿表演的小组到讲台前展示。21*cnjy*com Step 3 Practise (10 mins) 1.带领学生完成 Lesson 2 活动二,再次巩固单词。 2.完成活动三。请学生两人一组,在老师的带领下进行对话练习。 T : What are they doing ? S : They are walking ./running/flying . Step 4 Consolidation (5 mins) “寻找春天”活动:把学生分成四组。 S1 到 woods 寻找春天,S2 到 river 寻找春天, S3 到 sea 寻找春天, S4 到 sky 寻找春天 T: What can you see in the woods? S: frog, flowers, trees. T: What are they doing in the woods? S: The trees are turning green. Step 6 Expansion (2 mins ) 1. 听第一部分的录音,学生跟读。 2.做第四部分的练习。 3.在生活中去寻找春天。
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