重庆大学版五年级下册Unit 4 Our School-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+课后反思+视频)--(编号:9159d).zip

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Lesson 1 (2) the first floor the second floor The third floor teaching building school library playground 1.Listen to the tape,and answer the questions. 1,Do they have a library? Yes,they do. 2,where is the libary? Its on the left. Miss Liu: Look , this is our swimming pool. Hao Tian: Great! I like swimming. Mum: Do you have a library? Miss Liu: Yes. Its on the left. This way, please. Miss Liu: Look, this is our library. Mum: Wow, you have so many books. Hao Tian: Mum, I love this school. swimming pool Do you have a teaching building? Yes, we do. Lets practise Do you have a library? Yes, we do. Do you have a playground? Yes, we do. Do you have a swimming pool? No, we dont. 2.Listen and number 谁是小小翻译家?谁是小小翻译家? on the left on the right in front of behind between next to/near 在在左左 边边 在在右右 边边 在在前前 面面 在在后后 面面 在在之之 间间 在在旁边旁边 Do you have a (swimming pool/library)? Yes , we do./ No, we dont. Where is it ? Its Where is the library ? Its 3. lets practice A:Where is the playground? B:Its on the left. 3. lets practice A:Where is the library? B:Its behind the teaching builing. A:Where is the .? B:Its. (near/ between/ on the left/right) How many rooms can you make? I can make rooms. 4.Lets play room 5.Look and choose 1,We usually run and jump_ A. on the playground B. In the swimming pool A Look and choose 2,We often have PE class _in summer. A. in the swimming pool B. in the libary A Look and choose 3,We have lunch_. A. At school B. in the library A Look and choose 4,We like to read books_. A. in the library B. in the swimming pool A Homework: 1.Read dialogue four times. 2.Introduce your school to your parents. 附件 1 光盘课竞赛教案模板 授课课题(授课课题(_五五_年级年级_下下_册册 第第_4_4_单元单元 第第_1_1_课第二课第二 课时)课时) 授课材料授课材料 只需本节课授课材料的照片(我们的只需本节课授课材料的照片(我们的 QQQQ 群里有)群里有) ,如有创编,需放入,如有创编,需放入 原教材材料及创编后的材料原教材材料及创编后的材料 一、整体设计思路、体现的理念一、整体设计思路、体现的理念 可参照教育学、心理学、英语新课标(可参照教育学、心理学、英语新课标(20112011 版)等来描述设计思路版)等来描述设计思路 二、教学背景二、教学背景 1. 教学内容分析:本节课是本单元的重点,也是本单元的基础,本 节课的知识对本单元的学习有着铺垫作用。 2. 教学对象分析: 大部分学生都能结合语境掌握的学习方法,有较好的学习能力。但是 有几个学生英语底子差,不愿意参与课堂讨论与学习。因此,我将设 计一些有趣的游戏来调动整体积极性,争取完成本次有效课堂。 三、教学目标三、教学目标(以下各项可围绕新课标语言知识目标、语言技能目标、(以下各项可围绕新课标语言知识目标、语言技能目标、 学习策略目标、情感态度目标、文化意识目标进行整合)学习策略目标、情感态度目标、文化意识目标进行整合) 1. 语言能力:能听、说、认、读单词 teaching building, scho ol, library, playground, swimming pool. 能熟练进行口语交际:W here is the ? Its 2. 思维品质:让学生感受到学校设施的名称在生活中存在的普 遍性,学生能在具体真实的语言环境中准确的问答。 3. 文化品格:结合实际生活,激发学习兴趣和热情,提高学习 的积极性和主动性。引导学生关注生活,让学生了解中西文化的差异。 4. 学习能力:通过多项活动,培养学生主动思维、大胆实践的 学习能力;扩展学生学校设施的名称在实际生活中的应用能力。 四、教学重难点分析及解决措施四、教学重难点分析及解决措施 1. 教学重点: (1)能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词:teaching building, school, library, playground, swimming pool. (2)能熟练进行口 语交际:Where is the ? Its 2. 教学难点:能运用句型 “Where is the ? Its.”来询问或描述 学校某设施、场所的大体位置. 五、教学过程设计(理念、方法、手段、意图)五、教学过程设计(理念、方法、手段、意图) Stage1 Pre-listening 1. Greeting! 用“Nice to see you, again.”问候全体学生。 2. Lead in. 向学生提出问题“Can you talk about your school?” , 请其中一名举手的学生回答。 设计意图:尽量用本学期学习的问候语和学生打招呼,加深对刚学知 识的印象;通过谈论熟悉的校园来复习已学知识,便于学生更加牢固 地掌握已学内容。 Stage2 While-listening 1.出示学校图片 : T: Hello, do you still remember the word? S1: Yes,its school. T: Great ! Its school. Do you like our school? S1: Yes, I do. 设计意图:出示学校照片,让学生感知美丽的校园,联想出学校的英 语单词,既对已学知识进行复习。 2.出示教学楼图片 : T: There are many classrooms. We can study, we can have Chinese class, Math class, English class and so on. Where is it?Its the ? Ss: Teaching building. T: Great ! Its the teaching building. 设计意图:通过展示图片的方式来复习单词,更直观、形象,进一步 加深学生的印象。 3.出示图书馆照片: T:Do you like reading a book in the library? Ss: Yes ,we do. T:指出 library。找个别学生说 library。 学生跟读,分组读,齐读。 继续提问图书馆地点: T:Where is the library? (板书) 引导学生回答:Its on thefloor.(板书) 同桌互说“Where is the library? Its on the fourth floor” . 设计意图:对重点句型进行操练,引导学生理解和运用目标语言。 4.出示操场图片 : T: We can play football, we can run, we can have PE class. Where is it? Ss: playground. T:Where is the playground? (板书) 引导学生回答:Its between the . and the (板书) 同桌互说“Where is the playground? Its between the . and the 设计意图:通过展示图片的方式来复习单词,更直观、形象,进一 步加深学生的印象。 5.出示游泳池图片 : T: Do you have a swimming pool in our school? Ss: No, we dont. T: Do you want to swim in a swimming pool? Ss: Yes, we do. T: I hope we will have a swimming pool in our school one day. T:复习 swimming pool。抽个别学生读 swimming pool。 设计意图:通过展示图片的方式来复习新单词,更直观、形象,进一 步加深学生的印象。 Stage3 Post-listening (1)课件出示 Part1 对话(HaoTian 参观学校的情景)。帮助学生理解 对话内容,并教读对话。强调对地点提问的句型: Where is the teaching building? Its on the right. 设计意图:通过对课文的学习,为后面的练习奠定基础。 (2) Introduce the school (给出一张学校的照片) This is our school. Look at the_, its on the _ floor. Look at the_, its on the left/right. Look at the_, its 设计意图:这是对课堂所学知识的延伸,将所学的语言运用到真实的 情景中,重点培养学生说的能力。 Stage4 Homework (1) practice “-Where is the?-Its on the left/right” with your partner。 (2)Introduce your school to your parents. 设计意图:进一步巩固所学,培养学生语言综合运用能力。 六、教学评价六、教学评价 1. 评价内容:操练句型“Where is the library/playground?”及相 应回答“Its on the left/right” 。 2. 评价方法:请两位学生上台,相互提问两位学生“Where is the library/playground?” ,两位学生根据学校设施的分布分别给出相应 回答。这个过程生动地给其他学生示范了本节课的重点句型,他们可 以模仿,然后和同伴之间进行问答。这个练习有助于达到良好的教学 效果。 七、板书设计七、板书设计 Unit 4 Our school Lesson 1(2) A:Wheres the .? (library / music room) B:Its.
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