外研版(三起)三年级下册Module 5-Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays.-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:a11b5).zip

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  • 外研2011课标版三年级起点(陈琳主编)_三年级下册_小学英语_Module 5_Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays._ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_县级优课_(编号:a11b5)
    • She goes to school on Mondays..pptx--点击预览
    • 教案a11b5.doc--点击预览
    • 课文朗读听力.mp3


Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays. I like coffee. I like tea, I like cats and they like me. I like coffee. I like tea. I don t like lions and they don t like me. football play football play play basketball table tennis 踢足球 打篮球 打乒乓球 play football basketball table tennis 玩,打 Do you play football? 你踢足球吗? PPT模板: PPT 素材: PPT背景: PPT 图表: PPT下载: PPT 教程: 资料下载: 范文下载: 试卷下载: 教案下载: PPT论坛: PPT课件: 语文课件: 数学课件: 英语课件: 美术课件: 科学课件: 物理课件: 化学课件: 生物课件: 地理课件: 历史课件: 接下来让我们来学习第一个故事, 不过要先学会一个单词,我们来 看一看是哪一个吧! 星期一 Mondays 在星期一 在每星期一 on 在 时候 缩写 Mon. Do you play football ?Mondayson Do you like football ? Oh , you dont ! go to school 上学 at home Amy goes to school on Mondays . 在家 Tom is at home on Mondays . Tom doesnt go to school on Mondays . Lets play a game: What does Amy do on Mondays ? 你们想玩这个游戏吗?很好玩的! 不过我要先考考你们,如果你 们顺利过关,就可以玩了!加油! 第一关 :好好读哟! play football play basketball play table tennis go to school at home do morning exercises Does, does , does . Yes, he does. Doesnt, doesnt, doesnt. No, he doesnt. 第二关 : 用你最棒的声音读一读这首儿歌吧! Does Amy go to school on Mondays? Yes, she does. / No, she doesnt. 第三关 :你会读吗?知道什么意思吗? 你们真棒!祝贺你们闯关成功!我把美羊羊 送你们了,吃个肚儿圆!都你们玩呢,我才 不舍得呢!还是送你们下面的游戏吧! Does Amy go to school on Mondays? Yes , she does . No , she doesnt . Does Amy go to school on Mondays? Yes , she does . No , she doesnt . Does Amy go to school on Mondays? Yes , she does . No , she doesnt . Does Amy go to school on Mondays? Yes , she does . No , she doesnt . Does Amy go to school on Mondays? Yes , she does . No , she doesnt . Does Tom go to school on Mondays ? No, he doesnt . Whos that? Its Tom. Hes only two years old. 仅仅 只有 年龄 , 岁数 friend good friends Daming and Sam are good friends . Ms Smart is on the phone with her friend. (打电话) (朋友) Is Amy at home ? No, she isnt . She goes to school on Mondays. Is Sam at home ? No, he isnt . He goes to school on Mondays too. Its Tom . Whos that ? No, he doesnt . Hes only two years old . Does Tom go to school on Mondays ? Ha ha . 你会读了吗? on Mondays 在每周一 at home 在家 go to school 去学校 only 只,仅仅 two years old 两岁 who 谁 你会翻译吗?动手写一写!(6分) on Mondays at home go to school only two years old who 挑战自己!你会选吗?(10分) 1. _ Amy at home? A Is B Are 2. Is Sam _(在家)? A home B at home 3.she _ to school on Mondays. A go B goes 4.he goes to school _(在每周一) A on Mondays B on Monays 5.he is only _.(两周岁) A two years old B two years 看视频.回答问题 先看问题。 1、 Is Amy at home? A Yes,she is . B No,she isnt. 2、Is Sam at home? A Yes,he is. B No,he isnt. 3. Is Tom at home? A Yes,he is. B No,he isnt. Amy goes to school on Mondays . Tom doesnt go to school on Mondays . 描述他人日常活动时: 主语(第三人称单数)+动词第三人称单数形式+其他。 he,she,it,某一个人 ( eg:Mr Wang, Amy, Daming ) plays football plays basketball plays table tennis goes to school goes to work goes shopping Practise:do and say 描述别人周一所做的。 eg : I play football on Mondays . She plays football on Mondays. Module5 Unit1 she goes to school on Mondays.教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.能正确认读和使用单词或短语:play football, on Mondays ,go to school, who, only, two years old, at home 2.巩固语言结构 Does he/she .?Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. 3.让学生初步感知第三人称形式 二、教学重难点: 单词或短语:play football, on Mondays ,go to school, who, only, two years old, at home 让学生初步感知第三人称形式 三、教学准备: 单词卡,课件,课文视频 四、教学过程: Step1Warm up 1. greetings 2. chant I like coffee. 3. T: whats this?由此引出 football/play football Step2Presentation 1. 任务呈现与课文导入 1)T:Do you play football?引出并教学 play ,分组读,高低音读,开火 车,抽读 T:Do you play football on Monday/on Mondays? 引出并教学 on Monday/on Mondays,方法同上引导回答。 2)抽个体学生 T:Do you play football on Mondays?过度到 Do you go to school on Mondays?引出并教学 go to school 方法同上,待得到学 生回答后,引出 Does he/she go to school on Mondays?引导回答并反 复操练 3)look ,whos that boy?引出并教学 who Does he go to school on Mondays? No .he doesnt. 2、课文教学 T: Yes, he doesnt go to school on Mondays. Do you know why?(课件 示图) Because hes only two years old.教学 only ,two years old T:today we are going to learn Module5 unit1 She goes to school on Mondays.read after me(板书课题) Listen and answer:a Is Amy at home?引出 at home 并教学 B Is Sam at home? 播放课文视频 回答问题 跟读课文,注意模仿语音语调 再次跟读,师纠音 Step3 小结 Step4 Homework 1 抄写单词及词组 2 熟读课文 5 遍 五、板书设计: Module5 Unit1 she goes to school on Mondays. goes go to school Amy goes to school on Mondays. on Monday Tom doesnt go to school on Mondays. play phone Is Amy at home ? On the phone No, he isnt . Friend at Is Sam at home ? home No, he isnt . at home only
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